7 research outputs found

    Cold-inducible proteins CIRP and RBM3, a unique couple with activities far beyond the cold

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    Apoptosis and inflammation

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    Subregional Assignment of 6 Genes on Chromosome-19q

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    We report on the precise regional mapping of several expressed DNA sequences most of which have been assigned to chromosome 19 earlier. For subregional assignment we used a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing der (19) chromosomes that allowed us to define several intervals across 19cen-q13.3 (Schonk et al., Genomics 4:384·896, 1989). The genes encoding human prostate-specific antigen (APS) (Riegman et al., FEBS 247:123-126, 1989) and human pancreas kallikrein (KLK1) (Evans et al., Biochemistry 27:3124-3129, 1988) as well as the U1 SnRNP-specific 70kD (U1R70) protein (Sillikens et al., Sillekens Thesis, University of Nijmegen, in press, 1989) were found located in the 19q13.3-19qter region distal to the ERCC DNA repair genes. Three other genes, namely the hormone sensitive lipase gene (LIPE) (Holm et al., SCience 241:1503-1506, 1988) the carcinoembryonic antigen gene (CEA) (Zimmerman et al., Cancer Res. 48:2550-2554, 1988) and the gene for U1 SnRNP specific A protein (Sillikens et al., pers. comm.) could be more precisely assigned to band 19q13.1. U1 SnRNP A protein gene mapped distal to D19S28, GP1 and MAG loci and proximal to D19F11S1 and D19S18 LIPE and CEA genes, together with Apo C2 and CYP2A, are located in the segment between D19S18 and the apolipoprotein C2, -C1, -E1 gene cluster, close to the CEA-related PSBG1 protein (see Nieman et al., this conference). These studies provide further data for the construction of a physical linkage map of the entire 19q, a chromosome area which is surprisingly rich in expressed DNA sequences