105 research outputs found

    Seeing the bigger picture: visual imagination and the social brain

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    I studied multi-modal aspects of visual imagination in relation to visual art and complex images, defining ‘visual imagination’ broadly as a dynamic of complex psychological processes that integrate visual information with prior experiences and knowledge to construct internal models of oneself, others and the outside world. This reflects the ultimate aim of my work to develop engaging cultural and clinical resources that strengthen social brain networks, tailored to personal interests, age and cognitive health. I pursued two interrelated research programmes based primarily at the Wellcome Collection, as part of my interdisciplinary residency with Created Out of Mind. I used complementary neuroscientific and visual research methods to probe relationships between visual imagination and the social brain in neurologically healthy adults and people living with various forms of dementia. The Social Brain Atlas and connectome (Alcalá López et al., Cerebral Cortex 2017) was recently computed from 3972 functional neuroimaging studies in 22712 healthy adults: to contextualise my research in the social brain, I first translated the social brain connectome to functional infographics (relational spatial representations) of the four hierarchical processing levels of the Social Brain Atlas, and generated visual imagination brain profiles in healthy adults and profiles of canonical dementia syndromes. I used these to generate hypotheses and guide analysis of my neuroscientific experiments. I recruited three participant cohorts: 17 neurologically healthy adults aged 20-30 years; 20 neurologically healthy adults aged 50+ years; and 11 senior adults living with various forms of dementia. These research participants took part in five neuroscientific experiments that I had designed, in which I used advanced technologies to capture physiological responses and established as well as novel visual research methods to study neuropsychological responses to visual art, complex imagery and colour experiences. I employed an arts-based facilitated conversation methodology, Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS); and I developed novel quantitative methods to analyse recorded eye tracking data, electrodermal activity and speech samples. I used both parametric and non-parametric statistical methods to compare participant cohorts. In parallel with the neuroscientific research, I developed a series of art experiments at UCL Institute of Making, and my studio at the Limehouse Art Foundation, East London. My artistic research complemented my neuroscientific work by emphasising individual experience over generic perceptual mechanisms: by creating space for personal interactions with art, the research becomes contextualised in the social world. The artistic research resulted in a public exhibition of optical instruments, visual artworks and installations that expanded on the two neuroscientific research projects, complementing the written thesis with the embodied language of visual art. Visitors could freely explore the perceptual effects of the optical instruments and were invited to reflect on the visual artworks with the Visual Thinking Strategies method

    Thinking eyes: visual thinking strategies and the social brain

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    The foundation of art processes in the social brain can guide the scientific study of how human beings perceive and interact with their environment. Here, we applied the theoretical frameworks of the social and artistic brain connectomes to an eye-tracking paradigm with the aim to elucidate how different viewing conditions and social cues influence gaze patterns and personal resonance with artworks and complex imagery in healthy adults. We compared two viewing conditions that encourage personal or social perspective taking-modeled on the well-known Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) method-to a viewing condition during which only contextual information about the image was provided. Our findings showed that the viewing conditions that used VTS techniques directed the gaze more toward highly salient social cues (Animate elements) in artworks and complex imagery, compared to when only contextual information was provided. We furthermore found that audio cues also directed visual attention, whereby listening to a personal reflection by another person (VTS) had a stronger effect than contextual information. However, we found no effect of viewing condition on the personal resonance with the artworks and complex images when taking the random effects of the image selection into account. Our study provides a neurobiological grounding of the VTS method in the social brain, revealing that this pedagogical method of engaging viewers with artworks measurably shapes people's visual exploration patterns. This is not only of relevance to (art) education but also has implications for art-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications

    More Than Meets the Eye: Art Engages the Social Brain

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    Here we present the viewpoint that art essentially engages the social brain, by demonstrating how art processing maps onto the social brain connectome-the most comprehensive diagram of the neural dynamics that regulate human social cognition to date. We start with a brief history of the rise of neuroaesthetics as the scientific study of art perception and appreciation, in relation to developments in contemporary art practice and theory during the same period. Building further on a growing awareness of the importance of social context in art production and appreciation, we then set out how art engages the social brain and outline candidate components of the "artistic brain connectome." We explain how our functional model for art as a social brain phenomenon may operate when engaging with artworks. We call for closer collaborations between the burgeoning field of neuroaesthetics and arts professionals, cultural institutions and diverse audiences in order to fully delineate and contextualize this model. Complementary to the unquestionable value of art for art's sake, we argue that its neural grounding in the social brain raises important practical implications for mental health, and the care of people living with dementia and other neurological conditions

