6 research outputs found


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    Psychological well-being is needed by every individual. Psychological services are needed to achieve prosperity in psychology, one of which is group counseling services. In this case, adolescents who are in the Special Correctional Institution for Child (Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak, LPKA) need to improve psychological well-being which hopes of being able to return to their role and get good acceptance in the community or social environment. This research is experimental research by a pre-experimental design-one group pretest-posttest design. The treatment given in the form of group counseling services and given questionnaires before and after treatment was given. There were 17 subjects in which group counseling services had never been done before at LPKA. Data analysis used the t-test and Gain Score. The results showed the psychological well-being of adolescents significantly no increase given to group counseling services. But, if you see the gain score data, it was found that 7 of 17 subjects experienced an increase before and after being given group counseling services


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    Times of millenial, no wonder many mothers to be a worker, from workers laborers to office workers. It is not just to the demands of life but also has become a lifestyle of the youn mother, especiallly to self-actualize after pursuing higher education. The role of mother is divided two, first as a mother of children at home an the second bering a worker, both of which are required to be a professional in their field. Mother as a workers, still should be able to be the primary educator for her children. Ranging from educating the basic things such as a build positive character for children, be an example, gave a true in attitude an behavior as well as teach a smart kids in a sociable and able to develop age-appropriate development. Therefore, mother should be able to divide the time, when at home in serving her husband an children or in the work to become a skilled worker and reliable. Working mother is a mother who is tough and can still be balanced in educating children as well as pursue a good career


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    Adaptasi adalah suatu mekanisme yang dilakukan makhluk hidup untuk menghadapi dan mengatasi tekanan yang ada dilingkungannya sehingga ia dapat bertahan hidup. penyesuaian diri ditinjau dari sudut pandang, yaitu penyesuaian diri sebagai adaptasi (adaptation). Penyesuaian diri sebagai adaptasi artinya adalah individu dapat mengadakan relasi yang memuaskan sesuai dengan tuntutan sosial, mempertahankan eksistensinya, dan dapat memperoleh kesejahteraan jasmani dan rohani. Melakukan penyesuain diri dilingkungan baru sangat perlu untuk dilakukan. Jika tingkat penyesuaian diri pada seseorang kurang, maka akan berdampak negatif terhadap dirinya sendiri dan orang lain. Lingkungan baru yang sering kita temui, salah satunya dilingkungan perguruan tinggi. Dengan menemukan sesuatu hal-hal yang baru dilingkungan perguruan tinggi, mahasiswa butuh kesiapan secara psikologis maupun sosial. Penyesuaian diri dilakukan sebagai proses menjalani kehidupan dilingkungan kampus,  baik itu komunikasi, adaptasi, menerima perbedaan, memahami keadaan diri maupun orang lain, serta berinteraksi. Rendahnya tingkat penyesuaian diri pada mahasiswa saat memasuki lingkungan perkuliahan yang baru (semester awal) akan mempengaruhi proses belajar dan juga terhambatnya komunikasi. Untuk mengurangi atau mengatasi hambatan tersebut harus ada penanganan khusus, sehingga penyesuaian diri yang rendah pada mahasiswa dapat ditingkatkan melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok. Maka penulis mencoba menerapakan sebuah alternatif untuk meningkatkan penyesuaian diri pada mahasiswa melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok

    Strategi Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Terhadap Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Tunagrahita Sedang) Di SDLB Negeri Pangkalpinang

