35 research outputs found


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    Hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang efektivitas Computer-Assisted Mathematics Education (CAME) dalam pendidikan matematika menunjukkan temuan yang bertentangan antar penelitian. Studi meta-analisis ini bertujuan untuk (a) menganalisis secara kuantitatif sekelompok studi yang secara individual menyelidiki pengaruh CAME terhadap kemampuan matematis siswa dibandingkan dengan pengajaran tradisional, dengan maksud untuk menentukan pengaruh secara keseluruhan pembelajaran berbantuan komputer dalam bidang matematika; dan (b) menganalisis perbedaan efektivitas berdasarkan karakteristik studi sehingga membantu pendidik untuk memutuskan di bawah kondisi apa implementasi CAME akan mencapai tingkat keefektifan yang lebih tinggi. Studi ini menganalisis 55 sampel independen dari 46 studi primer yang telah diterbitkan dalam tesis, prosiding, dan jurnal dari tahun 2010 hingga 2020. Lembar pengkodean digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian yang dikembangkan untuk mengekstrak informasi dari studi individu menjadi data numerik. Informasi yang diekstrak mencakup nama studi, tahun penelitian, informasi statistik, jenis CAME, rasio penggunaan komputer, ukuran sampel, peran instruksi komputer, durasi perlakuan, kelas penelitian, jurusan, materi pembelajaran, dan variabel dependen yang diukur. Perangkat lunak Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) digunakan untuk membantu analisis. Ukuran efek yang dihitung menggunakan metrik Hedges dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian, ukuran efek keseluruhan adalah 1,07 dengan kesalahan standar 0,08 menurut model efek acak. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata siswa yang menggunakan CAME melebihi kemampuan matematis sebesar 84% siswa di kelas konvesional yang awalnya setara. Hasil tersebut menegaskan bahwa implementasi CAME memiliki efek positif yang kuat pada kemampuan matematis siswa. Hasil analisis moderator menemukan bahwa untuk mencapai tingkat efektivitas yang lebih tinggi, penerapan CAME di masa depan perlu mempertimbangkan jenis CAME, rasio penggunaan komputer, peran instruksi komputer, durasi perlakuan, perbedaan jurusan, variabel dependen, materi, dan kelas penelitian. Implikasi dan keterbatasan penelitian telah dibahas dan memberikan rekomendasi sebagai ide dasar untuk meta-analisis CAME ke depannya

    The Effect of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model On Mathematical Communication Skills of Junior High School Students – A Meta-Analysis Study

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    This study aims to integrate research findings on the effect of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students in Indonesia since 2014. The research method used is a meta-analysis with many samples studied, namely 12 published articles. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The effect size transformation is based on the g hedge equation calculated using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) application. Based on the results of the analysis, the combined effect of PBL on mathematical communication skills is 0.791, with the high influence criteria according to the random-effect estimation model. There are four criteria considered, namely, sample size, year of study, source of journal publication, and grade level. The results of the heterogeneity test seen based on the variables studied showed that the effect of the PBL learning model was not significantly different from the three moderator variables in terms of sample size, year of study, and publication journals and very different in terms of grade level. This finding is surprising because the random-effects model, as determined by the heterogeneity test, showed variation between effect sizes. Only one of the four variables causes this variation. Therefore further research is needed, which includes more studies and the characteristics studied to describe it more accurately

    A Meta-Analysis of the Last Two Decades of Realistic Mathematics Education Approaches

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    Today, hundreds of studies on the technique known as Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) have been discovered. Numerous trials yielding contradicting results. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to ascertain the overall effect of RME and to examine the moderator variables in order to explore the consequences. The ERIC database, Sage publications, Springer publications, semantic scholars, and Google scholars were used to identify empirical data. The study examined 54 effect sizes from 38 individual studies conducted in the past two decades, involving 6140 participants. The estimation procedure was according to the random effects model, and statistical calculations were performed using the CMA program. According to the research findings, the study's overall effect size was 0.97. This suggests that implementing RME has a significant favourable influence on pupils' mathematical abilities. Moderator variables analysis shows that RME implementation would be more efficient when considering sample size, intervention length, learning mix, and education level. This finding contributes to the future implementation of RME to consider those variables that are shown to moderate the studies' effect sizes. Finally, comparisons of RME across countries and limitations of the study are discussed, providing vital information as a starting point for later studies and development of RME


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    Abstrak: Bukti menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kontek teknologi para guru memiliki dampak pada niat mereka untuk menggunakannya di kelas. Musawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) SARAYA merupakan salah satu kelompok guru di Kecamatan Satarmese Kabupaten Manggarai NTT yang menyadari peran dan manfaat teknologi tetapi tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai untuk menggunakannya dalam kelas. Untuk alasan tersebut maka kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini akan mengajak 22 orang guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP SARAYA untuk menggunakan teknologi dan memiliki skill didaktis yang seimbang dalam memanfaatkannya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka PKM ini fokus pada workshop pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis alat peraga digital selama dua pertemuan. Perangkat yang dikembangkan dibantu dengan visualisasi menggunakan alat peraga maya seperti geogebra, cabri, cabri express, dan g-skecth. Dari hasil analisis terhadap respon peserta, para guru menyadari kegunaan teknologi (90,2%) dan juga mereka meyakini teknologi dapat membantu para guru dalam pembelajaran (87,4%). Hasil analisis keseluruhan kegiatan menemukan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan oleh guru dan berpotensi meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar matematika.Abstract: Evidence shows that teachers' contextual knowledge of technology has an impact on their intention to use it in the classroom. SARAYA's Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP) is a group of teachers in Satarmese District, Manggarai Regency, NTT who are aware of the role and benefits of technology but do not have sufficient knowledge to use it in class. For this reason, this community service activity will invite 22 teachers who are members of the SARAYA MGMP to use technology and have balanced didactic skills in utilizing it. To achieve this goal, this PKM focused on developing digital visual aids-based learning tools workshops for two meetings. The developed device is aided by visualization using virtual props such as Geogebra, Cabri, Cabri Express, and g-sketch. From the analysis of the participant's responses, teachers are aware of the usefulness of technology (90.2%) and they also believe technology can help teachers in learning (87.4%). The results of the analysis of the entire activity found that the learning tools developed could be used by teachers and had the potential to increase students' interest in learning mathematics

