46 research outputs found
Pendaftaran mahasiswa baru merupakan suatu kegiatan yang wajib dilakukan pihak penyelenggara kampus yang bertujuan untuk menampung, menyaring, serta menyeleksi para calon mahasiswa sebelum dinyatakan sebagai mahasiswa tetap. AMIK Labuhanbatu adalah salah satu kampus komputer yang terus berkembang dengan bertambahnya jumlah mahasiswa baru yang mendaftar setiap tahunnya. Akan tetapi proses pendaftaran mahasiswa baru di AMIK Labuhanbatu masih menggunakan metode manual yang mengakibatkan banyaknya waktu yang terbuang dalam melakukan proses pendaftaran sehingga menyebabkan berkurangnya efisiensi waktu dari calon mahasiswa. Perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan metode waterfall yang merupakan model pengembangan sistem informasi yang sistematik dan sekuensial. Dalam pembuatan sistem alat yang digunakan dalam membuat perancangan dan desain sistem aplikasi pendaftaran mahasiswa baru yaitu dengan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Aplikasi pendaftaran mahasiswa baru dibangun menggunakan eclipse dan menggunakan media penyimpanan database Mysql. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, diketahui bahwa aplikasi pendaftaran mahasiswa baru berbasis Android dapat digunakan sebagai media pendaftaran mahasiswa baru
Pembangunan e-Government sudah menjadi komitmen pemerintah sebagaimana ditetapkan pada Inpres 3/2003 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengembangan E-Government. Namun kebijakan pemerintah ini belum sepenuhnya berjalan di pemerintahan lokal sehingga menjadikan e-Government sebagai ujung tombak pemerintahan tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik. Resistensi terhadap perubahan adalah salah satu faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan e-Government. Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa menyatakan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi bisa dilakukan melalui e-Government Desa. Diperlukan kajian mendalam terhadap model yang cocok untuk e-Government desa ini. Proses identifikasi terhadap kebutuhan e-Government Desa dilakukan dengan analisis Critical Success Factor (CSF). Hasil analisis menghasilkan empat tahapan model yang terbagi atas dimensi kompleksitas teknologi dan organisasi dengan tingkat integrasi data dan informasi. Sedangkan hasil dari future portfolio dari perkembangan model ini menggunakan McFarlan’s Analyst Grid sehingga modul strategic, high potential, support, dan key operational dapat dijabarkan.
Keywords : e-Government, CSF, Desa
E-Government development has become the government commitment as established in the Inpres 3/2003 concerning about the National E-Government Development Policy and Strategy. However, this government policy has not been fully implemented in local government, resulting the e-Government role as the pledge of the government that cannot run well. Resistance to change is one of the inhibiting factors in e-Government development. The Law No. 6 of 2014 about Villages states that the implementation of village governance by utilizing Information Technology can be done through e-Government Villages. An in-depth study of models suitable for e-Government villages is needed. The process of identifying the Village e-Government needs is carried out with a Critical Success Factor (CSF) analysis. The results of the analysis produce four stages of the model which are divided into dimensions of technological complexity and organization with the level of data and information integration. Whereas the results of portfolio futures from the development of this model using McFarlan's Analyst Grid so that strategic modules, high potential, support, and operational key can be elaborated.
Key words: e-Government, CSF, Villag
Pengembangan Model Problem-Based Learning Untuk Mengetahui Keterampilan Pembelajaran dan Refleksi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi
Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana keterampilan problem-based learning dan keterampilan refleksi pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi terutama pada pembelajaran online berbasis masalah dengan siklus reflektif Gibbs pada pembahasan perkembangan alga dan lumut. Mahasiswa akan diberikan perkuliahan terkait perbedaan alga dan lumut dan meminta mahasiswa melakukan proses problem-based learning berdasarkan materinya kemudian merefleksikan apa yang telah dilakukan dalam proses tersebut. Dalam penentuan proses problem-based learning dan keterampilan refleksi, digunakanlah instrumen lima skala dengan jangkauan nilai 0-4 kemudian di survei untuk mendapatkan nilai skor masing-masing pada setiap mahasiswa. Hasilnya adalah keterampilan PBL mahasiswa lebih rendah dari kemampuan refleksinya. Dari enam komponen PBL dinilai, kemampuan untuk merumuskan masalah menjadi kemampuan tertinggi dengan skor 2,8, dan kemampuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah adalah kemampuan terendah dengan skor 1,5. Sedangkan pada keterampilan refleksi, skor tertinggi sebesar 3,8 didapatkan pada kemampuan mahasiswa menyampaikan kesimpulan. Untuk skor terendah terdapat pada kemampuan menjelaskan rencana berikutnya dengan nilai 0,9. Kata Kunci: problem-base learning, PBL, keterampilan refleksi, Pendidikan Biologi Abstrack. This research aims at problem-based learning skills and reflection skills in Biology Education students especially on problem-based online learning with Gibbs reflective cycles on the discussion of algae and moss development. Students will be given lectures on the differences in algae and moss and ask students to do a problem-based learning process based on the material and then reflect what has been done in the process. In determining the problem-based learning process and reflection skills, five scale instruments with a range of grades of 0-4 were then surveyed to get their score scoring on each student. The result is that the student's PBL skills are lower than his or her reflection skills. Of the six PBL components assessed, the ability to formulate a problem becomes the highest capability with a score of 2.8, and the ability to answer problem formulations is the lowest ability with a score of 1.5. While on reflection skills, the highest score of 3.8 is obtained on the ability of students to submit conclusions. For the lowest score is in the ability to explain the next plan with a value of 0.9
Sentiment Analysis of Face-To-Face Learning Based on Social Media
The use of restricted face-to-face learning during the epidemic in Indonesia was discussed not just by education and health professionals, but also on social media. The study used the Twitter dataset with the keywords 'school' and 'face-to-face' to examine public opinion about face-to-face learning. The research data was obtained from Twitter utilizing Drone Emprit Academic, and it was then processed using the Naive Bayes method to create sentiment analysis. During that time, research revealed that 32% of people were positive, 54% were negative, and 14% were indifferent. Because of worries about the dangers associated with the use of face-to-face learning, negative attitudes predominate.
