11 research outputs found

    Grandir au sein d’une société plurireligieuse comprendre le développement d’attitudes positives face à l’altérité religieuse à partir du développement social et épistémologique

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    In our plural societies, it is of uttermost importance to understand how positives attitudes towards the religious otherness develop. We suggest that the attitudes towards the social religious otherness and the ideological religious otherness are respectively related to the development of religious social identity and the epistemological development in the religious domain. Yet the literature in developmental psychology has not paid much attention to these constructs. This dissertation gathers several studies that intended to explore the social and epistemological development in their religious dimension in order to consider the extent to which the developmental theories about social identity and epistemological thinking in their non-religious dimensions could enlight the understanding of the development of attitudes towards the religious otherness.Comprendre le développement d’attitudes positives face à l’altérité religieuse durant l’enfance et l’adolescence est un enjeu majeur pour l’harmonie de nos sociétés plurireligieuses. Les dimensions sociale et épistémologique sont toutes deux susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le développement d’attitudes face à l’altérité religieuse identitaire et idéologique, respectivement. Cependant, les recherches psychologiques concernant le développement social et le développement épistémologique ont jusqu’à présent très peu investi le versant religieux de leurs objets d’étude. Le présent travail propose la thèse selon laquelle le développement d’attitudes identitaire et idéologique face à l’altérité religieuse peut se comprendre à partir du développement social et épistémologique, respectivement. Pour ce faire, nos études explorent en parallèle le développement social religieux et le développement épistémologique lié au domaine religieux. Pour chacun d’eux, il s’agit de voir dans quelle mesure leur évolution se rapproche et/ou se distingue des développements d’autres identités sociales et d’autres domaines épistémologiques, et d’apprécier leurs liens avec les attitudes identitaire et idéologique face à l’altérité religieuse.(PSY 3) -- UCL, 201

    Fermez les yeux, vous êtes dans l'immeuble en flammes. La rescénarisation par imagerie pour le TSPT.

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    Ce travail présente un cas clinique de Trouble du Stress Post-Traumatique, et de l'utilisation de la rescénarisation par imagerie comme traitement thérapeutique.Certificat d'université : Psychothérapie - Intervention et évaluation psychologiques, Université catholique de Louvain, 202

    Religious discrimination in childhood and adolescence

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    The aim of this study was to assess the links between religious discrimination and developmental and contextual variables. Based on the assumption that discrimination results from the interplay of prejudice and moral thinking, discriminatory behaviour was hypothesised to be linked to age, school environment, minority or majority group membership, and parental religious socialisation practices. The results indicate that discrimination is more frequent during childhood than during preadolescence or adolescence, more common in homogeneous schools than in heterogeneous schools, and more likely when parents frequently express messages promoting mistrust of other religious groups. Participants from the minority group were more likely to discriminate against their own ingroup than were those from the majority group. Further studies are needed to determine whether these links are correlative or predictive, and to understand the underlying processes of religious discrimination

    Developmental and social determinants of religious social categorization

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    The purpose of this study was to assess developmental and social determinants of the age at which children become aware that the social environment can be categorized into religious groups and that those groups are associated with different religious beliefs. The results show that middle childhood is a critical period for this religious social categorization. Moreover, social factors play a role in the development. Religious categorization is likely to appear sooner in children attending heterogeneous schools than in those at homogeneous schools, and children from the minority religious group in the country understand religious categorization earlier than children from the majority group. No relation was found however between the age at which religious categorization was understood and parents’ religious socialization practices. The interests of this study are both theoretical and practical: it complements what is already known about gender, race and ethnic categorization by integrating developmental and social frameworks, and it can serve as a guideline for educational programs

    Are religious tolerance and pluralism reachable ideals? A psychological perspective

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    The aim of this article is to consider the psychological mechanisms that may prevent individuals from achieving religious tolerance and religious pluralism. After defining these concepts and explaining why they are desirable outcomes, four psychological obstacles to the achievement of religious tolerance and religious pluralism will be explored by considering both research in psychology and the literature on religious education. The aim of identifying these obstacles is to enable us to suggest how they might be overcome through education, and what the implications for religious education are

    On the epistemological features promoted by 'Philosophy for Children' and their psychological advantages when incorporated into RE

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    This article presents the epistemological paradigm in which Philosophy for Children (P4C) is embedded and the personal epistemological positions that are promoted by P4C, in order to address the concern that P4C might induce relativism in pupils. On the basis of theoretical considerations and empirical results, it is shown that P4C does not promote absolutism or relativism, either in its premises or in pupils' personal epistemology. Rather, this method is related to a socio-constructivist and pragmatic paradigm and it promotes an evaluativist position. The relevance of promoting evaluativism (rather that absolutism or relativism) during RE lessons in pupils is then examined through a psychological perspective. The conclusion is that it is worth integrating P4C in RE because it stimulates an evaluativist perspective that is beneficial in terms of both personal need for meaning and social cohesion. © 2014 © 2014 Christian Education