129 research outputs found

    ERASMUS: Efficient Remote Attestation via Self- Measurement for Unattended Settings

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    Remote attestation (RA) is a popular means of detecting malware in embedded and IoT devices. RA is usually realized as an interactive protocol, whereby a trusted party -- verifier -- measures integrity of a potentially compromised remote device -- prover. Early work focused on purely software-based and fully hardware-based techniques, neither of which is ideal for low-end devices. More recent results have yielded hybrid (SW/HW) security architectures comprised of a minimal set of features to support efficient and secure RA on low-end devices. All prior RA techniques require on-demand operation, i.e, RA is performed in real time. We identify some drawbacks of this general approach in the context of unattended devices: First, it fails to detect mobile malware that enters and leaves the prover between successive RA instances. Second, it requires the prover to engage in a potentially expensive (in terms of time and energy) computation, which can be harmful for critical or real-time devices. To address these drawbacks, we introduce the concept of self-measurement where a prover device periodically (and securely) measures and records its own software state, based on a pre-established schedule. A possibly untrusted verifier occasionally collects and verifies these measurements. We present the design of a concrete technique called ERASMUS : Efficient Remote Attestation via Self-Measurement for Unattended Settings, justify its features and evaluate its performance. In the process, we also define a new metric -- Quality of Attestation (QoA). We argue that ERASMUS is well-suited for time-sensitive and/or safety-critical applications that are not served well by on-demand RA. Finally, we show that ERASMUS is a promising stepping stone towards handling attestation of multiple devices (i.e., a group or swarm) with high mobility

    Retraction: Eldefrawy, M.H.; Khan, M.K.; Alghathbar, K.; Tolba, A.S.; Kim, K.J. Authenticated Key Agreement with Rekeying for Secured Body Sensor Networks. Sensors 2011, 11, 5835–5849.

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    It has been brought to our attention by a reader of Sensors that substantial portions of this article [1] have been copied from an earlier publication [2] without credit. After confirming this case with the authors, we have determined that indeed this manuscript clearly violates our policy on originality of all material submitted for publication and the generally accepted ethics of scientific publication. Consequently, the Editorial Team and Publisher have determined that it should be retracted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

    Communication-Efficient Proactive MPC for Dynamic Groups with Dishonest Majorities

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    International audienceSecure multiparty computation (MPC) has recently been increasingly adopted to secure cryptographic keys in enterprises, cloud infrastructure, and cryptocurrency and blockchain-related settings such as wallets and exchanges. Using MPC in blockchains and other distributed systems highlights the need to consider dynamic settings. In such dynamic settings, parties, and potentially even parameters of underlying secret sharing and corruption tolerance thresholds of sub-protocols, may change over the lifetime of the protocol. In particular, stronger threat models-in which mobile adversaries control a changing set of parties (up to t out of n involved parties at any instant), and may eventually corrupt all n parties over the course of a protocol's execution-are becoming increasingly important for such real world deployments; secure protocols designed for such models are known as Proactive MPC (PMPC). In this work, we construct the first efficient PMPC protocol for dynamic groups (where the set of parties changes over time) secure against a dishonest majority of parties. Our PMPC protocol only requires O(n 2) (amortized) communication per secret, compared to existing PMPC protocols that require O(n 4) and only consider static groups with dishonest majorities. At the core of our PMPC protocol is a new efficient technique to perform multiplication of secret shared data (shared using a bivariate scheme) with O(n √ n) communication with security against a dishonest majority without requiring pre-computation. We also develop a new efficient bivariate batched proactive secret sharing (PSS) protocol for dishonest majorities, which may be of independent interest. This protocol enables multiple dealers to contribute different secrets that are efficiently shared together in one batch; previous batched PSS schemes required all secrets to come from a single dealer

    How Byzantine is a Send Corruption?