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    Fokus penelitian ini berkenan dengan strategi guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Anak Tunagrahita Sedang di SLB Pangkalpinang. Dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang strategi guru PAI dalam proses pembelajaran dan kendala yang dihadapinnya. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kulitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, untuk jawaban dari rumusan masalah. Adapun hasil penelitiannya yaitu strategi yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam bagi Anak Tunagrahita Sedang di SLBN pangkalpinang yaitu Active Learning, Contextual Teacing Learning (CTL), Cooperative Learning, dan PAIKEM. Namun yang sering digunakan adalah Active Learning, Contextual Teacing Learning (CTL). Adapun kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam terdiri dari faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri dari profesionalitas guru dalam berinteraksi terhadap Anak Tunagrahita Sedang. Kedua, faktor eksternal yang terdiri dari kondisi peserta didik dan fasilitas yang berada disekolah.   The focus of this research deals with the teachers strategies in teacher learning of Islamic Studies to ward studies with Middle Mental Retardation of State Difable Elementary School Pangkalpinang. The objective is to discribe the strategies of Islamic Studies Teacher in teaching learning process and the problem on it. This research applied qualitative descriptive, the method of collecting data by interview, observation, documentation to answer the research problems. The result of the research is that the strategies used by the teachers in teaching learning Islamic Studies of Middle Mental Retardation in State Difable Elementary school Pangkalpinang are active Learning, Contextual, Teaching Learning, Cooperative Lerning, and PAIKEM ( is the Indonesia Shorten Term of Active, Inovative,Creative, Effective, and Fun Teaching Learning . But commonly used the Active Learning and Contextual Teaching Learning. The problem faces by teachers in the teaching learning of Islamic Studies consists of Internal and External factors. Internal factor is the teachers profesionalism in interacting with the students with Middle Mental Retardation. The second, eksternal factors is the students conditions and the school facilities. &nbsp


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    intelligence in every child must be developed as a whole, intelligence in thinking, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This intelligence must be built as early as possible because with a balanced intelligence a child can certainly become an individual who is mentally and physically perfect. The role of parenting in this case, parents and educators in schools is also the main thing because with the right parenting techniques, intelligence in children will certainly develop as well. In this case, emotions are not only considered as negative things, but there are also positive emotions that must be developed by children. Therefore, emotional intelligence must be built as early as possible so that children can become successors of or for the next life. Key word: Emotional, intelligence, parent

    Urgensi Layanan Bimbingan Konseling Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Kota Pangkalpinang

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    Abstract Guidance and counseling services have become a necessity and familiar in the world of education. At this time guidance and counseling services in schools were only at the junior high school (SMP) and high school (SMA) levels, but not at the most important levels such as early childhood education (PAUD) and elementary school (SD). Guidance and counseling services themselves cannot be separated and all groups ranging from children to the elderly must be able to get these services, starting from the early childhood education level to tertiary institutions also need these services so that students can achieve psychological well-being.The method used in this research approach is descriptive qualitative with the aim of being able to see the urgency of guidance and counseling services in early childhood education in the city of Pangkalpinang. From the results obtained, it turns out that of the eight early childhood education schools in Pangkalpinang city, there has not been a single guidance and counseling service specifically provided by the institution, this has an impact on not handling properly and appropriately the problems experienced by students and other parties. parents or guardians of students and this will certainly endanger the development of students for the next period. KEYWORDS: Guidance and counseling services, early childhood, PAUD   Abstrak layanan BK sudah menjadi kebutuhan dan akrab di dunia pendidikan. Pada masa ini layanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah hanya berada di tingkat sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah atas, namun tidak di tingkat paling utama seperti pendidikan anak usia dini dan sekolah dasar. Layanan bimbingan dan konseling sendiri tidak bisa dipisahkan dan semua kalangan mulai dari anak-anak hingga lanjut usia harus bisa mendapatkan layanan ini, mulai dari tingkat PAUD hingga perguruan tinggi juga membutuhkan layanan ini agar peserta didik dapat mencapai kesejahteraan dari sisi psikologis. Metode yang digunakan dalam pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tujuan agar dapat melihat urgensi dari layanan bimbingan dan konseling pada pendidikan anak usia dini di kota Pangkalpinang. Dari hasil yang didapatkan ternyata dari kedelapan PAUD di kota Pangkalpinang, belum ada satu pun layanan BK secara khusus diberikan oleh pihak lembaga, hal ini berdampak pada tidak tertanganinya dengan baik dan tepat masalah-masalah yang dialami. KATA KUNCI: Layanan bimbingn dan konseling, Anak Usia Dini, PAUD &nbsp