90 research outputs found

    Tangential SX Imaging for Visualization of Fluctuations in Toroidal Plasmas

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    When the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure increases, Various kinds of instabilities evolve. Among them, magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, by which the plasma is deformed macroscopically, are in concern. Non-linear evolution of them is fairly complicated and two-dimensional structure of them is the key to understanding the phenomena. Tangentially viewing SX camera is promising diagnostics for 2D visualization, because most of the perturbations tend to have the equal phase along the field lines, the tangential view, which is almost parallel to the field lines, give a good opportunity to resolve the structure. Issues in this kind of camera are discussed. Improved system using multi-layer mirror is also described

    Observation of a Rotating Radiation Belt in LHD

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    A poloidally rotating radiation belt with helical structure was observed during the high density discharges with detachment by photodiode fan arrays and a fast camera in LHD. The peak of radiation rotates inside the last closed flux surface, and the direction and mode number of the poloidal rotation are electron diamagnetic and one, respectively. During the recombination phase after termination of the plasma heating, the rotation continues, and its rotating radius shrinks with shrinking of the plasma column. The poloidal rotating frequency depends on the heating power, and increases from the orders of several tens of Hz to several hundreds of Hz with shrinking of the rotation radius. The mechanism of the rotation remains uncertain

    Observation of Toroidal Flow on LHD

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    In order to investigate the formation of toroidal flow in helical systems, both NBI driven flow and spontaneous toroidal flow were observed in Large Helical Device (LHD). The toroidal flow driven by NBI is dominant in plasma core while its contribution is small near plasma edge. The spontaneous toroidal flow changes its direction from co to counter when the radial electric field is changed from negative to positive at plasma edge. The direction of the spontaneous toroidal flow due to the radial electric field near plasma edge is observed to be opposite to that in plasma core where the helical ripple is small

    Two-dimensional scanning high-energy particle diagnostic system in Large Helical Device

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    A high-energy neutral particle measurement is one of the important diagnostics for ion temperature and high-energy particle confinement analysis. The neutral particle analyzer in the large helical device is capable of wide range scanning as a feature. We have obtained various data using the horizontal scan of the analyzer. Recently, in addition to the horizontal scan, a high-speed perpendicular scan became possible which enables acquisition of new information in the poloidal direction. Two stainless blocks are set on the opposite sides of the chain in order to balance the weight (700 kg) of the analyzer and reduce the load for the motor. Therefore a very high scan speed of 1°/s can be obtained. The scanning speed is 1°/s. By adding the vertical scan, the ion temperature profile and the radial variation of the signal loss associated with the resonant loss was obtained in preliminary experimental results

    Blob/Hole Generation in the Divertor Leg of the Large Helical Device

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    We have analyzed ion saturation current fluctuation measured by a fast scanning Langmuir probe (FSP) in edge region of the Large Helical Device (LHD). Positive and negative spikes of the ion saturation current were observed in the private region and on the divertor leg, respectively. It was found that the boundary position between these regions corresponds to the low-field side (LFS) edge of the divertor leg where the gradient of the ion saturation current profile was the maximum. Such a positional relationship resembles that near the separatrix in the LFS in tokamaks, where blobs and holes are generated. Statistical analysis indicates similar fluctuation characteristics among different magnetic devices

    Energetic ion losses caused by magnetohydrodynamic activity resonant and non-resonant with energetic ions in Large Helical Device

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    Experiments to reveal energetic ion dynamics associated with magnetohydrodynamic activity are ongoing in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Interactions between beam-driven toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) and energetic ions have been investigated. Energetic ion losses induced by beam-driven burst TAEs have been observed using a scintillator-based lost fast-ion probe (SLIP) in neutral beam-heated high β plasmas. The loss flux of co-going beam ions increases as the TAE amplitude increases. In addition to this, the expulsion of beam ions associated with edge-localized modes (ELMs) has been also recognized in LHD. The SLIP has indicated that beam ions having co-going and barely co-going orbits are affected by ELMs. The relation between ELM amplitude and ELM-induced loss has a dispersed structure. To understand the energetic ion loss process, a numerical simulation based on an orbit-following model, DELTA5D, that incorporates magnetic fluctuations is performed. The calculation result shows that energetic ions confined in the interior region are lost due to TAE instability, with a diffusive process characterizing their loss. For the ELM, energetic ions existing near the confinement/loss boundary are lost through a convective process. We found that the ELM-induced loss flux measured by SLIP changes with the ELM phase. This relation between the ELM amplitude and measured ELM-induced loss results in a more dispersed loss structure

    Investigation of heat flux deposition on divertor target on the Large Helical Device with EMC3-EIRENE modelling

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    The measured divertor heat flux profiles are compared to the EMC3-EIRENE simulations for two different times of an LHD discharge, corresponding to higher and lower edge temperatures. The relation between the three-dimensional magnetic field structure and the heat flux distributions on the divertor has been analysed. The modelled heat flux for the lower plasma temperature case has a better agreement with the experimental result obtained by the Langmuir probes, which shows a qualitative reproduction of the experimental profile shape. However, the heat flux distribution for the high plasma temperature case shows a different behaviour between the simulation results and the experimental measurements. The detailed analysis of the heat flux distribution for the higher temperature case which has a larger discrepancy has been performed, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The radiation of the eroded impurity from divertor target plates has a minor effect on the heat flux distribution. Non-uniform cross-field transport coefficients are used in the simulations and its impact on the heat flux distributions is discussed for the case of the high plasma temperature
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