16 research outputs found

    Unimplemented of Audit Board Recommendation: Legal Review and Asset Recovery

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    Recommendations of BPK in 2019 in the form of depositing money to Lampung Province, just 70% of it has been completed. The Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus does not encourage the continuity of recommendations. This study will focus on examining law enforcement on BPK recommendations related to regional financial findings that have not been acted by regional entities, analyzing obstacles to law enforcement and analysing ideal law enforcement through recommendations.This study uses empirical juridical approach. The results show that law enforcement on BPK recommendations related to regional financial findings that have not been acted upon by regional entities. Regional entities do not follow up on BPK recommendations fully, BPK will submit the disobedience to law enforcement. Furthermore, the recommendations should have improvements to the material of sanctions norms. Hence, improving the mentality of law officers, improving a commitment, maximizing the supervisory function, evaluating and monitoring the progress of the entity

    TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and Digital Copyright Infringement (Conflict Interest between Japan, USA, and Indonesia)

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    Japan and the United States are sample countries, which have effectively control to reduce the number of illegal file sharing. They attempt to create a healthy Internet environment by promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). However, not all the members and its domestic parliaments agree with the whole provisions, specifically on Intellectual Property Chapter. Though, they keep strain to invite other nations to join the treaty. Indonesia agreed with the virtuous purposes of TPP, but it is too fast for Indonesia to ratify into domestic regulation. Indonesia is not ready yet to face the global market with low-potency. The article will show what the interest of both countries behind the TPP agreement is. It also describes how domestic copyright regulation touches illegal file sharing practices. Keywords: TPP, illegal file sharing, enforcemen


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    Pengakuan Negara Baru Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Hukum Internasional (Studi terhadap kemerdekaan Kosovo)

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    Kosovo mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya dari Serbia, di Pristina. Deklarasi dibaca Perdana Menteri Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, pada sidang parlemen yang dihadiri 109 anggota. Permasalahan kemerdekaan Kosovo tidak terlepas dari permasalahan politik dan etnis yang ada, namun apakah eksistensi Kosovo sebagai Negara baru ditentukan oleh keharusan adanya pengakuan dari Negara lain? dan apakah sikap PBB terhadap lahirnya Negara baru seperti Kosovo. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yang dianalisis secara deskriftif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengakuan yang merupakan masalah politik dan tidak terlepas dari permasalahan hukum, terutama politik internasional namun tidak dapat disangkal bahwa tindakan pengakuan itu berakibat hukum, terutama dalam kaitan hubungan antara pihak yang mengakui dan pihak yang diakui. Selain itu, ada tidaknya pengakuan terhadap negara baru tidak berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi negara baru tersebut, termasuk pengakuan dari PBB. Kata Kunci: Kemerdekaan Kosovo, Pengakuan Negara, Eksistens

    Vertical Conflict on Sea Sand Mining Activities in Lampung; Law Enforcement and Sociological Approach

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    The lack of law enforcement related to marine sand mining activities, which is not in line with the community in Lampung Province, certainly causes many problems. It can cause quite a high social conflict and environmental ecosystems as well as ecological disasters. In addition, the impact of the sea sand mining permit also overlaps the allocation of coastal areas and small islands. This article aims to analyze law enforcement against marine sand mining activities that conflict with the community in Lampung Province. This study uses an empirical normative method with a qualitative analysis model. The informant was from WALHI by Irfan Tri Musri and some miners. The results show that law enforcement for sea sand mining has to start from the law formulation, application, and execution stages of law enforcement. Another important thing is prevention efforts to control environmental impacts that must be performed by maximizing the usage of the monitoring and licensing instruments. In addition, Lampung Province Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning Zoning Plans for Coastal Areas and Small Islands must be appropriately implemented for law enforcement because it is sufficient to accommodate the interests of the community. The most dominant inhibiting factors in law enforcement of marine mining in conflict with the community in Lampung Province are statutory factors and law enforcement officers who are not firm in enforcing the law of sea sand mining

