4 research outputs found

    Promosi Wisata Batipuah untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Daerah Berbasis Website

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    Batipuh is one area in the district. Batipuh , flat land district , this area will no tourism potential that has not been managed well by the government . travel , among others , the natural attractions, culinary and customs. Php is a software application that is familiar to design a website that is used as a medium for the promotion of tourism in the district Batipuah. With this website people will be more familiar with the area Batipauh and will be able to increase local revenu

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pengarsipan Surat Program Studi Sistem Informasi pada Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Industri Padang Menggunakan Vb Net 2010

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    Archive is defined as a place to storage important scripts or documents. In general, archive is a form of writing in form of document in any media that has a historical value or liability so that can be stored. Manual letter archive system and not systematic report logs cause searching the document difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to design an application to help the head of the study program in search of reports of letters in and out

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pemesanan Menu Makanan dan Minuman pada Cafe Living Room Bukittinggi Berbasis Vb.net 2010

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    Application of manual work system has several advantages as it did in the café living room. Communication error on the availability of food and beverage menu that makes customer interaction with the waiter became longer because the waiter had to interact with the kitchen, the impact of this incident other customers have to wait when they want to order.To overcome this problem, an application was made ordering food and drink at the cafe living room-based multi-client using vb net in 2010. The use of multi-client choose to reduce the cost of an expensive resource.This design resulted in the application of food and beverage ordering menu-based multi-client that can be installed and run on a computer living room with exe format. With the implementation of this application customer\u27s can order food menu and choose directly on the customer\u27s computer are provided

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemodelan Labor Praktikum Proses Manufaktur Berbasis Web

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    Laboratorium merupakan tempat mahasiswa untuk melakukan eksperimen-eksperimen dari teori yang telah didapatkan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap suatu materi yang telah dipelajari. Terbatasnya sumber-sumber untuk panduan praktikum proses manufaktur yang mengakibatkan kurang percaya diri ketika melaksanakan praktek karena berhubungan dengan kecelakaan kerja. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan sebuah website untuk mempermudah mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran untuk mencari informasi kegiatan praktikum yang dibutuhkan, untuk mempermudah mahasiswa dalam melakukan proses dibutuhkan panduan untuk pemahaman berupa website proses manufaktur dalam bentuk video dan gambar sehingga pemahaman terhadap proses akan lebih baik