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    Mangrove forests are natural resources that have an important role for living things in the sea and on land. Because the location of mangrove forests is very specific, has an enormous ecological role, and has high socio-economic value potency. Economically, these ecosystems are a source of non-timber forest products for the local community, in addition to the benefits of environmental services, and physically play a role in preventing abrasion. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the growth of mangrove plants In the mangrove area of Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang City. The benefit of this research is that this research is expected to provide useful information, especially for area managers and also for other researchers who will conduct more basic research on the growth of mangrove plants This research is expected to support development activities in the mangrove area of Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang City. The research method used was a survey with a plot technique that was placed systematically. Plant samples taken came from the 2015-2018 planting year, mangrove growth data plant Was obtained from direct measurements and observations of the object of research in the field. Every year of planting, 5 plots measuring 3x3 meters were made. All the plants in the measuring plots were taken with measurement samples. The results showed that the average diameter growth in plants those aged 5 years, 4 years, 3 years and 2 years were 3.25 cm, 2.5 cm, 2.06 cm and 1.46 cm respectively. Meanwhile, the average height growth rate was high in plant those aged 5 years, 4 years, 3 years and 2 years respectively are 255.53 cm, 239.35 cm, 146.01 cm and 92.22 cm.Keywords: Diameter and height growth, Mangrove, systematic samplingAbstrakHutan mangrove merupakan sumberdaya alam yang memiliki peran penting untuk mahluk hidup yang hidup di laut maupun di darat. Karena letak hutan mangrove yang sangat spesifik, peranan ekologis, dan berpotensi memiliki nilai sosial ekonomis tinggi. Secara ekonomis, ekosistem ini  merupakan sumber hasil hutan bukan kayu bagi masyarakat setempat, disamping selain manfaat jasa lingkungan dan secara fisik berperan mencegah terjadinya abrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  mendapatkan informasi tentang pertumbuhan tanaman bakau di kawasan mangrove Kelurahan Setapuk Besar Kota Singkawang. Manfaat Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi yang berguna terutama bagi pengelola kawasan dan juga kepada peneliti-peneliti lain yang akan melakukan penelitian lebih mendasar mengenai pertumbuhan tanaman bakau. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung kegiatan pengembangan di kawasan mangrove Kelurahan Setapuk Besar Kota Singkawang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik petak ukur yang diletakkan secara  sistematis. Sampel tanaman yang diambil berasal dari tahun tanam 2015-2018. Data pertumbuhan bakau diperoleh dari pengukuran dan pengamatan secara langsung terhadap objek penelitian di lapangan. Setiap tahun tanam di buat 5 petak berukuran 3x3 meter. Semua tanaman yang terdapat di dalam petak ukur diambil sampel pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata pertumbuhan diameter pada tanaman bakau yang berumur 5 tahun, 4 tahun, 3 tahun dan 2 tahun berturut-turut sebesare 3,25 cm, 2,5 cm, 2,06 cm dan 1,46 cm. Sedangkan rerata pertumbuhan tinggi rerata tinggi pada tanaman Rhizophora spp. yang berumur 5 tahun, 4 tahun, 3 tahun dan 2 tahun berturut-turut sebesar  255,53 cm, 239,35 cm, 146,01 cm dan 92,22 cm.Kata Kunci: Mangrove, pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi, sistematik samplin