26 research outputs found

    The territory and the small museums: The Case of Piemonte

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    In the overview of the museum offer, are the “small museums” a separate category? What are the characteristics of a “small museum” and what are the specific necessities? What are the weaknesses and the strengths? The example of Piemonte shows the extreme prosperity of the “small museums” heritage and also their tight relationship with the territory, but it highlights some points still unresolved. The paper enlightens some scenarios on which it is necessary to intervene with specific actions, underlining the profiles on which it is important to reflect

    When the Cultural Heritage cannot be physically visited

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    il contributo esplora possibili soluzioni di turismo virtuale per accedere al patrimonio culturale che non può essere fisicamente visitato, con particolare attenzione all'immersività e al coinvolgimento fisico del visitatore. Viene presentato un progetto interdisciplinare elaborato nel corso di una recente collaborazione internazional

    Interventions on Cultural Heritage: Architecture and Neuroscience for Mindful Projects

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    The paper aims to investigate the intersections between the disciplines of Architecture and Neuroscience focusing on interventions on cultural heritage. Starting from the assumption that the main objective of architecture is ensuring the well-being of the inhabitants at different scales, and that architecture (with its forms, its proportions, its spatial hierarchies, its relationships) generates behaviors, the authors investigate the terrain of overlap with neuroscience, (particularly in its openings towards the disciplines of psychology, social and behavioral sciences) in order to design meaningful cultural experiences. The concept of disciplinary contamination regarding cultural heritage is not to be discussed only in physical terms, but also in intangible terms including all social and cultural values of heritage buildings and sites. This is also because values associated with cultural heritage can be protected and enriched by an approach that generates reactions on a cognitive and emotional level, and it needs to be mediated both at the level of architectural interventions and museography. For this reason, starting from the first intuitions that some designers had during the twentieth century, the paper investigates possible ways of collaboration and experimentation and refers to studies currently underway

    Nuovi scenari di turismo virtuale con gli UAV

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    Un nuovo tipo di fruizione culturale dei beni architettonici e dei beni artistici che potrebbe risolvere molti problemi relativi all'accessibilitĂ  del patrimonio culturale. Applicazioni di turismo virtuale di terza generazione

    Architettura contemporanea

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    Lo scritto introduce la sezione del volume dedicata a una serie di itinerari di architettura contemporanea nella cittĂ  di Torino. Inquadra il panorama architettonico della cittĂ  nella seconda metĂ  del Novecento segnalando gli interventi e i protagonisti di maggiore spicco