1,264 research outputs found

    The Role of Prosthetic Dentistry in Mass Disaster Identification

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    Dentistry plays a very important role in the identification of the victims in mass disasters. More than 50% of the identification work is concluded by dental means and investigation. Prosthetic work, and especially full rehabilitations with dental implants, crowns and bridges, is very valuable for dental identification. The biggest problems, however, are full upper and lower dentures. Marking of dentures would be a very valuable aid in identification procedures and very easy to do at a law cost. The legal aspects of identification will be explained, as well as the role of the forensic odontologist in the identification team

    Role of platelet activation and fibrin formation in thrombogenesis

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    Further progress in the search for more effective but safe antithrombotic agents is coupled to an improved understanding of the factors involved in arterial and venous thrombogenesis. Although arterial thrombosis is initiated by formation of a layer of platelets on modified endothelium or subendothelial constituents and subsequent recruitment of passing-by platelets, this phenomenon is not sufficient to lead to a full thrombus. Further growth of such a platelet mass depends, to a large extent, on the presence of free thrombin. Thrombin is mainly generated by activation of factor XI on the platelet contact with collagen. In addition, thrombin leads to formation of fibrin, which maintains the stability of the arterial platelet thrombus and is the main component of the venous thrombus. The search for agents that inhibit platelet activation and thrombin formation is, therefore, a logical endeavor

    Bases de Données Temporelles

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    Défis et enjeux de la décolonisation des savoirs sur le Burundi

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    L’importance de la décolonisation de la pensée est désormais largement admise tant dans le monde académique que dans la sphère publique. Conscients des enjeux de celle-ci, nous avons pris le pari de la mettre en application lors de l’organisation de la quatrième conférence annuelle du Réseau de Recherche sur le Burundi. Afin d’éviter une domination des auteurs des pays du Nord sur la production du savoir sur le Burundi, nous avons décidé d’organiser cette conférence en Afrique. Cependant, nous nous sommes rendu compte que les efforts pour décoloniser les savoirs, s’ils s’avèrent indispensables, peuvent se heurter à des contraintes pratiques et théoriques, qu’il est utile de mettre en lumière ici. Tentons de faire le bilan

    The Infl uence of the European Union on the Dental Profession

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    Europska Unija uređuje područja koja ne mogu regulirati nacionalna zakonodavstva. Već je prihvaćeno nekoliko direktiva o stomatološkoj profesiji, a omogućuju europskim doktorima stomatologije da otvaraju ordinacije i obavljaju usluge u bilo kojoj državi članici. Pritom imaju ista prava i obveze kao i njezini državljani. Diplome, certifi kati i drugi dokazi o školovanju uzajamno se priznaju, kako bi se olakšalo slobodno kretanje unutar Unije. Također postoje i direktive o slobodnom kretanju robe, elektroničkoj trgovini, promidžbi i zahtjevima za stomatološkom izobrazbom na dodiplomskoj ili poslijediplomskoj razini. U ovom tekstu objašnjeni su najvažniji članci svake direktive, a želi li netko podrobnije podatke može pročitati dokumente koji ga zanimaju.The European Union regulates matters that cannot be covered by individual member states. Several directives regulate the profession of dentistry in order to give each European dentist the possibility to establish a dental practice and to provide services in any member state of the Union with the same rights and obligations as the nationals of that member state. The diplomas, certifi cates and other evidence of formal qualifi cations are mutually recognized in order to facilitate this free movement of dentists within the Union. Also the free movements of goods, e-commerce, advertising and the requirements of dental education at undergraduate or postgraduate level are guaranteed in other directives. The most important articles of each directive that have an infl uence on dentistry are explained further and the reader shall consult the directives if he wants to have a more detailed insight

