20 research outputs found

    γ\gamma-Graphs of Trees

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    For a graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E), the γ\gamma-graph of GG, denoted G(γ)=(V(γ),E(γ))G(\gamma) = (V(\gamma), E(\gamma)), is the graph whose vertex set is the collection of minimum dominating sets, or γ\gamma-sets of GG, and two γ\gamma-sets are adjacent in G(γ)G(\gamma) if they differ by a single vertex and the two different vertices are adjacent in GG. In this paper, we consider γ\gamma-graphs of trees. We develop an algorithm for determining the γ\gamma-graph of a tree, characterize which trees are γ\gamma-graphs of trees, and further comment on the structure of γ\gamma-graphs of trees and its connections with Cartesian product graphs, the set of graphs which can be obtained from the Cartesian product of graphs of order at least two.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Mutually orthogonal latin squares with large holes

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    Two latin squares are orthogonal if, when they are superimposed, every ordered pair of symbols appears exactly once. This definition extends naturally to `incomplete' latin squares each having a hole on the same rows, columns, and symbols. If an incomplete latin square of order nn has a hole of order mm, then it is an easy observation that n≥2mn \ge 2m. More generally, if a set of tt incomplete mutually orthogonal latin squares of order nn have a common hole of order mm, then n≥(t+1)mn \ge (t+1)m. In this article, we prove such sets of incomplete squares exist for all n,m≫0n,m \gg 0 satisfying n≥8(t+1)2mn \ge 8(t+1)^2 m

    Triangle Decompositions of Planar Graphs

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    A multigraph G is triangle decomposable if its edge set can be partitioned into subsets, each of which induces a triangle of G, and rationally triangle decomposable if its triangles can be assigned rational weights such that for each edge e of G, the sum of the weights of the triangles that contain e equals 1. We present a necessary and sufficient condition for a planar multigraph to be triangle decomposable. We also show that if a simple planar graph is rationally triangle decomposable, then it has such a decomposition using only weights 0, 1 and 1/2 . This result provides a characterization of rationally triangle decomposable simple planar graphs. Finally, if G is a multigraph with K4 as underlying graph, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on the multiplicities of its edges for G to be triangle and rationally triangle decomposable

    Triangle Decompositions of Planar Graphs

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    A multigraph G is triangle decomposable if its edge set can be partitioned into subsets, each of which induces a triangle of G, and rationally triangle decomposable if its triangles can be assigned rational weights such that for each edge e of G, the sum of the weights of the triangles that contain e equals 1