8 research outputs found

    From Emergency Call to Crime Scene: Information Transference in the Criminal Investigation

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    In the present study, how crime scene investigators are informed before going to a crime scene was investigated. In order to gain more insight in the flow of information from emergency call to crime scene, semi-structured interviews were conducted in three different police regions with six crime scene investigators, six forensic team leaders, and six crime scene investigators. Results indicate that information that crime scene investigators receive before going to a crime scene is usually limited. Most information is provided on-site by the uniformed police officers, forensic medical examiner, and tactical investigation team. This information flow is underexposed, and there are no guidelines about how it is recorded. Even though all parties are provided with limited information, incidents are quickly labelled by emergency call responders and forensic team leaders. The influence of the framing process that occurs as a result is underestimated. Furthermore, emergency call responders and forensic team leaders have different goals in the investigative process and hardly take into account the specific needs of the crime scene investigator. In order to better meet the needs of crime scene investigators, further research about the content of the provided information, as well as at what moment it should be shared, is needed. Also, in order to determine afterward what role information may have played in the decision-making at the crime scene the recording of information should be better safeguarded

    Processing Crime Scenes: Psychological Influences on Forensic Inferences

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    Koppen, P.J. van [Promotor]Poot, C.J. de [Promotor

    Forensic expectations: Investigating a crime scene with prior information

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    In a large body of research the influence of contextual information on decisions made in a broad range of disciplines has been studied. To date, the influence of these expectancy effects on the crime scene investigation has not been studied. In the present study we explored the effect of prior information given to crime scene investigators on their perception and interpretation of an ambiguous crime scene. Participants (N = 58) were experienced crime scene investigators who were provided with a panoramic photograph of an ambiguous mock crime scene. The victim may have committed suicide or was murdered. Participants either received prior information indicating suicide, prior information indicating a violent death, or they received no prior information. Participants were asked about what they thought had happened at the scene of the crime, both at the initial assessment of the scene and at the end of the investigation when they were asked to describe the most likely scenario. They were also asked which traces they wanted to secure and why. Results showed that participants interpreted the crime scene differently dependent on how it was presented to them. Both the initial assessment of the scene and the most likely scenario that was described after the investigation were influenced by the prior information the participants were provided with, even though roughly the same traces were secured by all, independent of the prior information. Results demonstrate that prior information indeed influences the interpretation of the crime scene, but since the present study was exploratory further research is needed

    Het gebruik van bewaarde kentekengegevens in de opsporing

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    Op 1 januari 2019 is de wet ā€œVastleggen en bewaren kentekengegevens door de politieā€ in werking getreden. Op basis van het nieuwe artikel 126jj Wetboek van Strafvordering is het voor de politie mogelijk om door middel van daarvoor aangewezen cameraā€™s kentekengegevens van passerende voertuigen te registreren en op te slaan voor een periode van 28 dagen. Deze gegevens kunnen gedurende deze periode worden opgevraagd ten behoeve van de opsporing van een misdrijf of van voortvluchtige personen. De wet bevat een evaluatie- en horizonbepaling. De bevoegdheid is in beginsel voor drie jaar van kracht, tenzij bij koninklijk besluit anders wordt besloten. Op basis van de evaluatie zal worden bepaald of de bevoegdheid wordt gehandhaafd. In dit monitorrapport wordt een beschrijving gegeven van de ervaringen met en toepassing van de nieuwe wettelijke mogelijkheden gedurende het eerste jaar dat de wet van kracht is. Een nadere beschouwing van de bevindingen volgt nadat de wet twee jaar in werking is, in een wetsevaluatie die in 2021 zal verschijnen

    Opsporen, vervolgen en tegenhouden van cybercriminaliteit

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    De hackbevoegdheid in de praktijk

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    In dit rapport is het proces geƫvalueerd rondom de uitvoering van de hackbevoegdheid in de eerste twee jaar na inwerkingtreding van de Wet computercriminaliteit III (Wet CCIII). Aan het einde van 2024 volgt een rapport over het tweede deel van de evaluatie waarin de uitvoering van de volledige Wet CCIII centraal zal staan. De hoofdvraag in het huidige onderzoek was: Op welke wijze wordt in de praktijk uitvoering gegeven aan de hackbevoegdheid en welke eventuele knelpunten doen zich daarbij voor in de opsporingspraktijk? Om de onderzoeksvraag te beantwoorden is een combinatie van onderzoeksmethoden gebruikt: documentanalyse, interviewen en dossieranalyse. INHOUD: Inleiding Wettelijk kader van de hackbevoegdheid Voorbereiden en verkenning inzet hackbevoegdheid Binnendringen en onderzoekshandelingen Waarborgen voor controle Afronden inzet en vervolgstappen Conclusi

    Het gebruik van bewaarde kentekengegevens in de opsporing

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    The Dutch Act on the ā€˜Recording and storage of number plate data by the policeā€™ entered into force on 1 January 2019. Based on the new Section 126jj of the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter referred to as ā€˜126jjā€™), the police may record and store the number plate data of passing vehicles using designated cameras for a period of 28 days. The data may be inspected during that period for the purpose of investigating a crime or apprehending persons at large.The central research question in this monitoring report is as follows: In what way are number plates that have been stored on the basis of the Dutch Act on the ā€˜Recording and storage of vehicle registration data by the policeā€™ (wet ā€˜Vastleggen en bewaren kentekengegevens door de politieā€™) used in criminal investigations and what role do the data play in criminal investigations