1,671 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency Analysis of Heterogeneous Cache-enabled 5G Hyper Cellular Networks

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    The emerging 5G wireless networks will pose extreme requirements such as high throughput and low latency. Caching as a promising technology can effectively decrease latency and provide customized services based on group users behaviour (GUB). In this paper, we carry out the energy efficiency analysis in the cache-enabled hyper cellular networks (HCNs), where the macro cells and small cells (SCs) are deployed heterogeneously with the control and user plane (C/U) split. Benefiting from the assistance of macro cells, a novel access scheme is proposed according to both user interest and fairness of service, where the SCs can turn into semi- sleep mode. Expressions of coverage probability, throughput and energy efficiency (EE) are derived analytically as the functions of key parameters, including the cache ability, search radius and backhaul limitation. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme in HCNs can increase the network coverage probability by more than 200% compared with the single- tier networks. The network EE can be improved by 54% than the nearest access scheme, with larger research radius and higher SC cache capacity under lower traffic load. Our performance study provides insights into the efficient use of cache in the 5G software defined networking (SDN)

    Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Human Capital on Corporate Digitalization

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    Using panel data from A-share listed companies between 2007 and 2021, this study empirically examines the theoretical mechanisms through which human capital influences the digitalization of Chinese enterprises. The findings reveal that upgrading corporate human capital effectively empowers the digitalization of Chinese firms, a conclusion that is robust across a series of tests. Mechanism analysis indicates that the enhancement of human capital primarily facilitates corporate digitalization through improvements in R&D innovation and management levels. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the positive impact of human capital upgrading on corporate digitalization is more pronounced in the eastern and central regions, technology-intensive firms, and high-tech enterprises. These conclusions provide valuable insights for further promoting corporate human capital enhancement and digitalization

    Energy efficient hybrid satellite terrestrial 5G networks with software defined features

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    In order to improve the manageability and adaptability of future 5G wireless networks, the software orchestration mechanism, named software defined networking (SDN) with Control and User plane (C/U-plane) decoupling, has become one of the most promising key techniques. Based on these features, the hybrid satellite terrestrial network is expected to support flexible and customized resource scheduling for both massive machinetype- communication (MTC) and high-quality multimedia requests while achieving broader global coverage, larger capacity and lower power consumption. In this paper, an end-to-end hybrid satellite terrestrial network is proposed and the performance metrics, e. g., coverage probability, spectral and energy efficiency (SE and EE), are analysed in both sparse networks and ultra-dense networks. The fundamental relationship between SE and EE is investigated, considering the overhead costs, fronthaul of the gateway (GW), density of small cells (SCs) and multiple quality-ofservice (QoS) requirements. Numerical results show that compared with current LTE networks, the hybrid system with C/U split can achieve approximately 40% and 80% EE improvement in sparse and ultra-dense networks respectively, and greatly enhance the coverage. Various resource management schemes, bandwidth allocation methods, and on-off approaches are compared, and the applications of the satellite in future 5G networks with software defined features are proposed

    Green Hybrid Satellite Terrestrial Networks: Fundamental Trade-Off Analysis

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    With the worldwide evolution of 4G generation and revolution in the information and communications technology(ICT) field to meet the exponential increase of mobile data traffic in the 2020 era, the hybrid satellite and terrestrial network based on the soft defined features is proposed from a perspective of 5G. In this paper, an end-to-end architecture of hybrid satellite and terrestrial network under the control and user Plane (C/U) split concept is studied and the performances are analysed based on stochastic geometry. The relationship between spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) is investigated, taking consideration of overhead costs, transmission and circuit power, backhaul of gateway (GW), and density of small cells. Numerical results show that, by optimizing the key parameters, the hybrid satellite and terrestrial network can achieve nearly 90% EE gain with only 3% SE loss in relative dense networks, and achieve both higher EE and SE gain (20% and 5% respectively) in sparse networks toward the future 5G green communication networks
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