177 research outputs found

    Habemus gender! DĂ©construction d'une riposte religieuse

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    Depuis 2012, les mobilisations françaises contre l’ouverture du mariage et de l’adoption aux unions de même sexe ont défrayé la chronique, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Celles-ci ont révélé l’existence d’un mouvement sans précédent, dont l’agenda dépasse largement la reconnaissance des droits des homosexuel.le.s

    The shrinking of human rights: the controversial revision of the Helsinki Declaration.

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    The right of access to health care for HIV patients in developing countries has been weakened by the 1999 revision of the Helsinki Declaration. There is a dichotomy between discussions of human rights and liberal international public health policy. Utilitarian ethics, devoid of a sound notion of universal justice, encourage discrimination against economically vulnerable patients in developing countries. Greater coherence is needed between ethical principles and practical issues, particularly with regard to scientific research

    Research Ethics a comprehensive strategy on how to minimize research misconduct and the potential misuse of research in EU funded research

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    The following Report titled "A comprehensive strategy on how to minimize research misconduct and the potential misuse of research in EU funded research” is based on discussions among 51 Ethics Experts with previous experience in EU Ethics Screening, Review and Audit and was chaired by Johannes Rath. The discussions took place from December 2009 to March 2010 via the SINAPSE system and concluded that: Research misconduct and potential misuse constitute an ethical issue in the context of EU funded research and should be systematically addressed in EU Ethic’s oversight (Screening, Review and Audit). In defining the scope of this ethical issue the following definitions were used as guidelines: A. “Potential misuse of research” in the context of this document is defined as: Research involving or generating materials, methods or knowledge that could be misused for unethical purposes. The main areas of concern regarding potential misuse are: • Research involving agents or equipment that could be directly misused for criminal, terrorist or unethical military purposes; • Research which creates knowledge that could be used for criminal, terrorist and unethical military purposes; • Research which can result in stigmatization and discrimination; • Application and development of surveillance technologies; • Data mining and profiling technologies. B. “Research misconduct” in the context of this document is defined as: fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. Falsification is defined as the misrepresentation of results. Fabrication is defined as the reporting on experiments never performed. Plagiarism is defined as taking the writings or ideas of another and representing them as one's own. Aim of this report: The aim of this document is to provide a comprehensive strategy on how to safeguard EU funded research against misconduct and misuse. In a comprehensive approach the potential role and proposed actions of relevant stakeholders are addressed: 1. The EU Commission and its subsidiary institutions; 2. EU Ethics Screeners, Reviewers and Auditors; 3. Research project applicants, host institutions and national contact points

    De la volonté de mourir au droit de "bien" mourir

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    Les soins palliatifs :une réponse à la mort désocialisée

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    ma conclusion a cet ouvrage evalue le lien en tr evulnerabilité zt capabilité en fin de vie , conjuguer souci de soi et souci d'autrui en considerat les soins paliatifs comme capabilité d'inclusion du mourir comme évenement social partag

    Le cyberféminisme d'Haraway ou "l'utérus technoscientifique"

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    Health related biotechnology transfer in Africa : a critique from a capabilities approach

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    This article addresses the issues related to the ethical justification for technology transfer in Africa. Two well held but conflicting points of views are examined and an alternative line of thought that seeks to resolve and reconcile the differences between the two view points is proposed. The necessity for developing countries to adapt to new technologies in order to escape the cycle of underdevelopment and economic subservience, and the more culturalist approach, that considers biotechnology to be a form of neocolonialism that local cultures must resist in order to preserve their community values. The conditions of a participative model based on the thoughts of Amartya Sen and Nancy Frazer are analyzed, and conclusions that could associate practical social justice and a negotiated model of development are drawn, bearing in mind the fact that this proposition, without being a mere utopia, remains a horizon of action for global bioethics and models of justice

    Biologie synthétique et renouvellement de l’éthique de la recherche. De l’édition du génome aux organoïdes de cerveaux

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    In this paper I will address the philosophical and scientific impact brought up by “synthetic biology” from the beginning of embryogeny to the fabrication of organoids, to analyze how this paradigm shift impacts on our definition of what a good life is, or should be, in rehabilitation a dialog between sciences and philosophy
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