3 research outputs found
Kajian Pemilihan Rute Angkutan Wisata dalam Mendukung Pariwisata Kabupaten Kebumen dengan Metode All or Nothing
Salah satu daerah pariwisata yang sedang berkembang di Jawa Tengah adalah Kabupaten Kebumen. Namun, ada beberapa problematika terkait pengembangan wisata tersebut, salah satunya adalah aksesibilitas. Permasalahan aksesibilitas merupakan hal pokok yang menyebabkan wisatawan kesulitan untuk mengunjungi lokasi wisata di Kabupaten Kebumen. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan kajian terhadap kebutuhan angkutan wisata, seperti halnya pemilihan rute angkutan wisata. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pemilihan moda secara sederhana dengan menggunakan metode pembebanan pemilihan rute All or Nothing Assignment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Matriks Asal Tujuan (MAT), sebanyak 89,55% wisatawan di Kabupaten Kebumen bersedia untuk memilih angkutan wisata sebagai moda transportasi menuju lokasi wisata. Hal ini dikarenakan pertimbangan faktor biaya dan kenyamanan. Terdapat 3 alternatif rute angkutan wisata terpilih yang memiliki jarak tempuh lebih dekat dan optimal dari segi biaya dan waktu untuk distribusi. Rute tersebut adalah A dengan jarak tempuh 49,6 km, rute B sejauh 32,80 km, dan rute C dengan jarak 51,40 km
Improving Hierarchical Decision Approach for Single Image Classification of Pap Smear
The single image classification of Pap smears is an important part of the early detection of cervical cancer through Pap smear tests. Unfortunately, most classification processes still require accuracy enhancement, especially to complete the classification in seven classes and to get a qualified classification process. In addition, attempts to improve the single image classification of Pap smears were performed to be able to distinguish normal and abnormal cells. This study proposes a better approach by providing different handling of the initial data preparation process in the form of the distribution for training data and testing data so that it resulted in a new model of Hierarchial Decision Approach (HDA) which has the higher learning rate and momentum values in the proposed new model. This study evaluated 20 different features in hierarchical decision approach model based on Neural Network (NN) and genetic algorithm method for single image classification of Pap smear which resulted in classification experiment using value learning rate of 0.3 and momentum of 0.2 and value of learning rate of 0.5 and momentum of 0.5 by generating classification of 7 classes (Normal Intermediate, Normal Colummar, Mild (Light) Dyplasia, Moderate Dyplasia, Servere Dyplasia and Carcinoma In Situ) better. The accuracy value enhancemenet were also influenced by the application of Genetic Algorithm to feature selection. Thus, from the results of model testing, it can be concluded that the Hierarchical Decision Approach (HDA) method for Pap Smear image classification can be used as a reference for initial screening process to analyze Pap Smear image classification
Newspaper is a print media that functions to provide information, which is written according to gifts and language rules (Indonesian language). in this study examines and analyzes language errors in the Jawa Pos Radar Solo newspaper in the January-March edition of the Trevelling rubric in 2020. The type of research used is descriptive descriptive research. the technique used is refer to the one used to obtain data and record it to record the acquisition of data. based on the results of the study found errors in the spelling level language in the form of errors in writing words, mistakes in capital letters, errors in commas, errors in writing numbers, errors in the use of periods and colons, andparticle use error.errors at the level of syntax in the form of morphological manifestations are errors of suffix, perfix errors, and reduplication errors. errors at the level of discourse in the form of misuse of references and errors there are several topics in one paragraph