12 research outputs found

    Multiuse Catheters for Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Urinary Retention: Is There Evidence of Inferiority?

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    In Europe, urinary retention is managed with single-use catheters but there is uncertainty regarding their superiority over multiuse catheters

    Urinary catheterization from 1997 to 2018: a Dutch population-based cohort

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    Background: Our aim was to evaluate the use of indwelling, intermittent and external urinary catheters in neurogenic and non-neurogenic bladder patients in the Netherlands from 1997 to 2018. Methods: Data were retrieved from a population-based cohort containing information about the extramural use of medical devices in the insured population in the Netherlands. The insured population increased from 9.9 million people in 1997 to 17.1 million people in 2018 (64–100% of the Dutch population). Users are expressed by users per 100,000 insured people and total users, corrected for the overall Dutch population. The expenditures are corrected for inflation and expressed by total costs and costs per user. Results: During this 21-year period, indwelling catheter (IC) users doubled from 159 per 100,000 people (24,734 users) to 315 per 100,000 people (54,106 users). Clean intermittent catheter (CIC) users increased from 92 per 100,000 people (14,258 users) in 1997 to 267 per 100,000 people (45,909 users) in 2018. Of all users, 20.7% had an associated neurogenic disorder and 44.9% a non-neurogenic disorder in 2018. The total expenditure on extramural use of urinary catheters increased from 27.7 million euros in 1997 to 84.4 million euros in 2018. IC costs increased from 6.0 million euros in 1997 to 6.7 million euros in 2018, while CIC costs rose from 16.4 million euros to 74.6 million euros. Urine drainage bag costs decreased from 17.2 million in 2001 to 5.3 million in 2018. Conclusions: IC use has increased substantially over the past 21 years, despite the fact that CIC use increased as well. It seems that the main driver behind the prevalence in IC and CIC use, is the rise in incontinence care in older patients and the adaption of preferred CIC use in professional guidelines. At least one fifth of all users catheterize due to neurogenic reasons

    PNN PhD Survey: Asking the relevant questions. Mental wellbeing, Workload, Burnout, Research environment, Progress of the PhD project, Considering to quit

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    Mental wellbeing • 47.1% of the PhDs have an increased risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. Only 20.1% of the PhDs does not show any symptoms of mental health problems. • However, when asked to rate their mental health themselves, only 11.3% of the PhDs rate their general mental health as poor or very poor. 58.8% rate their mental health as good or very good. • The worse PhDs rate their general mental health, the more symptoms of mental health problems they show. Even PhDs who rate their mental health as very good have on average 1.5 symptoms of mental health problems. • 55.6% of the international PhDs is at risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. For noninternational PhDs, this is 41.6%. International PhDs also rate their general mental health worse than non-international PhDs

    PNN PhD Survey: Asking the relevant questions. Mental wellbeing, Workload, Burnout, Research environment, Progress of the PhD project, Considering to quit

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    Mental wellbeing • 47.1% of the PhDs have an increased risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. Only 20.1% of the PhDs does not show any symptoms of mental health problems. • However, when asked to rate their mental health themselves, only 11.3% of the PhDs rate their general mental health as poor or very poor. 58.8% rate their mental health as good or very good. • The worse PhDs rate their general mental health, the more symptoms of mental health problems they show. Even PhDs who rate their mental health as very good have on average 1.5 symptoms of mental health problems. • 55.6% of the international PhDs is at risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. For noninternational PhDs, this is 41.6%. International PhDs also rate their general mental health worse than non-international PhDs

    Blaaskatheterisatie in historisch perspectief

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    ThisDit artikel geeft een overzicht van blaaskatheterisatie in Nederland tussen 1997 en 2018. Voor het maken van het overzicht is gebruikgemaakt van een databank met declaratie-informatie over extramurale hulpmiddelenzorg onder de verzekerde bevolking. Het aantal gebruikers wordt weergegeven per 100.000 personen. Het gebruik van verblijfskatheters is toegenomen van 159 (24.734 gebruikers) in 1997 naar 315 gebruikers per 100.000 personen (54.106 gebruikers) in 2018. Het gebruik van wegwerpkatheters verdrievoudigde van 92 (14.258 gebruikers) in 1997 naar 267 per 100.000 personen (45.909 gebruikers) in 2018. In 2018 had 20,7% van de gebruikers een neurogeen en 44,9% een niet-neurogeen onderliggend lijden. De totale kosten stegen van 27,7 naar 84,4 miljoen euro. De kosten voor intermitterende katheterisatie stegen het meest: van 16,4 naar 74,6 miljoen euro. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat in de afgelopen 21 jaar het gebruik van ve