440 research outputs found

    The Motor Innervation of a Triply Innervated Crustacean Muscle

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    The crustacean muscle is extremely sensitive to mechanical injury. This is due to the fact that the muscle fibres are innervated by a feltwork of nerve fibres which surrounds them. Apparéntly, there is a lack of a muscular conduction process in these muscles. Contractions have been observed in the same muscle fibres during stimulation of the axon for the fast contraction as well as during stimulation of the fibre for the slow contraction

    On Galvanotropism and Oscillotaxis in Fish

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    A spinal fish bends with the concave side towards the anode in a D.C. field of transverse direction. This reaction, which lasts as long as the current passes, is shown to be a reflex (galvanotropic reflex). Other manifestations of this reflex have been found. In a field of dorso-ventral direction the animal is bent in the sagittal plane towards the anode. The unrest of body and tail in an ascending field in the longitudinal direction of the fish may be caused partly by the same reflex. The same reflex has also been found in some of the fin muscles. The structures (sensory end-organs) stimulated during the galvanotropic reflex are situated in the muscles (or tendons). Galvanotropism has been demonstrated in fish in which the labyrinths and the lateral-line organs have been eliminated by the transection of their nerves. The mechanism of galvanotropism is discussed and this phenomenon is found to be based on the galvanotropic reflex and the ability of the animal to swim. A fish placed at 45° to the current lines in an A.C. field shows a curving of the body and tail. This is explained by the wedge shape of the fish body and tail, by which the two sides of the animal have a different angle with the current lines, and thus are differently stimulated. The mechanism of oscillotaxis is discussed in relation to this reaction

    A Comparative Study Of The Double Motor Innervation In Marine Crustaceans

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    A double motor innervation has been shown for several muscles of marine crustaceans. The adductors of the claws of Randallia and Blepharipoda and the adductor of the dactylopodite of the walking leg of Cancer were studied physiologically. The two motor axons which innervate these muscles have a different diameter (ratio 1.4:1). Stimulation of the thick fibre causes a response, which, though it is not always faster than the response of the thin fibre, must be considered as a "fast" contraction. In Randallia and in Blepharipoda the slow contraction is higher than the fast with frequencies of less than ± 50 per sec., in Cancer with frequencies less than 100 per sec. The action currents of the two kinds of contraction are different. Both show facilitation, but under the same conditions of stimulation the fast-action currents are higher. The first stimulus of the thick fibre causes an action current top which is clearly distinguishable, the action currents of the slow contraction show up only after a number of stimuli. Even when the mechanical reaction on stimulation of the thick fibre is smaller than on similar stimulation of the thin fibre, the action currents are higher in the first case. A single impulse in the thick fibre does not cause a contraction, but sets up a muscle-action current. The chronaxie of this action current in Blepharipoda and Randallia is 0.8{sigma} and is about the same as that found for the action current of the nerve. Two impulses in the thick fibre may cause a mechanical response, as is shown by summation experiments. The pseudo-chronaxie of this contraction was measured as 3.5 {sigma}. The second action current shows facilitation, when it follows the first within 1 sec.; a mechanical reaction results with summation intervals of two stimuli of less than 10{sigma}. The facilitation of the action current increases with decrease of the time interval between the two impulses; with the shortest intervals that give summation the resulting action current is a smooth high spike

    Perfusion Fixation With Glutaraldehyde and Post-Fixation With Osmium Tetroxide for Electron Microscopy

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    The conductivity of cerebral cortex drops during perfusion with glutaraldehyde in 5 min to about 60% of the original value, to remain unchanged during the subsequent 10-15 min of perfusion. Circulatory arrest causes a similar drop in the tissue conductivity. Perfusion of asphyxiated tissue with glutaraldehyde does not produce additional major changes in the conductivity. Perfusion of the cortex with an osmium tetroxide solution causes an initial drop in conductivity. However, after about 3 min this trend is reversed and the conductivity increases again to close to the pre-perfusion value. Perfusion of asphyxiated cortex with OsO4 causes a marked increase of the conductivity. So does perfusion with an OsO4 solution of tissue previously treated with glutaraldehyde. One interpretation of these impedance changes is that glutaraldehyde perfusion causes, like asphyxiation, a transport of extracellular material into the intracellular compartment and that during OsO4 perfusion an extracellular space is again created. This possibility is supported by electron micrographs made of this material. Cerebral cortex perfused with glutaraldehyde and post-fixed with OsO4 shows electron-transparent dendritic elements and to a lesser extent pre-synaptic terminals, which seem to be swollen. When the cortex is flooded with a salt solution during glutaraldehyde perfusion the dendrites exhibit ballooning in the surface layer of the cortex, suggesting that the fluid on the cortex participates in the swelling. The tissue elements in the glutaraldehyde-perfused and OsO4 post-fixed cortex are separated by narrow extracellular spaces. The latter may have been produced by the OsO4 perfusion as is suggested by a comparison of micrographs prepared by freeze substitution (which tends to preserve the water distribution) of glutaraldehyde-perfused but not post-fixed cortex with micrographs of cortex treated with OsO4 after the glutaraldehyde perfusion. In accordance with the conductivity changes, the former micrographs showed very little extracellular space, and in many places tight junctions, whereas the latter showed clefts between the tissue elements

