7 research outputs found

    Host Genetics and Viral Diversity: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise convened a workshop in September 2009 to discuss human and viral genetic variation and its impact on future directions for HIV vaccine research and development. The formidable challenges presented by virus and host genetic variability are interrelated and complicate vaccine development. HIV vaccine researchers need to develop innovative approaches that will facilitate addressing these questions in novel ways

    Bridging the Gaps between Fundamental, Preclinical and Clinical Research: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise (the Enterprise) convened a two-day workshop on 17-18 September 2009, at the Enterprise offices in New York; to discuss approaches to bridging the gaps between fundamental,preclinical and clinical HIV vaccine research. The topic of this Working Group originated from discussions of the Enterprise Science Committee,which proposed that more effective collaboration between these three areas of HIV vaccine research is needed in order to accelerate the pace of scientific progress in the field. Because the meeting took place before the release of the RV144 trial results held in Thailand, the conclusions reached during the meeting were further discussed during consultations at scientific conferences and at a joint meeting of the Science Committee and Chairs of all five Working Groups. Thus, this Report reflects both the original discussions of the Working Group and subsequent discussions that took place after the release of the RV144 trial results

    Novel approaches, including systems biology, to HIV vaccine research and development: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise convened a two-day workshop on August 10-11 2009, at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center offices in Seattle, WA, to discuss the application of novel approaches,including systems biology, to HIV vaccine research and development. The goals of this Working Group were to identify key scientific issues and opportunities that have emerged since the Enterprise Scientific Strategic Plan1 was published in 2005, and to make recommendations to Enterprise stakeholders

    Novel approaches, including systems biology, to HIV vaccine research and development: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise convened a two-day workshop on August 10-11 2009, at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center offices in Seattle, WA, to discuss the application of novel approaches,including systems biology, to HIV vaccine research and development. The goals of this Working Group were to identify key scientific issues and opportunities that have emerged since the Enterprise Scientific Strategic Plan1 was published in 2005, and to make recommendations to Enterprise stakeholders

    Immunogens and Antigen Processing: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise convened a meeting of a Working Group in July 2009 to discuss recent progress in rational design of the components of an HIV vaccine, such as inserts, vectors and adjuvants,and in understanding antigen processing and presentation to T and B cells. This Report summarizes the key points of that discussion, and subsequent discussions with the Chairs of the other Enterprise Working Groups, the Enterprise Science Committee, the Enterprise Council and the broader scientific community during open sessions at scientific conferences