2,406 research outputs found

    Stad en haven op Walcheren en Zuid-Beveland tussen 1500-2000: Een historische schets

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    In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the Flemish towns were connected to the North Sea via the ports of Oostburg, Aardenburg, Axel and Hulst in the area now known as Zeeuws­Vlaanderen (Zeeland Flanders). This access became impossible in the fourteenth century as the area became silted up. As a result, the easily accessible town of Antwerp was able to grow and water transport in the delta area shifted to the Eastern Scheldt estuary. Old towns such as Middelburg and Zierikzee profited from this, but so did newer towns such as Vlissingen (or Flushing, as it became known to the English), Veere and Brouwershaven, followed later by Goes, Reimerswaal, Sint-Maartensdijk and Tholen. When parts of the Eastern Scheldt also started to silt up in the sixteenth century, the Western Scheldt regained its importance, with Vlissingen and Middelburg benefiting from this development. Changing trade flows led to the creation, growth and decline of ports and port towns depending on what gave best access to the Flemish hinterland towns. In the layout of the Zeeland towns, this resulted in a continually changing relationship between the town and its harbour. Whereas originally the harbour tended to be located next to or behind the town, in the newer towns it became the central spatial element. This is broadly the picture given by Reinout Rutte in his article about the growth of the towns around the Scheldt Estuary in OverHolland 12/13.In de twaalfde en dertiende eeuw verliep de verbinding tussen de Vlaamse steden en de Noordzee via de havens van Oostburg, Aardenburg, Axel en Hulst in het gebied dat we nu Zeeuws-Vlaanderen noemen. In de veertiende eeuw werd dit door verzanding onmogelijk, waardoor het goed bereikbare Antwerpen kon groeien en de vaart in het deltagebied naar de Oosterschelde verschoof. Oude steden als Middelburg en Zierikzee profiteerden hiervan, maar ook nieuwe steden als Vlissingen, Veere, Brouwershaven en later Goes, Reimerswaal, Sint-Maartensdijk en Tholen. Toen in de zestiende eeuw ook delen van de Oosterschelde verzandden, nam de Westerschelde weer in belang toe en profiteerden Vlissingen en opnieuw Middelburg. Veranderende handelsstromen leidden tot de stichting, ontwikkeling of neergang van havens en havenplaatsen, afhankelijk van de manier waarop de Vlaamse steden het best konden worden bereikt. In de plattegrond van de Zeeuwse steden resulteerde dit in een steeds veranderende relatie tussen stad en haven. Van een plaats naast of achter de stad om werd de haven in nieuwere steden het centrale ruimtelijke element. Het bovenstaande is in grove lijnen het beeld dat Reinout Rutte schetste in zijn artikel over stadswording in het Scheldegebied in de OverHolland 12/13

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (van den burg)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/4226/thumbnail.jp

    The absence of democracy in Aboriginal self-governance policy

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    The protracted history of Aboriginal governance policy is ripe with frustrations among First Nations peoples and Canadian governments, the most pronounced aggravation being the federal government. Substantial resistance from Aboriginals often marks each new policy the government introduces. New policies often maintain the paternalistic attitude inherent in government initiatives, which has been very difficult for Aboriginal organizations to eradicate. Although Aboriginal governance policy is currently progressing towards a quasi-cooperative form of policy-making on both sides, this particular policy area continues to encounter significant disparities between policy actors within the Canadian government and Aboriginal organizations. Differences throughout the entire policy process hinder effective policy-making from agenda-setting/problem definition to the outcome/evaluation. (author's abstract

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (van den burg)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/4224/thumbnail.jp

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (van den burg)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/4227/thumbnail.jp