Microlearning: Transforming Education with Bite-Sized Learning on the Go—Insights and Applications
This research delves into microlearning, emphasizing its potential as a transformative tool in the digital age. It extends the theoretical foundations of microlearning, investigates evolving trends, provides practical examples, and discusses the implications associated with education. This is not only to contribute to the growing momentum of microlearning research but also to pave the way for future advancements. The study focuses on Scopus-indexed publications using a systematic review aligned with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and combined with bibliometric analysis. According to the analysis, there has been a noticeable increase in publications related to microlearning since 2015, highlighting a growing interest and contributions from scholars worldwide. The findings corroborate that microlearning is not just about providing learning material in small, easily digestible portions. Crucially, microlearning goes beyond the delivery of bite-sized content. Its flourishing research trajectory underscores its significance, especially for Generation Z and succeeding digitally native generations who are accustomed to smartphones, the Internet, and digital information. Hopefully, these findings offer valuable insights and serve as a reference for the education, government, business, and academic sectors to promote, design, and implement microlearning
Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar
Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu
menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana
menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan
model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku
Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga
mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di
era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai
pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk
bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai
dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu
Sentiment Analysis Of Traveloka App Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Method
Traveloka is currently the most popular startup in Indonesia with share traffic reaching 78.49% using smartphone and monthly visits which
reached 28.92 million based on a report in similarweb.com in May 2019. Traveloka, based on record, has been downloaded 10 million times since 2014
with rating reaches 4.4 out of 5 stars. As of May 2019, there were 386,646 reviews from users in the PlayStore, ranging from positive and negative
reviews. However, it is necessary to analyze with certain methods to summarize the review. Every review given will get a conclusion after collected, and
sentiment analysis will provide user experiences from the Traveloka application within certain period. This research was conducted using the Naïve
Bayes Classifier method based on a review from the playstore to determine service quality. The purpose of this study is to find out the perceptions of
users based on the measurement of service quality so that the results can be an evaluation for Traveloka in improving services. Studies show that during
this period public opinion produced negative sentiments with Vmap value of 0.31020 greater than positive sentiment with a value of 0.16132
Improving Communication Ability And Mathematical Self Efficacy Of Elementary School Students Through The Realistic Mathematics Learning Approach
The research activity was focused on improving communication skills and mathematical self-efficacy of students who obtained realistic
mathematics learning approaches in elementary schools. The purpose of the study was to determine the improvement of communication skills and
mathematical self efficacy of students who obtained realistic mathematics learning approaches better than students' mathematical communication skills
who obtained a conventional approach. Improvement of communication skills and mathematical self efficacy of students who get a realistic mathematics
learning approach will be conducted through a study of action studies on the subject of research namely elementary students in several schools around
Rantauprapat City. Therefore the research that would be used was following a series of quasi-experimental studies. The results of the calculation of the
two-way ANOVA calculation of the post-test minimum self-efficacy scores of students in the class given a realistic approach were 58.0 better than
students in the class given conventional learning 43.0, as well as the maximum self-efficacy scores of students in the class given a realistic approach 69,
0 is better than students who were given conventional learning 58.0, thus with a posttest self-efficacy score for the class given a realistic approach
62.633 higher than the posttest average of students for the class given conventional learning 49.667 and a significant level of 0.000. In order that
significant 0,000 <0,05 means H0 is rejected so it could be concluded that the increase in mathematical communication skills of students with realistic
approaches is higher than students given conventional learnin
Penggunaan smartphone terus berkembang seiring dengan perubahan zaman. Khususnya, untuk para siswa penggunaan smartphone dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, penulis tertarik untuk membangun aplikasi kuis SMKS Al Azis berbasis android. Ada beberapa tahapan dalam proses perancangan sistem dengan menggunakan metode waterfall dan pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, yang meliputi pemodelan proses use case diagram, activity diagram, sequeence diagram, rancangan basis data, dan perancangan interface sesuai dengan desain yang telah dibuat. Dari semua tahapan yang telah dilakukan kemudian dihasilkan aplikasi kuis SMKS Al Azis berbasis android
Virtual Private Network (VPN) merupakan tekhnologi komunikasi yang memungkinkan jaringan lokal bisa saling terkoneksi lewat jaringan publik. Keuntungan menggunakan Virtual Private Network (VPN) adalah dengan menggunakan jaringan publik, akan mendapatkan hak dan kemampuan yang sama ketika terkoneksi menggunakan jaringan lokal. Open VPN sebagai Virtual Private Network perlunya membangun jaringan Virtual Private Network (VPN) yang stabil, aman, user friendly, namun dengan cost yang sangat murah. Open VPN di harapkan menjadi solusi bagi perusahaan-perusahaan skala menengah yang memerlukan Virtual Private Network (VPN) untuk kebutuhan kantor. Pengujian Open VPN akan transfer datasangatlah di perlukan agar pemakai bisa memenuhi kemampuan Open VPN dalam bebtuk-bentuk data yang berbeda