673 research outputs found

    Effects of non-adapted quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head blight resistance on European winter wheat and Fusarium isolates

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum, is a devastating disease responsible for tremendous damage in wheat fields and contamination of grain with mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV), rendering the harvest unsafe for human and animal consumption. The variability of Fusarium populations is high and changes in aggressiveness, chemotypes or species within and among Fusarium populations are known. Stable FHB resistance combined with high yield is one main target in wheat breeding programs. Mapping studies detected several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance in non-adapted sources, such as Sumai3 from China. The two most important and commonly used major QTL are located on chromosome 3BS (Fhb1) und 5A (Qfhs.ifa-5A). However, negative side effects of non-adapted resistance sources introgressed in elite winter wheat material are feared in Europe. Furthermore, the stability of the QTL effect against changing Fusarium populations is unknown. The objectives of this research were to analyze whether (1) the QTL Fhb1 and Qfhs.ifa-5A introgressed from a non-adapted resistance source into two winter wheat varieties have possible side effects on agronomic and quality performance, (2) 3-ADON and 15-ADON chemotypes are significantly different in their aggressiveness and DON production, (3) competition among Fusarium isolates in mixtures exists, and if so, how the resistant host will influence this competition. In conclusion, both resistance QTL are effective and stable in elite spring and winter wheat backgrounds. For improvement of FHB resistance both QTL are valuable, but Qfhs.ifa-5A would suffice for European breeding programs. Due to chemotype shifts, 3-ADON isolates could pose a greater risk to food safety than 15-ADON but breeding and use of highly resistant lines can reduce the risks associated with DON in wheat. Accordingly, resistant spring wheat lines were less affected by the tested Fusarium isolates and mixtures and, therefore, confirmed a high stability of these QTL. Directed selection of highly aggressive isolates due to the resistance QTL seems to be unlikely in the short term.In Europa verursachen Ährenfusariosen hohe Ertrags- und Qualitätsverluste. Die Hauptpathogene im Weizen sind Fusarium graminearum und F. culmorum. Diese kontaminieren das Erntegut mit den von ihnen produzierten Mykotoxinen Deoxynivalenol (DON) und Nivalenol (NIV). Die genetische Variabilität der Pilze ist groß, so dass immer wieder Veränderungen in ihrer Aggressivität auftreten. Es gibt sowohl Verschiebungen zwischen Arten und zwischen Chemotypen als auch innerhalb von Populationen. Ein großes Ziel der Pflanzenzüchtung ist es daher ertragreichen Sorten mit stabiler Resistenz zu etablieren. Bisher konnten in verschiedenen Kartierungspopulationen quantitative vererbte Genorte (quantitative trait loci, QTL) für die Fusarium-Resistenz gefunden werden. Eine Resistenzquelle ist die chinesische Weizensorte Sumai3, welche zwei weit verbreitete major QTL auf den Chromosomen 3BS (Fhb1) und 5A (Qfhs.ifa-5A) trägt. Bei einer Einkreuzung dieser QTL in Elitematerial werden jedoch negative Nebeneffekte aufgrund der nicht adaptierten Quelle befürchtet. Des Weiteren ist die Stabilität dieser QTL gegenüber sich verändernden Fusarium-Populationen nicht bekannt. Die Ziele dieser Studie waren (1) die Analyse möglicher Nebeneffekte der zwei QTL Fhb1 und Qfhs.ifa-5A auf agronomische Eigenschaften und Qualitätsparameter, da die QTL aus nicht adaptierten Resistenzquellen in zwei Elite-Winterweizensorten eingekreuzt wurden, (2) die Messung der Aggressivität und der DON-Produktion von 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-ADON) im Vergleich zu 15-ADON Chemotypen, und (3) die Modellierung des Wettbewerbs zwischen Fusarium-Isolaten in Mischungen in Abhängigkeit von unterschiedlich resistenten Wirtsgenotypen. Beide Resistenz-QTL waren im Elite-Sommer- und Winterweizenhintergrund effektiv und stabil. Zur Verbesserung der Fusarium-Resistenz sind beide QTL sinnvoll einsetzbar. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der Einsatz von Qfhs.ifa-5A in europäischen Zuchtprogrammen vorteilhaftesten wäre. Durch die Veränderung innerhalb der Chemotypenzusammensetzung von Fusarium-Populationen könnten 3-ADON-Isolate ein höheres Risiko für die Nahrungsmittelsicherheit bedeuten als 15-ADON-Isolate. Die Züchtung und der Anbau von hochresistenten Sorten kann dieses Risiko, das mit erhöhten DON-Werten im Erntegut verbunden wäre, verringern. Die resistenten Sommerweizenlinien waren weniger mit den getesteten Fusarium-Isolaten und -Mischungen infiziert als die anfälligen, was die Stabilität der QTL bestätigt. Eine gerichtete Selektion von hoch aggressiven Isolaten durch den Anbau von Sorten mit Resistenz-QTL ist zumindest kurzfristig unwahrscheinlich

