3 research outputs found

    Transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair is coordinated by ubiquitin and SUMO in response to ultraviolet irradiation

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    Cockayne Syndrome (CS) is a severe neurodegenerative and premature aging autosomal-recessive disease, caused by inherited defects in the CSA and CSB genes, leading to defects in transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) and consequently hypersensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. TC-NER is initiated by lesion-stalled RNA polymerase II, which stabilizes the interaction with the SNF2/SWI2 ATPase CSB to facilitate recruitment of the CSA E3 Cullin ubiquitin ligase complex. However, the precise biochemical connections between CSA and CSB are unknown. The small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO is important in the DNA damage response. We found that CSB, among an extensive set of other target proteins, is the most dynamically SUMOylated substrate in response to UV irradiation. Inhibiting SUMOylation reduced the accumulation of CSB at local sites of UV irradiation and reduced recovery of RNA synthesis. Interestingly, CSA is required for the efficient clearance of SUMOylated CSB. However, subsequent proteomic analysis of CSA-dependent ubiquitinated substrates revealed that CSA does not ubiquitinate CSB in a UV-dependent manner. Surprisingly, we found that CSA is required for the ubiquitination of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, RPB1. Combined, our results indicate that the CSA, CSB, RNA polymerase II triad is coordinated by ubiquitin and SUMO in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, our work provides a resource of SUMO targets regulated in response to UV or ionizing radiation

    Mono-ubiquitination of Rabphilin 3A by UBE3A serves a non-degradative function

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    Angelman syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder caused by brain-specific loss of UBE3A, an E3 ubiquitin protein ligase. A substantial number of possible ubiquitination targets of UBE3A have been identified, although evidence of being direct UBE3A substrates is often lacking. Here we identified the synaptic protein Rabphilin-3a (RPH3A), an effector of the RAB3A small GTPase involved in axonal vesicle priming and docking, as a ubiquitination target of UBE3A. We found that the UBE3A and RAB3A binding sites on RPH3A partially overlap, and that RAB3A binding to RPH3A interferes with UBE3A binding. We confirmed previous observations that RPH3A levels are critically dependent on RAB3A binding but, rather surprisingly, we found that the reduced RPH3A levels in the absence of RAB3A are not mediated by UBE3A. Indeed, while we found that RPH3A is ubiquitinated in a UBE3A-dependent manner in mouse brain, UBE3A mono-ubiquitinates RPH3A and does not facilitate RPH3A degradation. Moreover, we found that an AS-linked UBE3A missense mutation in the UBE3A region that interacts with RPH3A, abrogates the interaction with RPH3A. In conclusion, our results identify RPH3A as a novel target of UBE3A and suggest that UBE3A-dependent ubiquitination of RPH3A serves a non-degradative function

    TRiC controls transcription resumption after UV damage by regulating Cockayne syndrome protein A

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    Transcription-blocking DNA lesions are removed by transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) to preserve cell viability. TC-NER is triggered by the stalling of RNA polymerase II at DNA lesions, leading to the recruitment of TC-NER-specific factors such as the CSA-DDB1-CUL4A-RBX1 cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complex (CRLCSA). Despite its vital role in TC-NER, little is known about the regulation of the CRLCSA complex during TC-NER. Using conventional and cross-linking immunoprecipitations coupled to mass spectrometry, we uncover a stable interaction between CSA and the TRiC chaperonin. TRiC's binding to CSA ensures its stability and DDB1-dependent assembly into the CRLCSA complex. Consequently, loss of TRiC leads to mislocalization and depletion of CSA, as well as impaired transcription recovery following UV damage, suggesting defects in TC-NER. Furthermore, Cockayne syndrome (CS)-causing mutations in CSA lead to increased TRiC binding and a failure to compose the CRLCSA complex. Thus, we uncover CSA as a TRiC substrate and reveal that TRiC regulates CSA-dependent TC-NER and the development of CS