53 research outputs found

    Using ultra-short pulses to determine particle size and density distributions

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    We analyze the time dependent response of strongly scattering media (SSM) to ultra-short pulses of light. A random walk technique is used to model the optical scattering of ultra-short pulses of light propagating through media with random shapes and various packing densities. The pulse spreading was found to be strongly dependent on the average particle size, particle size distribution, and the packing fraction. We also show that the intensity as a function of time-delay can be used to analyze the particle size distribution and packing fraction of an optically thick sample independently of the presence of absorption features. Finally, we propose an all new way to measure the shape of ultra-short pulses that have propagated through a SSM.Comment: 15 pages, 29 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Express will update with full reference when it is availabl

    Surface acoustic waves for acousto-optic modulation in buried silicon nitride waveguides

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    We theoretically investigate the use of Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (SAWs) for refractive index modulation in optical waveguides consisting of amorphous dielectrics. Considering low-loss Si3_3N4_4 waveguides with a standard core cross section of 4.4×\times0.03 μ\mum2^2 size, buried 8 μ\mum deep in a SiO2_2 cladding we compare surface acoustic wave generation in various different geometries via a piezo-active, lead zirconate titanate film placed on top of the surface and driven via an interdigitized transducer (IDT). Using numerical solutions of the acoustic and optical wave equations, we determine the strain distribution of the SAW under resonant excitation. From the overlap of the acoustic strain field with the optical mode field we calculate and maximize the attainable amplitude of index modulation in the waveguide. For the example of a near-infrared wavelength of 840 nm, a maximum shift in relative effective refractive index of 0.7x10−3^{-3} was obtained for TE polarized light, using an IDT period of 30 - 35 μ\mum, a film thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 μ\mum, and an IDT voltage of 10 V. For these parameters, the resonant frequency is in the range 70 - 85 MHz. The maximum shift increases to 1.2x10−3^{-3}, with a corresponding resonant frequency of 87 MHz, when the height of the cladding above the core is reduced to 3 μ\mum. The relative index change is about 300-times higher than in previous work based on non-resonant proximity piezo-actuation, and the modulation frequency is about 200-times higher. Exploiting the maximum relative index change of 1.2×\times10−3^{-3} in a low-loss balanced Mach-Zehnder modulator should allow full-contrast modulation in devices as short as 120 μ\mum (half-wave voltage length product = 0.24 Vcm).Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    A gain-coefficient switched Alexandrite laser

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    We report on a gain-coefficient switched Alexandrite laser. An electro-optic modulator is used to switch between high and low gain states by making use of the polarization dependent gain of Alexandrite. In gain-coefficient switched mode, the laser produces 85 ns pulses with a pulse energy of 240 mJ at a repetition rate of 5 Hz.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    On-Chip Phase-Shift Induced Control of Supercontinuum Generation in a Dual-Core Si3\mathbf{_{3}}N4\mathbf{_{4}} Waveguide

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    We investigate on-chip spectral control of supercontinuum generation, taking advantage of the additional spatial degree of freedom in strongly-coupled dual-core waveguides. Using numerical integration of the multi-mode generalized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, we show that, with proper waveguide cross-section design, selective excitation of supermodes can vary the dispersion to its extremes, i.e., all-normal or anomalous dispersion can be selected via phase shifting in a Mach-Zehnder input circuit. The resulting control allows to provide vastly different supercontinuum spectra with the same waveguide circuit

    Ring resonator enhanced mode-hop-free wavelength tuning of an integrated extended-cavity laser

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    Extending the cavity length of diode lasers with feedback from Bragg structures and ring resonators is highly effective for obtaining ultra-narrow laser linewidths. However, cavity length extension also decreases the free-spectral range of the cavity. This reduces the wavelength range of continuous laser tuning that can be achieved with a given phase shift of an intracavity phase tuning element. We present a method that increases the range of continuous tuning to that of a short equivalent laser cavity, while maintaining the ultra-narrow linewidth of a long cavity. Using a single-frequency hybrid integrated InP-Si3N4 diode laser with 120 nm coverage around 1540 nm, with a maximum output of 24 mW and lowest intrinsic linewidth of 2.2 kHz, we demonstrate a six-fold increased continuous and mode-hop-free tuning range of 0.22 nm (28 GHz) as compared to the free-spectral range of the laser cavity.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    High-purity microwave generation using a dual-frequency hybrid integrated semiconductor-dielectric waveguide laser