    Toward a structural theory of learning algebraic decompositions

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    We propose a framework generalizing several variants of Prony's method and explaining their relations. These methods are suitable for determining the support of linear combinations in particular in vector spaces of functions from evaluations. They are based on suitable sequences of linear maps resp. their matrices and include Hankel and Toeplitz variants of Prony's method for the decomposition of multivariate exponential sums, polynomials (w.r.t. the monomial and Chebyshev bases), Gau fian sums, spherical harmonic sums, taking also into account whether they have their support on an algebraic set

    Noninvasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoids in Alaskan brown bears (Ursus arctos horribilis)

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    Authentication of the botanical origin of honey using profiles of classical measurands and discriminant analysis

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    The potential of physical and chemical measurands for the determination of the botanical origin of honey by using both the classical profiling approach and chemometrics was evaluated for the authentication of ten unifloral (acacia, rhododendron, chestnut, dandelion, heather, lime, rape, fir honeydew, metcalfa honeydew) and polyfloral honey types (in total n = 693 samples). The classical approach using a profile for the determination of the botanical origin of honey revealed that the physical and chemical measurands alone do not allow a reliable determination. Pollen analysis is therefore essential for discrimination between unifloral and polyfloral honeys. However, chemometric evaluation of the physical and chemical data by linear discriminant analysis allowed reliable authentication with neither specialized expertise nor pollen or sensory analysis. The error rates calculated by Bayes' theorem ranged from 1.1% (rape and lime honeys) up to 9.9 % (acacia honey

