20 research outputs found

    An assessment of the difficulty of questions used in the ISSP-questionnaires, the clarity of their wording, and the comparability of the responses

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    'International vergleichende Umfrageforschung basiert auf der Annahme, daß erstens die Antworten der Befragten in ausreichendem Maße Auskunft geben ĂŒber das Verhalten und die Meinungen, die im Fragebogen abgefragt werden, und zweitens daß die Antworten der Befragten ĂŒber die verschiedenen LĂ€nder hinweg ausreichend vergleichbar sing trotz der Unterschiede in den verwendeten Sprachen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob diese AnnahmefĂŒr eine große Auswahl von Umfragen gerechtfertigt ist, die im Kontext des International Social Survey Program (ISSP) entstanden sind. Auf der Basis eines konzeptionellen Modells, basierend auf methodischer Forschung zu Responseeffekten, sollen die Fragebögen bewertet werden. Es kann gezeigt werden, daß die QualitĂ€t der Umfrage von der Schwierigkeit und Klarheit der Fragen ebenso abhĂ€ngig ist wie von der LĂ€nge des Fragebogens sowie der PrĂ€senz oder Abwesenheit von verzerrenden Faktoren. Die Fragen des ISSP werden anhand von zehn Kriterien bewertet, die den Schwierigkeitsgrad der Fragen widerspiegeln und anhand von drei Indikatoren fĂŒr die Eindeutigkeit der Fragestellungen. Die Vergleichbarkeit der Antworten wurde unter verschiedenen Aspekten bewertet, u.a. anhand der 'Vergleichbarkeit der Worte in der Frageformulierung' und anhand der 'Ähnlichkeit der zu bewertenden Objekte'. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß einige Fragen in ISSP-Surveys ziemlich schwierig und andere unklar formuliert sind. DarĂŒber hinaus ist die Vergleichbarkeit der Antworten reduziert, da z. T unterschiedliche Intervieweranweisungen in den teilnehmenden LĂ€ndern gegeben wurden, und weil einige Fragen zu den Einstellungen in den LĂ€ndern unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben.' (Autorenreferat)'The rationale of cross-national survey research rests on the assumptions (1) that the answers given by respondents are sufciently informative about the behaviours and opinions asked for in the questionnaires, and (2) that the answers of respondents participating in surveys, conducted in different countries, are sufficiently comparable, despite differences in the languages used. It is investigated whether these assumptions are justied for a large selection of surveys conducted within the context of the International SocialSurvey Program (ISSP). A conceptual model based an methodological research after response effects guides this evaluation of questionnaires. The model asserts that responsequality depends on the difficulty and clarity of the questions, on the length of the questionnaire and on the presence or absence of biasing factors. Questions from ISSP-questionnaires are evaluated by using ten criteria relating to question difficulty and three indicators concerning the clarity of the questions. The comparability of responses to these questions is evaluated by looking at six different aspects, like 'equivalent wording of the question' and 'similarity of the objects to be evaluated': this evaluation shows that some questions asked in Ihe ISSP-surveys are rather difficult while others are not very clear. The comparability of the responses is also hampered by the fact that different modes of questionnaire administration are used in the participating countries and that the attitude objects to be evaluated by respondents may differ between questionnaires.' (author's abstract)

    Interviewer and Survey Researcher

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    Interviewer et survey researcher, dĂ©pendance mutuelle : L’explication du comportement demande l’utilisation de concepts subjectifs comme des opinions et des attitudes. Pour mesurer ces concepts non-directement observables, la standardisation stricte du processus de rĂ©pondre aux questions est nĂ©cessaire. Si des interviewers ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©s pour assurer une procĂ©dure correcte dans la collecte des donnĂ©es, ces interviewers peuvent aussi empĂȘcher la standardisation. L’interviewer, est-il une aide  indispensable au chercheur et au rĂ©pondant, ou un obstacle difficile dans l’obtention de rĂ©ponses non-biaisĂ©es et comparables ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions, des transcriptions d’entretiens d’enquĂȘte ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es concernant surtout les mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es par les interviewers dans la rĂ©paration des rĂ©ponses non-adequates des rĂ©pondants. Les rĂ©sultats de ces analyses et d’autres de la cybernĂ©tique montrent clairement qu’il n’est pas efficace de standardiser fortement le comportement de rĂ©paration des interviewers. L’analyse montre aussi la relation mutuelle entre l’interviewer et le survey researcher : celui-ci, en construisant le questionnaire et en fournissant des instructions concernant le comportement correct de « rĂ©paration », peut aussi ĂȘtre une aide ou un obstacle pour le travail de l’interviewer.The explanation of behavior requires the use of subjective concepts like opinions and attitudes. For the measurement of these non-directly observable concepts, strict standardization of the process of question answering is necessary. If interviewers have to be used to ensure a proper process of data collection, these interviewers may also hamper the standardization. Is the interviewer an indispensable help to researcher and respondent, or a difficult obstacle for obtaining unbiased and comparable answers? To answer this question, transcripts of survey interviews have been analyzed; especially the methods interviewers use to repair inadequate answers of respondents. The outcome of this analysis, and insights gained from cybernetics, make clear that it is ineffective to strongly standardize repair behavior of the interviewers. The analysis also points at the mutual relationship between interviewer and survey researcher: the survey researcher, when constructing the questionnaire and giving instructions about appropriate ‘repair’ behavior may also be a help or a hindrance for the interviewer

    Cybernetics and interviewing

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    The validation of sociocybernetic models

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    Control processes in survey interviews: A cybernetic approach

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    Purpose - In survey interviews information is transferred to the researchers via a communication process between interviewers and respondents. This process is controlled directly by the interviewers, and indirectly by the researchers who constructed the questionnaire and instructed and supervised the interviewers. In spite of these control activities, errors occur. This paper investigates the sources of these errors. Design/methodology/approach - In order to investigate the sources of these errors, transcripts of 200 interviews were analyzed using a detailed coding scheme. Findings - In 30 percent of all question-answer sequences interviewer and respondent stick to the "script" designed by the researcher. In these "paradigmatic" sequences the open loop control by the researcher works well. In 25 percent of the sequences this control is not sufficient, but additional closed loop control, via "repair" activities of the interviewers, appears to be successful. In the remaining sequences both the open loop control of the researcher and the closed loop control by the interviewer failed. Originality/value - The recently developed systematic analysis of question-answer sequences in survey interviews, employed in this research, offers detailed insight into the errors occurring during the interview process, and illustrates the need for improved question design and improved training of interviewers