    The Infl uence of the European Union on the Dental Profession

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    Europska Unija uređuje područja koja ne mogu regulirati nacionalna zakonodavstva. Već je prihvaćeno nekoliko direktiva o stomatološkoj profesiji, a omogućuju europskim doktorima stomatologije da otvaraju ordinacije i obavljaju usluge u bilo kojoj državi članici. Pritom imaju ista prava i obveze kao i njezini državljani. Diplome, certifi kati i drugi dokazi o školovanju uzajamno se priznaju, kako bi se olakšalo slobodno kretanje unutar Unije. Također postoje i direktive o slobodnom kretanju robe, elektroničkoj trgovini, promidžbi i zahtjevima za stomatološkom izobrazbom na dodiplomskoj ili poslijediplomskoj razini. U ovom tekstu objašnjeni su najvažniji članci svake direktive, a želi li netko podrobnije podatke može pročitati dokumente koji ga zanimaju.The European Union regulates matters that cannot be covered by individual member states. Several directives regulate the profession of dentistry in order to give each European dentist the possibility to establish a dental practice and to provide services in any member state of the Union with the same rights and obligations as the nationals of that member state. The diplomas, certifi cates and other evidence of formal qualifi cations are mutually recognized in order to facilitate this free movement of dentists within the Union. Also the free movements of goods, e-commerce, advertising and the requirements of dental education at undergraduate or postgraduate level are guaranteed in other directives. The most important articles of each directive that have an infl uence on dentistry are explained further and the reader shall consult the directives if he wants to have a more detailed insight

    Par-delà les émotions et la raison. Les apports de l’auto-analyse comme méthode de compréhension de nos terrains

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    Cet article met en évidence les apports de l’auto-analyse pour dépasser la dichotomie « raison-émotion ». Nous verrons en quoi nos émotions peuvent tout aussi bien être un frein qu’un apport à la compréhension des réalités sociales que nous traversons. Il a été rédigé en vue d’une analyse de phénomènes liés à la méthodologie et s’inscrit dans la lignée des réflexions méthodologiques et épistémologiques de l'ethnographie et plus généralement de l’anthropologie. Entre les lignes, et grâce à de longs exemples empiriques, l’article parle aussi de réalités sociologiques propres à mes terrains : les questions de la mise en camp de réfugiés ayant fui l’Est de la RDC, les guerres cycliques et non-cycliques de la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique. Mon analyse se base sur une observation multi-située, menée depuis 2014 dans la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique (Est du Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Ouganda), mais également en Afrique de l’Est (Kenya) et en Amérique du Nord, où j’ai suivi des réfugiés congolais définitivement réinstallés via un programme des Nations Unies. Qu’elles soient réfugiées ou non, les personnes enquêtées ont vécu de près les réalités de la guerre

    Une anthropologue dans un camp de réfugiés

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    Comment édifier un « Monde du Toi » dans un camp de réfugiés ? Cet article propose de penser comment faire une ethnographie face aux politiques de gestion des réfugiés basées sur un imaginaire victimaire ou suspicieux de la figure du réfugié. Face à cette imposition discursive institutionnelle, qui demande aux réfugiés de se mettre en scène ou de se raconter selon leurs parcours de vie traumatiques, comment faire anthropologie ? Cet article se base sur un travail de terrain dans le camp de réfugiés congolais de Kinama au Burundi, où un programme de réinstallation a été déployé. La réinstallation vise à envoyer les réfugiés des camps dans des pays tiers occidentaux de manière définitive

    The platelet ATP and ADP receptors.

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    peer reviewedThis review focuses on recent findings on the physiology of these platelet ADP and ATP receptors, their distinct downstream intracellular signaling pathways as well as on the available agonists, antagonists and inhibitors that allow their pharmacological discrimination

    Long-Term Effects of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation after Pediatric Cancer: A Qualitative Analysis of Life Experiences and Adaptation Strategies

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    Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) improves the survival rate of children and adolescents with malignant and non-malignant conditions; however, the physical, psychological and social burden of such a procedure is considerable both during and after treatment. The present qualitative study investigated the long-term effects of HSCT after pediatric cancer. Thirty adolescent and young adult (AYA) survivors (Mage = 23.61 years, SD = 5.21) participated in individual interviews and were invited to speak about their life experiences following their treatment and strategies they use to deal with their past medical experiences and the long-term sequelae. Our results showed the presence of ongoing physical and psychosocial consequences of their past illness and its treatments with wide ranging psychosocial impacts, such as affected self-image, social withdrawal, sense of lack of choice, and need for specific attention. Different strategies were reported to overcome these consequences, such as talking about illness, giving a sense to their past medical experiences, and developing meaningful social relationships. Clinical and research implications are also discussed
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