    Surrogacy in Indonesia: The comparative legality and Islamic perspective

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    Reproductive health technology allows married couples who experience infertility to have a child through assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) process. The transfer of the extracted embryo to the woman’s womb is called surrogacy technology (gestational surrogacy). The legality of the practice of surrogacy is still questionable, both on a national and international level. This research discussed the legality of surrogacy in some religious countries, focusing on Indonesia. This research used normative juridical research methods or literature review through a comparative religion-legal approach. This study indicated that most do not have a specific legal instrument regarding surrogacy practice. International law also does not have a standard legal instrument regarding the legality of surrogacy. Legality is determined by each religious country’s national laws and customs. For example, Indonesian law prohibits this practice implicitly under Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health. The United Kingdom legalised surrogacy through the Surrogacy Agreement Act 1985, which was amended to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 2008, Greece through the Greek Legislation Law 3089/2002 and Law 3305/2005, and India through the 2019 Surrogacy Regulation Bill. Those countries have their limitations and characteristics that rule surrogacy. Surrogacy is indeed a technological advancement in the health sector. However, for countries that are influenced much by religion, technological advances sometimes conflict with the culture and the belief that has long been followed by most of the population. For Indonesia, the largest of Sunni Islam ruled surrogacy against the law. Next, Iran, as a Shia Islam country, ruled that surrogacy is a legal action. Contribution: The research provided information and knowledge regarding the different settings of surrogacy practice. Most religious countries bravely rejected or put strict limits on the practice of surrogacy

    Pendampingan Edukasi Penggunaan Internet yang Efektif di Desa Margodadi, Kecamatan Padang Cermin, Provinsi Lampung

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    Internet merupakan salah satu media perwujudan hak asasi manusia untuk berkomunikasi dan memperoleh informasi yang dilaksanakan secara tertib dan bertanggung jawab berdasarkan moral, nilai-nilai agama, keamanan, dan ketertiban umum berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pemerintah memfasilitasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik serta melindungi kepentingan umum dari segala jenis gangguan sebagai akibat penyalahgunaan informasi elektronik yang mengganggu ketertiban umum sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Banyak masyarakat Indonesia, terutama di pedesaan di wilayah Lampung, masih belum memiliki pemahaman utuh tentang cara penggunaan internet yang positif dan sehat. Salah satu desa yang secara pemahaman masih kurang akan hal itu ialah Desa Margodadi, Kecamatan Padang Cermin, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung. Fakta tersebut membuat desa ini sebagai salah satu desa yang secara informasi teknologi masih merlukan sosialisasi & pendidikan terkait penggunaan dan tantangan teknologi ke depannya. Fakta tersebut membuat tim dari Fakultas Hukum Univeritas Lampung, Jurusan Hukum Internasional untuk melakukan pendampingan dan edukasi agar masyarakat desa dalam penggunaan internet paham akibat hukum yang timbul dari kegiatan di dunia virtual. Sehingga masyarakat dapat secara maksimal menikmati manfaat internet demi peningkatan potensi ekonomi daerah dengan tetap meminimalisir dampak negatif penggunaan internet. Masyarakat yang paham hak dan kewajibannya tidak akan mudah terjerumus ke dalam kejahatan di dunia virtual. Metode yang digunakan ialah pendekatan gabungan normative dan sosiologis secara kualitatif. Hasil dari yang didapat setelah dilakukan penyuluhan di Desa Margodadi ialah terdapat peningkatan pemahaman yang cukup signifikan dari warga setempat akan tata cara penggunaan internet yang sehat dan aman

    Property Rights in Radio Frequency Utilization Under ITU (International Telecommunication Union) (Frequency Allocation in Indonesia)

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    Pengakuan Negara Baru Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Hukum Internasional (Studi terhadap kemerdekaan Kosovo)

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    Kosovo mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya dari Serbia, di Pristina. Deklarasi dibaca Perdana Menteri Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, pada sidang parlemen yang dihadiri 109 anggota. Permasalahan kemerdekaan Kosovo tidak terlepas dari permasalahan politik dan etnis yang ada, namun apakah eksistensi Kosovo sebagai Negara baru ditentukan oleh keharusan adanya pengakuan dari Negara lain? dan apakah sikap PBB terhadap lahirnya Negara baru seperti Kosovo. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yang dianalisis secara deskriftif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengakuan yang merupakan masalah politik dan tidak terlepas dari permasalahan hukum, terutama politik internasional namun tidak dapat disangkal bahwa tindakan pengakuan itu berakibat hukum, terutama dalam kaitan hubungan antara pihak yang mengakui dan pihak yang diakui. Selain itu, ada tidaknya pengakuan terhadap negara baru tidak berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi negara baru tersebut, termasuk pengakuan dari PBB. Kata Kunci: Kemerdekaan Kosovo, Pengakuan Negara, Eksistens