    No differences in physical activity between children with overweight and children of normal-weight

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in objectively measured physical activity and in self-reported physical activity between overweight and normal-weight children. METHODS: Data from a prospective cohort study including children, presenting at the participating general practices in the south-west of the Netherlands, were used. Children (aged 4-15 years) were categorized as normal-weight or overweight using age- and sex specific cut-off points. They wore an ActiGraph accelerometer for one week to register physical activity, and filled out a diary for one week about physical activity. RESULTS: A total of 57 children were included in this study. Overweight children spent significantly less percentage time per day in sedentary behavior (β - 1.68 (95%CI -3.129, - 0.07)). There were no significant differences in percentage time per day spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity (β 0.33 (- 0.11, 0.78)). No significant differences were found between children of normal-weight and overweight in self-reported measures of physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight children are not less physically active than normal-weight children, which may be associated with the risen awareness towards overweight/obesity and with implemented interventions for children with overweight/obesity

    Reliability and validity of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) in individuals with a recently acquired spinal cord injury

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    Objective To assess the reliability and validity of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) and possible subscales, and to interpret Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) total scores, in individuals with a spinal cord injury. Design Cross-sectional Setting Seven Dutch rehabilitation centres Subjects Individuals with a recently acquired traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injury at the start of inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation (N = 270). Main measure The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) consists of eight items on an individual's cognitive and emotional representation of one's health conditions. Principal component analysis was performed to identify possible Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) subscales. Validity was assessed by testing hypotheses on correlations between the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) and other measures. Cut-off points of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) total score were determined. Results Mean (SD) age of participants was 60.1 (16.5) years, 188 (71%) were male, and 119 (44%) had tetraplegia. Three potential subscales were revealed. Cronbach's alpha was acceptable for only one subscale. This subscale was named 'consequences' and included the items 'consequences', 'symptom burden', 'concern', and 'emotions'. The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) total and the consequence subscale showed the expected strong correlations (>.50) with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Mean (SD) scores were 40.9 (12.3) on the 8-item Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) (range 0-80) and 25.1 (8.1) on the consequences subscale (range 0-40). Cut-off points for the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) total score were determined as follows: = 50 indicating high experienced threat. Conclusion The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ) total and consequences subscale seem applicable in individuals with a spinal cord injury in the rehabilitation practice and research

    Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and pain intensity in persons with spinal cord injury

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    Study design Cross-sectional. Objectives To examine the association between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and pain intensity, taking symptoms of anxiety and depression into account within persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). Setting Persons with SCI, who visited a Dutch rehabilitation centre between 2005 and 2010, were invited to complete a survey. Methods PTSD symptoms were measured with the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ), pain intensity with an 11-point Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and symptoms of anxiety and depression with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). To determine associations between PTSD symptoms and pain intensity, linear regression analyses were performed. Confounding variables representing anxiety and depression were added to the final model. Results In total, 175 participants (55.8% traumatic, 29.1% complete) were included (response rate of 31.7%). Of them, 11.4% had clinically relevant symptoms of probable PTSD (TSQ score >= 6) 69.8% experienced moderate to severe pain levels (NRS >= 4), 14.9% had symptoms of anxiety and 20.8% symptoms of depression (HADS scores >= 11). Levels of PTSD symptoms were strongly associated with symptoms of anxiety (0.54) and depression (0.49). Bivariate analyses showed a moderate significant association (0.30) between PTSD symptoms and pain intensity. This association became small (0.10) when anxiety and depression comorbidity were factored into the final regression model. Conclusions No independent association between PTSD symptoms and pain intensity was shown when adjusted for anxiety and depression. Results of this study suggest the usefulness of screening for PTSD in persons with SCI (regardless of injury cause or type/level) who score high on symptoms of anxiety/depression

    NELL-1, HMGB1, and CCN2 Enhance Migration and Vasculogenesis, But Not Osteogenic Differentiation Compared to BMP2