    5.11 A research about different residues in pollen and honey samples

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    Within the cooperative project “Reference system for a healthy honey bee colony – FIT BEE” the subproject “Multifactorial influences on honey bee colonies and establishment of a GIS-based expert information system” was conducted by LAVES Institute for Apidology Celle. The project lasted for four years and was funded by BLE / BMELV. In addition to research about influences of different habitats (city and country sites) on honey bee colonies, residues from Plant Protection Products (PPPs), Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analysed in pollen and honey samples.During the project a total of 62 different residues from PPPs were analysed (11 insecticides, 18 herbicides and 33 fungicides) as well as one synergist. Thiacloprid was found in every fourth pollen sample on average with a maximum concentration of 0.16 mg / kg (bee bread). In the country site group and the travel group over 80 % of the pollen samples had PPP-residues, in the city site group 25 % (n = 80 / group, 2012 + 2013). In the country site group 15 active ingredients (a.i.) were parallel in one pollen sample, in the travel group 11 and in the city group 3 with maximum concentrations > 10 mg / kg in pollen samples from the country site. From the 15 pooled honey samples 7 had PPP-residues, especially the spring samples (oil seed rape honey). In all honey samples analysed, four a.i`s were found in the honey samples in total (Thiacloprid (max. 0.05 mg / kg)), Boscalid (0.005 mg / kg), Dimoxystrobin (0.005 mg / kg) and Carbendazim (max. 0.04 mg / kg)). The PPP-data were comparable to the PAH- and the Heavy Metal data: In the pollen samples were more residues and in higher concentration than in the honey samples. Honey is a lipophobic matrix and pollen a lipophilic matrix. Most of the residues solve better in a lipophilic matrix and the bees act as a filter for the nectar / honey.Within the cooperative project “Reference system for a healthy honey bee colony – FIT BEE” the subproject “Multifactorial influences on honey bee colonies and establishment of a GIS-based expert information system” was conducted by LAVES Institute for Apidology Celle. The project lasted for four years and was funded by BLE / BMELV. In addition to research about influences of different habitats (city and country sites) on honey bee colonies, residues from Plant Protection Products (PPPs), Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analysed in pollen and honey samples.During the project a total of 62 different residues from PPPs were analysed (11 insecticides, 18 herbicides and 33 fungicides) as well as one synergist. Thiacloprid was found in every fourth pollen sample on average with a maximum concentration of 0.16 mg / kg (bee bread). In the country site group and the travel group over 80 % of the pollen samples had PPP-residues, in the city site group 25 % (n = 80 / group, 2012 + 2013). In the country site group 15 active ingredients (a.i.) were parallel in one pollen sample, in the travel group 11 and in the city group 3 with maximum concentrations > 10 mg / kg in pollen samples from the country site. From the 15 pooled honey samples 7 had PPP-residues, especially the spring samples (oil seed rape honey). In all honey samples analysed, four a.i`s were found in the honey samples in total (Thiacloprid (max. 0.05 mg / kg)), Boscalid (0.005 mg / kg), Dimoxystrobin (0.005 mg / kg) and Carbendazim (max. 0.04 mg / kg)). The PPP-data were comparable to the PAH- and the Heavy Metal data: In the pollen samples were more residues and in higher concentration than in the honey samples. Honey is a lipophobic matrix and pollen a lipophilic matrix. Most of the residues solve better in a lipophilic matrix and the bees act as a filter for the nectar / honey

    An exploratory study on organisational trust relationships

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    The aim of this study was to unify a South African model of organisational trust with the globally accepted Integrative model of organisational trust on a theoretical and empirical level. The antecedents of trust in direct supervisors represented by five personality dimensions and four managerial practices were used to extract the facets of trustworthiness of ability, benevolence and integrity to create a unified trust model. Based on literature, a methodology was developed to re-assign the various dimensions on an item level into three new scales representing the antecedents of trust. Data gathered between 1995 and 2013 in South African organisations by means of the Trust Relationship Audit was used and subject matter experts reassigned the items into the three antecedents of trust. Structural equation modelling was employed to replicate the Martins (2000) model and to test the measurement and structural regression models, arriving at a five-factor model. A unified model of trust in supervisors was fitted to the data and validated. This unified model emphasises the importance of the affective component as an antecedent of trust towards supervisors in organisations in an African context. Managerial concern, based on benevolent managerial practices and communication, was found to have the biggest impact on trust. Integrity as a personality trait was the only other component that had a positive impact on trust. Contrary to most studies, ability had a minimal or negative impact on interpersonal trust in direct superiors, but is a prerequisite for high integrity and benevolence as facets of trustworthiness. Managerial ability and, to a lesser degree, a benevolent personality are necessary but not sufficient for trust to develop. Being very agreeable and competent is not sufficient to be perceived as trustworthy; managers or supervisors also need to exhibit high levels of concern and integrity. In this study the author responds to the calls in the literature that a common terminology be used in trust research. The multitude of measures causes a situation where studies and concepts cannot be compared and therefore no basis exists upon which to build trust research. Future researchers can now with confidence apply the South African model of organisational trust within the context of a globally accepted model.Industrial and Organisational PsychologyD. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology
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