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    We present an integrated semiconductor-dielectric hybrid dual-frequency laser operating in the 1.5 μ\mum wavelength range for microwave and terahertz (THz) generation. Generating a microwave beat frequency near 11 GHz, we observe a record-narrow intrinsic linewidth as low as about 2 kHz. This is realized by hybrid integration of a single diode amplifier based on indium phosphide (InP) with a long, low-loss silicon nitride (Si3_3N4_4) feedback circuit to extend the cavity photon lifetime, resulting in a cavity optical roundtrip length of about 30 cm on a chip. Simultaneous lasing at two frequencies is enabled by introducing an external control parameter for balancing the feedback from two tunable, frequency-selective Vernier mirrors on the Si3_3N4_4 chip. Each frequency can be tuned with a wavelength coverage of about 80 nm, potentially allowing for the generation of a broad range of frequencies in the microwave range up to the THz range

    High confinement, high yield Si3N4 waveguides for nonlinear optical application

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    In this paper we present a novel fabrication technique for silicon nitride (Si3N4) waveguides with a thickness of up to 900 nm, which are suitable for nonlinear optical applications. The fabrication method is based on etching trenches in thermally oxidized silicon and filling the trenches with Si3N4. Using this technique no stress-induced cracks in the Si3N4 layer were observed resulting in a high yield of devices on the wafer. The propagation losses of the obtained waveguides were measured to be as low as 0.4 dB/cm at a wavelength of around 1550 nm.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Ultra-narrow linewidth hybrid integrated semiconductor laser

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    We demonstrate a hybrid integrated and widely tunable diode laser with an intrinsic linewidth as narrow as 40 Hz, achieved with a single roundtrip through a low-loss feedback circuit that extends the cavity length to 0.5 meter on a chip. Employing solely dielectrics for single-roundtrip, single-mode resolved feedback filtering enables linewidth narrowing with increasing laser power, without limitations through nonlinear loss. We achieve single-frequency oscillation with up to 23 mW fiber coupled output power, 70-nm wide spectral coverage in the 1.55 μ\mum wavelength range with 3 mW output, and obtain more than 60 dB side mode suppression. Such properties and options for further linewidth narrowing render the approach of high interest for direct integration in photonic circuits serving microwave photonics, coherent communications, sensing and metrology with highest resolution.Comment: 13 pages, and 11 figure

    A hybrid-integrated diode laser in the visible spectral range

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    Generating visible light with wide tunability and high coherence based on photonic integrated circuits is of high interest for applications in biophotonics, precision metrology and quantum technology. Here we present the first demonstration of a hybrid-integrated diode laser in the visible spectral range. Using an AlGaInP optical amplifier coupled to a low-loss Si3N4 feedback circuit based on microring resonators, we obtain a spectral coverage of 10.8 nm around 684.4 nm wavelength with up to 4.8 mW output power. The measured intrinsic linewidth is 2.3±\pm0.2 kHz.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Ellipsometry with an undetermined polarization state

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    We show that, under the right conditions, one can make highly accurate polarization-based measurements without knowing the absolute polarization state of the probing light field. It is shown that light, passed through a randomly varying birefringent material has a well-defined orbit on the Poincare sphere, which we term a generalized polarization state, that is preserved. Changes to the generalized polarization state can then be used in place of the absolute polarization states that make up the generalized state, to measure the change in polarization due to a sample under investigation. We illustrate the usefulness of this analysis approach by demonstrating fiber-based ellipsometry, where the polarization state of the probe light is unknown, and, yet, the ellipsometric angles of the investigated sample (Ψ\Psi and Δ\Delta) are obtained with an accuracy comparable to that of conventional ellipsometry instruments by measuring changes to the generalized polarization state.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
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