    Realistic Mathematics Education in Indonesia and Recommendations for Future Implementation: A Meta-Analysis Study

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    This meta-analysis study aims to investigate the effectiveness of applying realistic mathematics education (RME) in Indonesia to students' mathematical abilities. This study analyzes 95 effect sizes from 72 studies that have been published in national and international journals or proceedings from 2010 to 2019. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software is used to aid analysis. As a result of the study, the overall effect size was 1.104, with a standard error of 0.065 according to the random-effects model. These results indicate that the average person who is ranked 13th in the experimental group is equivalent to those who are ranked 4th in the control group. This research was carried out by considering four characteristics, resulting in significant differences in terms of sample size and duration of treatment. Thus the application of RME in Indonesia is very effective in improving students' mathematical abilities by considering the sample size and duration of treatment

    Trends and Implications of Ethnomathematics Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Abstract: Learning that utilizes the environment as a learning resource combines and integrates culture or local wisdom, which is the best choice and indicates the quality of 21st-century learning. However, more information is still available in the literature to explain trends and applications of ethnomathematics so that the implications can be considered later. This bibliometric study specifically presents research trends in the field of ethnomathematics. This goal was achieved by analyzing 182 of 500 appropriate data identified from online databases using the publish or perish (PoP) application. The analysis results show that research related to ethnomathematics is progressing and is almost evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. The trend of using ethnomatics in the classroom also involves using various methods and media, identifying regional culture and traditional houses, and community activities related to ethnomathematics. However, few consider advanced media, such as augmented reality. Virtual reality hasn't been touched yet. The effectiveness of ethnomathematics is also associated with various mathematical abilities, but there is still little research on metacognition. This gap is valuable information for downstream research

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Berbantuan Geogebra Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran Problem solving berbantuan Geogebra dengan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Posttest Only Control Group Design. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri yang berjumlah 54 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Solving berbantuan geogebra lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensiona

    The Effect of Cabri Express in Geometry Learning on Students' Mathematical Communication Ability

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    Cabri is characterized by an attractive advantage and provides wide-ranging benefits in the teaching of mathematics. Although today there have been many studies on the edges of Cabri, experiments on Cabri-Express have not been widely explored. For this reason, a quasi-experimental study with a randomized posttest only design involving 80 grade VII junior high school students in Ruteng, Indonesia, was conducted to analyze the effect of Cabri-Express in learning geometry on students' overall mathematical communication ability (MCA) and based on students' initial mathematical abilities. The results of the MCA test are the research data, which consists of 5 questions that are then analyzed by t-test and preceded by conducting an analysis prerequisite test. The Hedges equation describes how much influence the Cabri-Express model has on students' MCA. The results showed that the overall MCA of students who were taught using the help of an Cabri-Express was better than students who were taught using the conventional model. From the Hedges equation, an effect size of 1.23 is obtained, indicating that the use of Cabri-Expresses strongly affects students' MCA. These results interpret that students who are ranked 13th in the experimental class are equivalent to those who are ranked 5th in the control class. By clarifying the effect of Cabri-Express on students' MCA, this study recommends the need to use Cabri-Express in mathematics classes. The analysis results can also help researchers explore other material in a relatable context


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    This study aims to determine students' mathematical critical thinking skills in terms of gender differences. This research was conducted in March 2023 in class VII junior high school. The subjects of this study consisted of 6 people, including 3 male students and 3 female students. Based on the gender of each student, they are then grouped into 2 people with high ability categories, 2 people with medium ability categories, and 2 people with low ability categories. This type of research is a descriptive research. Data collection techniques were carried out using a written test consisting of 2 questions, by interview and documentation. Data analysis techniques consist of three stages, namely data is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the data using method triangulation techniques and data source triangulation. The results showed that students with high abilities could work on critical thinking test questions and covered all the indicators. In contrast, students with moderate abilities still needed to be able to work on mathematical critical thinking test questions well according to the criteria for critical mathematical thinking. Students with low abilities have yet to be able to do well on the mathematical critical thinking test according to the criteria of critical mathematical thinking. No significant difference exists between how to solve the test questions for male and female students in each ability categor

    Using Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Mathematical Abilities of Primary School Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Several inconsistent research results regarding the effect of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in enhancing Mathematical Abilities (MA) of primary school students have been reported widely by some researchers. To summarize, estimate, and evaluate the effect of PBL on MA of primary school students and investigate the study characteristics that provoked the heterogeneous effect size, a systematic review and meta-analysis was employed. Hedge's equation was employed to measure effect size using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software as an analysis tool. The synthesis of 16 relevant primary studies revealed that the overall implementation of PBL had a high positive effect (g = 1,050) significantly compared to conventional learning on MA of primary school students based on a random effect model. Moreover, the characteristics of the sampling technique, publication index, and MA significantly caused the heterogeneity of the effect size of PBL towards students' MA. Thus, these results suggest that primary school mathematics teachers should select PBL as one of the best solutions to enhance students' MA and consider the characteristics of students MA that will be improved. Besides, researchers should select random sampling as a sampling technique to select the sample and the literature indexed by Scopus as references to support the quality of research