4 research outputs found


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    Objective: It was aimed to determine the best storage temperature for fruits to achieve the highest quality of vitamin-C and to compare vitamin C concentration between commercial fruits juices and fresh fruit juices in by using Spectrophotometry and Titrimetric method Methods: Titration involved the redox reaction between iodine and vitamin C. As the iodine was added during the titration, the ascorbic acid was oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid, while the iodine was reduced to iodide ions. The Spectrophotometric method involved the coupling reaction of 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) dye with Vitamin C. The samples were analyzed using UV-Vis-Spectrophotometer at 521 nm. Results: Titrimetric and spectroscopic methods were performed for fresh and marketed fruits comprising of apple, grapes, lemon, orange. The maximum amount was found in lemon and orange whereas apple and grapes contained lesser amount of Vitamin C. The stability of marketed fruit juices made up of apple, grapes, lemon, orange were analyzed by storing them on the freeze at 0 °C and 10 °C and on the hot air oven at 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C for 72 h and estimated by both Titrimetric and Spectroscopy method. UV-Spectroscopy method showed that, at freezing condition up to 10 °C temperature, degradation was too low but when the temperature reached 50 °C the extent of degradation was more, showing 24.56% apple juice, 10.89% orange juice,12.70% grapes juice and 50% orange juice were degraded in 100 ml sample. Similar results were observed by analysing the samples with titration technique. Conclusion: A new analytical method was developed to address the content of vitamin C in fruits consumed in the local market of Nepal along with the best possible storage of fruit juice to yield the maximum amount of nutrients

    Cytological pattern of cervical pap smears

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    Background: Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. It can be preventable and diagnosed early with adequate and repetitive cytological screening by pap test. The conventional cervical cytological screening is the most common technique used throughout the world.Materials and Methods: The present study is a retrospective study, carried out at Kantipur Dental College, Lagankhel polyclinic, Nivarak polyclinic and Grande city clinic and hospital services. Total 1999 cases were screened in two years period from shrawan 2072 to shrawan 2074.Results: Out of 1999 smears, 56 cases (2.8%) were unsatisfactory/inadequate, 1884 (94.25%) smears were negative for intraepithelial lesion/malignancy, 115 (5.75%) smears showed epithelial cells abnormalities and 439(21.96%) smears were with reactive cellular changes associated with inflammation. Bacterial vaginosis (55.35%) was the most common etiology identified in 439 cases inflammatory smears. Total 310 (15.5%) cases showed moderate to severe atrophic changes in smear cytology. Among 18 follow up cases of carcinoma cervix, one case (0.2%) was identified as relapse case.Conclusion: Bethesda system classification 2001found to be  very useful screening method for early detection of epithelial cells abnormalities of cervix in nepali population. As all the cases of epithelial cells abnormities were of age above 30 years, Pap smear examination should begin in women at least at the age of 30 years. Large studies are required to estimate the pattern of cervical cytological abnormalities along with Human papilloma virus (HPV) strain detection in Nepalese population.</p