179 research outputs found
Future consumer mobile phone security: a case study using the data centric security model
In the interconnected world that we live in, traditional security barriers are\ud
broken down. Developments such as outsourcing, increased usage of mobile\ud
devices and wireless networks each cause new security problems.\ud
To address the new security threats, a number of solutions have been suggested,\ud
mostly aiming at securing data rather than whole systems or networks.\ud
However, these visions (such as proposed by the Jericho Forum [9] and IBM\ud
[4]) are mostly concerned with large (inter-) enterprise systems. Until now, it is\ud
unclear what data-centric security could mean for other systems and environments.\ud
One particular category of systems that has been neglected is that of\ud
consumer mobile phones. Currently, data security is usually limited to a PIN\ud
number on startup and the option to disable wireless connections. The lack of\ud
protection does not seem justified, as these devices have steadily increased in\ud
capabilities and capacity; they can connect wirelessly to the Internet and have\ud
a high risk of being lost or stolen [8]. This not only puts end users at risk, but\ud
also their contacts, as phones can contain privacy sensitive data of many others.\ud
For example, if birth dates and addresses are kept with the contact records, in\ud
many cases a thief will have enough information to impersonate a contact and\ud
steal his identity.\ud
Could consumer mobile phones benefit from data-centric security? How\ud
useful is data-centric security in this context? These are the core questions we\ud
will try to address here
A Risk Management Process for Consumers
Simply by using information technology, consumers expose themselves to considerable security risks. Because no technical or legal solutions are readily available, the only remedy is to develop a risk management process for consumers, similar to the process executed by enterprises. Consumers need to consider the risks in a structured way, and take action, not once, but iteratively. Such a process is feasible: enterprises already execute such processes, and time-saving tools can support the consumer in her own process. In fact, given our society's emphasis on individual responsibilities, skills and devices, a risk management process for consumers is the logical next step in improving information security
De-perimeterisation as a cycle: tearing down and rebuilding security perimeters
If an organisation wants to secure its IT assets, where should the security mechanisms be placed? The traditional view is the hard-shell model, where an organisation secures all its assets using a fixed security border: What is inside the security perimeter is more or less trusted, what is outside is not. Due to changes in technologies, business processes and their legal environments this approach is not adequate anymore.\ud
This paper examines this process, which was coined de-perimeterisation by the Jericho Forum.\ud
In this paper we analyse and define the concepts of perimeter and de-perimeterisation, and show that there is a long term trend in which de-perimeterisation is iteratively accelerated and decelerated. In times of accelerated de-perimeterisation, technical and organisational changes take place by which connectivity between organisations and their environment scales up significantly. In times of deceleration, technical and organisational security measures are taken to decrease the security risks that come with de-perimeterisation, a movement that we call re-perimeterisation. We identify the technical and organisational mechanisms that facilitate de-perimeterisation and re-perimeterisation, and discuss the forces that cause organisations to alternate between these two movements
The Precautionary Principle in a World of Digital Dependencies
As organizations become deperimeterized, a new paradigm in software engineering ethics becomes necessary. We can no longer rely on an ethics of consequences, but might instead rely on the precautionary principle, which lets software engineers focus on creating a more extensive moral framework.\u
Rethinking De-Perimeterisation: Problem Analysis And Solutions
For businesses, the traditional security approach is the hard-shell model: an organisation secures all its assets using a fixed security border, trusting the inside, and distrusting the outside. However, as technologies and business processes change, this model looses its attractiveness. In a networked world, âinsideâ and âoutsideâ can no longer be clearly distinguished. The Jericho Forum - an industry consortium part of the Open Group â coined this process deperimeterisation and suggested an approach aimed at securing data rather than complete systems and infrastructures. We do not question the reality of de-perimeterisation; however, we believe that the existing analysis of the exact problem, as well as the usefulness of the proposed solutions have fallen short: first, there is no linear process of blurring boundaries, in which security mechanisms are placed at lower and lower levels, until they only surround data. To the contrary, we experience a cyclic process of connecting and disconnecting of systems. As conditions change, the basic trade-off between accountability and business opportunities is made (and should be made) every time again. Apart from that, data level security has several limitations to start with, and there is a big potential for solving security problems differently: by rearranging the responsibilities between businesses and individuals. The results of this analysis can be useful for security professionals who need to trade off different security mechanisms for their organisations and their information systems
Benefits of Location-Based Access Control:A Literature Study
Location-based access control (LBAC) has been suggested as a means to improve IT security. By 'grounding' users and systems to a particular location, \ud
attackers supposedly have more difficulty in compromising a system. However, the motivation behind LBAC and its potential benefits have not been investigated thoroughly. To this end, we perform a structured literature review, and examine the goals that LBAC can potentially fulfill, \ud
the specific LBAC systems that realize these goals and the context on which LBAC depends. Our paper has four main contributions:\ud
first we propose a theoretical framework for LBAC evaluation, based on goals, systems and context. Second, we formulate and apply criteria for evaluating the usefulness of an LBAC system. Third, we identify four usage scenarios for LBAC: open areas and systems, hospitals, enterprises, and finally data centers and military facilities. Fourth, we propose directions for future research:\ud
(i) assessing the tradeoffs between location-based, physical and logical access control, (ii) improving the transparency of LBAC decision making, and \ud
(iii) formulating design criteria for facilities and working environments for optimal LBAC usage
ANWB-enquĂȘte niet democratisch
Terwijl de stemcomputers zijn afgeschaft laat minister Eurlings zich nu toch door een internetpoll adviseren, stelt André van Cleeff c.s
Sociotechniek: een "instrument" voor ontwerp en analyse van organisaties in welzijnswerk?
In dit artikel bekijken we de toepasbaarheid van de bedrijfskundige theorie van de sociotechniek op het welzijnswerk. Het doel is te onderzoeken of de sociotechniek een geschikt instrument is om activiteiten, projecten en organisaties in de welzijnssector mee te beschrijven en te analyseren, op een manier die zorgt dat meer inzicht in succes en falen wordt verkregen. We behandelen eerst kort de sociotechniek als zodanig en gaan daarna in op toepassing in de sociale sector in het algemeen en in âopen welzijnswerkâ. De toepassingsmogelijkheden van de sociotechniek illustreren we aan de hand van een korte beschrijving en analyse van Buurtzorg en een casus, namelijk de ontwikkeling en het functioneren van wijkwerkprojecten in een specifieke wijk in Rotterdam
Two methodologies for physical penetration testing using social engineering
Penetration tests on IT systems are sometimes coupled with physical penetration tests and social engineering. In physical penetration tests where social engineering is allowed, the penetration tester directly interacts with the employees. These interactions are usually based on deception and if not done properly can upset the employees, violate their privacy or damage their trust toward the organization and might lead to law suits and loss of productivity. We propose two methodologies for performing a physical penetration test where the goal is to gain an asset using social engineering. These methodologies aim to reduce the impact of the penetration test on the employees. The methodologies have been validated by a set of penetration tests performed over a period of two year
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