281 research outputs found

    Development of Sequence Tagged Microsatellite Site (STMS) markers in Azalea

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    A genomic library was constructed from DNA of two azalea genotypes: a Belgian pot azalea R. simsii hybrid Mevr. Van Belle and a Chinese R. simsii from Daoxian. An enrichment of microsatellite containing sequences was performed as in Van de Wiel et al. (1999). Fragments were sequenced and primers were designed that allow the amplification of the microsatellite repeat. About 220 microsatellite containing clones were selected from the enrichment procedure. Mainly dinucleotide repeats and some trinucleotide repeats were found. The selected primers were tested in a small set of reference varieties to check their value (specificity and polymorphic rate) and to set up the PCR-conditions. Five primer pairs have been tested, two of them gave a specific and polymorphic pattern. They were further screened by radioactive PCR on a selection of 5 plants from the azalea breeders gene pool which included the two genotypes used library construction. These 2 STMS markers uniquely identified the 5 plants

    Pulling for pleasure? Erotic approach-bias associated with porn use, not problems

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    Background and Objectives: Addictive behaviors are gaining recognition in the clinical community, leading to more attention for the effects of problematic porn use. As many addictive behaviors are characterized by automatically activated approach-tendencies for disorder-relevant stimuli, we tested whether such tendencies are also present for erotic images and whether these are related to problematic porn use. Methods: Measuring approach-bias for erotic photographs, sixty-two healthy heterosexual and bisexual men completed both a relevant-feature and an irrelevant-feature approach-avoidance task (AAT). Half of participants operated a joystick as response device, the other half a keyboard. We recorded participants’ number of weekly porn-viewing sessions and symptoms of problematic porn use. Results: The irrelevant-feature AAT produced unreliable results and was not analyzed further. In the relevant-feature AAT, participants had an overall approach-bias towards erotic stimuli. Porn use frequency, but not problematic porn use, was associated with with greater erotic approach-bias. This relationship was stronger when measured with a joystick than with a keyboard. Limitations: Our design did not allow to test the causal direction of the relationship between porn use and approach-bias, and our results cannot be generalized to women, non-heterosexual men, and clinical populations. Conclusions: Similar to other addictive behaviors and substances, we found a positive relation between porn use and approach-bias. Future studies using the relevant-feature AAT will likely benefit from using the joystick rather than the keyboard.Sercan Kahveci was supported by the Doctoral College "Imaging the Mind" (FWF; W1233-B)

    The social learning of threat and safety in the family:Parent-to-child transmission of social fears via verbal information

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    Parental verbal threat (vs. safety) information regarding the social world may impact a child's fear responses, evident in subjective, behavioral, cognitive, and physiological indices of fear. In this study, primary caregivers provided standardized verbal threat or safety information to their child (N = 68, M = 5.27 years; 34 girls) regarding two strangers in the lab. Following this manipulation, children reported fear beliefs for each stranger. Physiological and behavioral reactions were recorded as children engaged with the two strangers (who were blind to their characterization) in a social interaction task. Child attention to the strangers was measured in a visual search task. Parents also reported their own, and their child's, social anxiety symptoms. Children reported more fear for the stranger paired with threat information, but no significant differences were found in observed child fear, attention, or heart rate. Higher social anxiety symptoms on the side of the parents and the children exacerbated the effect of parental verbal threat on observed fear. Our findings reveal a causal influence of parental verbal threat information only for child‐reported fear and highlight the need to further refine the conditions under which acquired fear beliefs persist and generalize to behavior/physiology or get overruled by nonaversive real‐life encounters

    Explicit and implicit self-esteem and their associations with symptoms of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents

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    Negative self-esteem is an important transdiagnostic factor underlying various youth psychological problems. Most studies so far have examined the role of more conscious, explicit self-esteem, assessed with self-report questionnaires. Our study investigated the role of explicit as well as implicit self-esteem (with Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale and the implicit association test, respectively), and the nature of their interaction in explaining children’s and adolescents’ internalizing symptomatology. Self-esteem, depression, and anxiety symptoms were assessed in 279 youths (mean age: 13.92; 52% females). Explicit self-esteem (ESE) was consistently negatively related to internalizing symptoms, whereas implicit self-esteem (ISE) was not. For DSM-related anxiety symptoms, the interaction between ISE and ESE was significant: in youths who displayed low to average ESE, higher ISE predicted more anxiety symptoms, whereas for youths with high ESE, increased ISE was associated with lower levels of anxiety symptoms. Overall, our results suggest that explicit self-esteem is an important factor in explaining internalizing symptomatology for children and adolescents.</p

    Learning to lie: effects of practice on the cognitive cost of lying

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    Cognitive theories on deception posit that lying requires more cognitive resources than telling the truth. In line with this idea, it has been demonstrated that deceptive responses are typically associated with increased response times and higher error rates compared to truthful responses. Although the cognitive cost of lying has been assumed to be resistant to practice, it has recently been shown that people who are trained to lie can reduce this cost. In the present study (n = 42), we further explored the effects of practice on one’s ability to lie by manipulating the proportions of lie and truth-trials in a Sheffield lie test across three phases: Baseline (50% lie, 50% truth), Training (frequent-lie group: 75% lie, 25% truth; control group: 50% lie, 50% truth; and frequent-truth group: 25% lie, 75% truth), and Test (50% lie, 50% truth). The results showed that lying became easier while participants were trained to lie more often and that lying became more difficult while participants were trained to tell the truth more often. Furthermore, these effects did carry over to the test phase, but only for the specific items that were used for the training manipulation. Hence, our study confirms that relatively little practice is enough to alter the cognitive cost of lying, although this effect does not persist over time for non-practiced items