    Demonstration of Extracellular Space by Freeze-Drying in the Cerebellar Molecular Layer

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    In electron micrographs of the molecular layer of the mouse cerebellum frozen within 30 sec of circulatory arrest and subsequently dried at -79 °C an appreciable extracellular space was found between the axons of the granular cells. Tight junctions were regularly observed between pre- and postsynaptic structures and the enveloping glia cells. In micrographs of cerebellum frozen 8 min after decapitation the space between the axons was absent and tight junctions between the nerve fibres were almost exclusively encountered. The extracellular space of asphyxiated and non-asphyxiated tissue in electron micrographs of frozen-dried material is similar to the space in comparable tissues treated by freeze-substitution. These observations suggest that there is an appreciable amount of extracellular material in oxygenated, living tissue which is taken up by cellular elements during asphyxiation

    Who Is Skeptical About Scientific Innovation? Examining Worldview Predictors of Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, and Human Gene Editing Attitudes

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    This work examines worldview predictors of attitudes toward nanotechnology, human gene editing (HGE), and artificial intelligence. By simultaneously assessing the relative predictive value of various worldview variables in two Dutch samples (total N = 614), we obtained evidence for spirituality as a key predictor of skepticism across domains. Religiosity consistently predicted HGE skepticism only. Lower faith in science contributed to these relationships. Aversion to tampering with nature predicted skepticism across domains. These results speak to the importance of religiosity and spirituality for scientific innovation attitudes and emphasize the need for a detailed consideration of worldviews that shape these attitudes


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    It was attempted to preserve the water distribution in central nervous tissue by rapid freezing followed by substitution fixation at low temperature. The vermis of the cerebellum of white mice was frozen by bringing it into contact with a polished silver mirror maintained at a temperature of about -207°C. The tissue was subjected to substitution fixation in acetone containing 2 per cent OsO4 at -85°C for 2 days, and then prepared for electron microscopy by embedding in Maraglas, sectioning, and staining with lead citrate or uranyl acetate and lead. Cerebellum frozen within 30 seconds of circulatory arrest was compared with cerebellum frozen after 8 minutes' asphyxiation. From impedance measurements under these conditions, it could be expected that in the former tissue the electrolyte and water distribution is similar to that in the normal, oxygenated cerebellum, whereas in the asphyxiated tissue a transport of water and electrolytes into the intracellular compartment has taken place. Electron micrographs of tissue frozen shortly after circulatory arrest revealed the presence of an appreciable extracellular space between the axons of granular layer cells. Between glia, dendrites, and presynaptic endings the usual narrow clefts and even tight junctions were found. Also the synaptic cleft was of the usual width (250 to 300 A). In asphyxiated tissue, the extracellular space between the axons is either completely obliterated (tight junctions) or reduced to narrow clefts between apposing cell surfaces

    Changes in Extracellular Space of the Mouse Cerebral Cortex During Hydroxyadipaldehyde Fixation and Osmium Tetroxide Post-Fixation

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    Perfusion of the cerebral cortex of mice with a 4.5 and 12.5% hydroxyadipaldehyde (HAA) solution in a cacodylate buffer caused a biphasic change in the tissue conductivity. After a latency of a fraction of a minute the cortical conductivity dropped markedly, reaching a minimum in 1.5-2 min. Then the conductivity increased again. Electron micrographs (EMs) of material perfused with HAA for 15-20 min and post-fixed with osmium tetroxide showed electron-transparent swollen structures, some of which could be identified as dendritic. The extracellular space consisted of 100-200 Å slits between the tissue elements and larger spaces in bundles of small profiles (unmyelinated axons). Cortex frozen after 2 min perfusion with HAA and subjected to substitution in acetone containing 2 % OsO4 at -85 °C showed swollen (dendritic) structures and a paucity of extracellular material in accordance with the conductivity drop. Often tight junctions between the tissue elements were present. Tissue frozen after 15-20 min of HAA perfusion when the conductivity had increased again yielded EMs which were characterized by an abundance of extracellular space between the small profiles. The mitochondria in the swollen (dendritic) structures were enormously enlarged. Cortex perfused for 15-20 min with HAA, post-fixed with OsO4 and then freeze substituted produced EMs resembling those of tissue fixed in the same way but not subjected to freeze substitution. The examination of the fixation process by freeze substitution demonstrated a sequence of major changes in the fluid distribution of the tissue which precludes any direct relationship between the spaces in the normal and fixed tissue

    The Function of the Quintuple Innervation of a Crustacean Muscle

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    The functions of the five fibres innervating the flexor muscle of the carpopodite was investigated in Panulirus interruptus. The four thicker fibres were found to be motor axons, each eliciting a contraction with different characteristics. These four contractions were accompanied by four different types of action currents. The thinnest fibre when stimulated simultaneously with any of the four motor fibres caused inhibition of the contraction. It is concluded that all four contractions take place in all the muscle fibres and that the conception of the mechanism of crustacean nerve muscle system developed before is enlarged to include the new results. The possible biological significance of the quintuple innervation is discussed
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