3 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Smart card, microprocessor chip, facilitate providing e-health services in health center. Design and implementation of smart cards in the Social Security Organization as one of the health centers reduce costs, prevent abuses of medical insurance, increase productivity and accelerate response time. In this study, readiness of the outpatient treatment centers of social security to implement health smart card assessed. Methods: this practical and descriptive study was conducted in nine outpatient treatment center of Khorasan Razavi Social Security center in 2016-2017.  Total proposed number of outpatient treatment center was reduced to 9 center because other centers did not take part in this review .A questionnaire with three areas of technical readiness, organizational culture and leadership and management was used. The data were analyzed using spss 19 software Results: Finding showed Average scores of technical and leadership and cultural organization readiness were ordinary in all centers. Leadership and cultural organization readiness in 4 center were more than others. Average scores of technical were more than of leadership and cultural organization readiness .Technical readiness had significant difference between the studied centers. Conclusion: Finding showed appropriate technical readiness in Social Security, therefore we suggest to implement smart cards, educating staff to enhance technology skills and to promote its use culture. Readiness of management and leadership scope is impressive in designing and implementing smart cards; So implementing smart cards should be organization`s strategy and the road map should be determined, and its benefits should be clearly explain for social security center managers


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    Introduction: Respecting patients’ rights practice and keeping patient satisfied is one of most important principles in ethical medicine. Increasing Awareness and respecting patients’ rights result in better health care considering human and ethical rights. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran published a patients’ bill of rights and mandated it be posted conspicuously for the patients. With regard to necessity of Patients’ bill of rights, patients’ role in decision making and respecting their right, this study aimed to investigate awareness of patients’ bills of rights among medical staff in Mashhad medical university` teaching hospitals Methods: The current analytical cross- sectional study was conducted on 129 medical staff in the year 2014-15 in Mashhad medical university` teaching hospitals. The data were collected using a self-administer questionnaire with 28 questions whose reliability was 80 according to Cronbach's alpha. One-way analysis of variance, Student's t-distribution was used to compare means of Awareness via SPSS Ver. 21. Results: The results indicated that awareness of medical staff was M=65/3, SD=67/0. Nursing staff were the most aware and radiology staff were the less aware from patients’ bills of rights. Conclusion: Today, observing patients 'rights is one of the most important issues that should be placed at the top of the attention of health care programs, observance of patients’ bills of rights make  people feel  satisfied with respect for them at health care centers  . So it is neceesery to inform patient and professional on patients’ bills of rights by publishing more attention to patients’ bills of rights result on better health car

    The Effect of Concept Map on Education: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Along with science and technology advancement, philosophy, content and educational methods are transforming. Modern approaches such as constructivism have replaced traditional approaches and the assumption of knowledge transfer from teachers to learners. One of these approaches is concept map. The purpose of this paper was to examine the application of concept maps in education and learning. Methods: In this review study, all of Persian studies published on the subject of concept map from 2001-15 were searched and reviewed through three electronic Persian databases (Magiran, SID and Iranmedex). Selected publications were analyzed by means of content analysis. Results: Sixty-one papers were excluded from a total of 98 publications based on inclusion criteria. Findings showed that 94.6 percent of the papers had assessed with the application of concept map in education, while the remainder dealt with its application in learning evaluation. The subject of 54 percent of the papers was in the field of health with 43.2 percent in the nursing education field. Conclusion: Concept map is introduced in education as a learning-teaching strategy which promotes deep and meaningful learning. In the field of health in general and nursing in particular, concept map has led to deep and meaningful learning, improved clinical decisions, enhanced critical thinking and problem solving skills, increased student interactions, enhanced self-efficacy and cognitive strategies. It also has improved creativity, patient training, leadership style, care management and has facilitated the analysis of disease information in complicated clinical environments