4 research outputs found

    Improving fieldwork by using GIS for quantitative exploration, data management and digital mapping

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    Fieldwork is an essential part of teaching geosciences. The essence of a fieldwork is to study natural phenomena in its proper context. Fieldworks dominantly utilize a learning-by-experiencing learning style and are often light on abstract thinking skills. We introduce more of the latter skills to a first-year fieldwork of several weeks by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). We use simple techniques as the involved students had no prior experience with GIS. In our project, we introduced new tutorials prior to the fieldwork where students explored their research area using aerial photos, satellite images, an elevation model and slope-map using Google Earth and QGIS. The goal of these tutorials was to get acquainted with the area, plan the first steps of the fieldwork, and formulate hypotheses in form of a preliminary map based on quantitative data. During the actual fieldwork, half of the students processed and managed their field data using GIS, used elevation data as additional data source, and made digital geomorphological maps. This was in contrast to the other half of the students that used classic techniques with paper maps. We evaluated the learning benefits by two questionnaires (one before and one after the fieldwork), and a group interview with students that used GIS in the field. Students liked the use of Google Earth and GIS, and many indicate the added value of using quantitative maps. The hypotheses and fieldwork plans of the students were quickly superseded by insights during the fieldwork itself, but making these plans and hypotheses in advance improved the student's ability to perform empirical research. Students were very positive towards the use of GIS for their fieldwork, mainly because they experienced it as a modern and relevant technique for research and the labour market. Tech-savvy students were extra motivated and explored additional methods. There were some minor technical difficulties with using GIS during the fieldwork, but these can be solved by focussing the preparatory tutorials on what to expect during the fieldwork. We did not observe a significant difference in the quality of the products created by students between both groups since both digital and classic maps show a large range of aesthetic and scientific quality. To conclude, we had a positive experience with our first attempt to add GIS components to a classic fieldwork. The main benefit is that students use quantitative data which provides a different view on the fieldwork area and triggers abstract thinking. Future plans include using the student's field data in a web-gis app to allow easy remote supervision and using digital maps in the field

    The effect of simulations and games on learning objectives in tertiary education : A systematic review

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    The growing popularity of simulations and games invites the production of insights that help academic teachers to use simulations and games in their courses. This article clarifies positive conditions to use simulations and games in tertiary education. Based on a systematic review of literature we tentatively find a positive or neutral relationship between using simulations and games and achieving learning objectives. Also, we find three recurring conditions for successful use of simulations and games: the specificity of the game, the integration in the course, and the role of a guiding instructor. Finally, we express the strong need for a scientific framework to measure effectiveness of simulations and games

    Improving fieldwork by using GIS for quantitative exploration, data management and digital mapping

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    Fieldwork is an essential part of teaching geosciences. The essence of a fieldwork is to study natural phenomena in its proper context. Fieldworks dominantly utilize a learning-by-experiencing learning style and are often light on abstract thinking skills. We introduce more of the latter skills to a first-year fieldwork of several weeks by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). We use simple techniques as the involved students had no prior experience with GIS. In our project, we introduced new tutorials prior to the fieldwork where students explored their research area using aerial photos, satellite images, an elevation model and slope-map using Google Earth and QGIS. The goal of these tutorials was to get acquainted with the area, plan the first steps of the fieldwork, and formulate hypotheses in form of a preliminary map based on quantitative data. During the actual fieldwork, half of the students processed and managed their field data using GIS, used elevation data as additional data source, and made digital geomorphological maps. This was in contrast to the other half of the students that used classic techniques with paper maps. We evaluated the learning benefits by two questionnaires (one before and one after the fieldwork), and a group interview with students that used GIS in the field. Students liked the use of Google Earth and GIS, and many indicate the added value of using quantitative maps. The hypotheses and fieldwork plans of the students were quickly superseded by insights during the fieldwork itself, but making these plans and hypotheses in advance improved the student's ability to perform empirical research. Students were very positive towards the use of GIS for their fieldwork, mainly because they experienced it as a modern and relevant technique for research and the labour market. Tech-savvy students were extra motivated and explored additional methods. There were some minor technical difficulties with using GIS during the fieldwork, but these can be solved by focussing the preparatory tutorials on what to expect during the fieldwork. We did not observe a significant difference in the quality of the products created by students between both groups since both digital and classic maps show a large range of aesthetic and scientific quality. To conclude, we had a positive experience with our first attempt to add GIS components to a classic fieldwork. The main benefit is that students use quantitative data which provides a different view on the fieldwork area and triggers abstract thinking. Future plans include using the student's field data in a web-gis app to allow easy remote supervision and using digital maps in the field

    The value of simulations and games for tertiary education

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    Simulations and games play an important role in how young people learn. Through simulations and games you can practice skills that are relevant for professional practice. Through simulations and games you can learn to deal with complexity and diversity. Simulations and games already play a role in higher education, albeit modest, fragmented and insufficiently embedded in learning objectives, and its evidence base is limited. In keywords this was the point of departure for a broadly-based, interfaculty group of Utrecht University (UU) colleagues who, in 2014, set to work on the joint project, Simulations and Simulation Gaming in Tertiary Education, initiated by the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund (Utrechts Stimuleringsfonds Onderwijs, USO). From the outset our objectives were ambitious and diverse, but could nevertheless be summarized in two sentences: To contribute towards making simulations and games easier to use and more accessible to a larger group of professors of different degree programmes. Secondly, to contribute towards getting a better idea about which types of learning and which learning objectives could be improved by which kinds of simulations and games. In this booklet we would like to take you on our journey of discovery and show you what the journey yielded