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    Currently, autografts still represent the gold standard treatment for the repair of large bone defects. However, these are associated with donor-site morbidity and increased pain, cost, and recovery time. The ideal therapy would use biomaterials combined with bone growth factors to induce and instruct bone defect repair without the need to harvest patient tissue. In this line, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been the most extensively used agents for clinical bone repair, but at supraphysiological doses that are not without risk. Because of the need to eliminate the risks of BMP2 use in vivo, we assessed the ability of three putative osteogenic factors, nel-like molecule type 1 (NELL-1), high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), and CCN2, to enhance the essential processes for bone defect repair in vitro and compared them to BMP2. Although it has been reported that NELL-1, HMGB1, and CCN2 play a role in bone formation, less is known about the contribution of these proteins to the different events involved, such as cell migration, osteogenesis, and vasculogenesis. In this study, we investigated the effects of different doses of NELL-1, HMGB, CCN2, and BMP2 on these three processes as a model for the recruitment and differentiation of resident cells in the in vivo bone defect repair situation, using cells of human origin. Our data demonstrated that NELL-1, HMGB1, and CCN2 significantly induced mesenchymal stem cell migration (from 1.58-fold increase compared to control), but BMP2 did not. Interestingly, only BMP2 increased osteogenesis in marrow stromal cells, whereas it inhibited osteogenesis in preosteoblasts. Moreover, the four proteins studied promoted significantly endothelial cell migration, reaching a maximum of 2.4-fold increase compared to control, and induced formation of tube-like structures. NELL-1, HMGB1, and CCN2 had these effects at relatively low doses compared to BMP2. This work indicates that NELL-1, HMGB1, and CCN2 might enhance bone defect healing via the recruitment of endogenous cells and induction of vascularization and act via different processes than BMP2

    Regional variations in human milk oligosaccharides in Vietnam suggest FucTx activity besides FucT2 and FucT3

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    Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development (WHO). Human milk oligosaccharides (hMOS) constitute a highly important class of nutrients that are attracting strong attention in recent years. Several studies have indicated that hMOS have prebiotic properties, but also are effective in anti-adhesion of pathogens, modulating the immune system and providing nutrients for brain growth and development. Most of the latter functions seem to be linked to the presence of fucose-containing immunodeterminant epitopes, and Neu5Ac-bearing oligosaccharides. Analysis of hMOS isolated from 101 mothers' milk showed regional variation in Lewis-and Secretor based immunodeterminants. Lewis-negative milk groups could be sub-divided into two sub-groups, based on the activity of a third and hitherto unidentified fucosyltransferase enzyme. Analysis of hMOS remaining in faeces showed three sub-groups based on hMOS surviving passage through the gut, full consumption, specific partial consumption and nonspecific partial consumption, fitting previous findings

    Differences in respiratory consultations in primary care between underweight, normal-weight, and overweight children

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    This prospective cohort study investigates whether the suggested association between weight status and respiratory complaints in open populations is also reflected in the frequency of consultations for respiratory complaints at the general practice. Children aged 2–18 years presenting at one of the participating general practices in the Netherlands could be included. Electronic medical files were used to extract data on consultations. Logistic regression analyses and negative binomial regression analyses were used to assess the associations between weight status and the presence, and frequency of respiratory consultations, respectively, during 2-year follow-up. Subgroup analyses were performed in children aged 2–6, 6–12, and 12–18 years old. Of the 617 children, 115 (18.6%) were underweight, 391 (63.4%) were normal-weight, and 111 (18%) were overweight. Respiratory consultations were not more prevalent in underweight children compared to normal-weight children (odds ratio (OR) 0.87, 95% confidence inteval (CI) 0.64–1.10), and in overweight children compared to normal-weight children (OR 1.33, 95% CI 0.99–1.77). Overweight children aged 12–18 years had more respiratory consultations (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.14–4.01), more asthma-like consultations (OR 3.94, 95%CI 1.20–12.88), and more respiratory allergy-related consultations (OR 3.14, 95% CI 1.25–7.86) than normal-weight children. General practitioners should pay attention to weight loss as part of the treatment of respiratory complaints in overweight and obese children
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