21 research outputs found

    Promoter Working Group 7082

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    : Promoter working group was created in september 1992 under the umbrella, and with a three-years funding, of the Esprit III program in Basic Research. Its main objective is to strengthen and organize European software process modelling research. This document reports the work done during the project. Keywords: Software process concepts, Process modeling, Architecture of PSEE, Performance, enactment, metaprocess. PROMOTER documents with status INTERNAL_DRAFT or DRAFT are to be circulated only within the PROMOTER project team. Documents with status PROVISIONAL may be circulated beyond the project team, but only as explicitly approved by the Change Authority. Circulation of documents with status FINAL is unrestricted. Promoter Working Group 7082 Promoter Final report Page 2 of99 Promoter Working Group 7082 Promoter Final report Page 3 of99 A: Content A SYNOPSIS 5 B Books writen by Promoter 9 B.1 First book 9 B.2 Promoter Second Book 9 C EWSPT Reports 11 C.1 EWSPT'i organisation..

    The Software Process: modelling and technology

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    Relationship-Based Dynamic Versioning of Evolving Legal Documents

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    Rule evolution is usually performed by creating a new document which explicitly details changes to specic parts inside other rules's content. Obtaining (virtual) document versions corresponding to a rules's state at a specic date is thus left to document users, who manually extract from library collections, and compose, the pieces of text needed to obtain the desired version. When changes are numerous this can be a tedious task. We propose a solution to dynamically generate virtual rule versions on user demand, respecting the library documents integrity. References to other documents and modication relationships can be automatically detected and are modelled as typed links modelled with XLink in a relationships graph. This graph can be used to query relationships, to create hypertext, and to dynamically generate rule versions