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    Consensus protocols enable nn parties, each holding some input string, to agree on a common output even in the presence of corrupted parties. While the problem is well understood in the classic byzantine setting, recent work has pushed to understand the problem when realistic types of failures are considered and a majority of parties may be corrupt. Garay and Perry consider a model with both byzantine and crash faults and develop a corruption-optimal protocol with perfect security tolerating tct_c crash faults and tbt_b byzantine faults for n>tc+3tbn>t_c+3t_b. Follow up work by Zikas, Hauser, and Maurer extends the model by considering receive-corrupt parties that may not receive messages sent to them, and send-corrupt parties whose sent messages may be dropped. Otherwise, receive-corrupt and send-corrupt parties behave honestly and their inputs and outputs are considered by the security definitions. Zikas, Hauser, and Maurer gave a perfectly secure, linear-round protocol for n>tr+ts+3tbn > t_r+t_s+3t_b, where trt_r and tst_s represent thresholds on the number of parties that are receive- or send-corrupted. In this paper we ask ``what are optimal thresholds in the cryptographic setting that can be tolerated with such mixes of corruptions and faults? We develop an expected-constant round protocol tolerating n>tr+2ts+2tbn > t_r+2t_s+2t_b. We are unable to prove optimality of our protocol\u27s corruption budget in the general case; however, when we constrain the adversary to either drop all or none of a sender\u27s messages in a round, we prove our protocol achieves an optimal threshold of n>tr+ts+2tbn > t_r+t_s+2t_b. We denote this weakening of a send corruption a \emph{spotty send corruption}. In light of this difference in corruption tolerance due to our weakening of a send corruption, we ask ``how close (with respect to corruption thresholds) to a byzantine corruption is a send corruption? We provide a treatment of the difficulty of dealing with send corruptions in protocols with sublinear rounds. As an illustrative and surprising example (even though not in sublinear rounds), we show that the classical Dolev-Strong broadcast protocol degrades from n>tbn > t_b corruptions in the byzantine-only model to n>2ts+2tbn > 2t_s+2t_b when send-corrupt parties\u27 outputs must be consistent with honest parties; we also show why other recent dishonest-majority broadcast protocols degrade similarly. We leave open the question of optimal corruption tolerance for both send- and byzantine corruptions

    Optimizing Registration Based Encryption

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    The recent work of Garg et al. from TCC\u2718 introduced the notion of registration based encryption (RBE). The principal motivation behind RBE is to remove the key escrow problem of identity based encryption (IBE), where the IBE authority is trusted to generate private keys for all the users in the system. Although RBE has excellent asymptotic properties, it is currently impractical. In our estimate, ciphertext size would be about 11 terabytes in an RBE deployment supporting 2 billion users. Motivated by this observation, our work attempts to reduce the concrete communication and computation cost of the current state-of-the-art construction. Our contribution is two-fold. First, we replace Merkle trees with crit-bit trees, a form of PATRICIA trie, without relaxing any of the original RBE efficiency requirements introduced by Garg et al. This change reduces the ciphertext size by 15% and the computation cost of decryption by 30%. Second, we observe that increasing RBE\u27s public parameters by a few hundred kilobytes could reduce the ciphertext size by an additional 50%. Overall, our work decreases the ciphertext size by 57.5%

    On Regenerating Codes and Proactive Secret Sharing: Relationships and Implications

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    We look at two basic coding theoretic and cryptographic mechanisms developed separately and investigate relationships between them and their implications. The first mechanism is Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS), which allows randomization and repair of shares using information from other shares. PSS enables constructing secure multi-party computation protocols that can withstand mobile dynamic attacks. This self-recovery and the redundancy of uncorrupted shares allows a system to overcome recurring faults throughout its lifetime, eventually finishing the computation (or continuing forever to maintain stored data). The second mechanismis Regenerating Codes (RC) which were extensively studied and adopted in distributed storage systems. RC are error correcting (or erasure handling) codes capable of recovering a block of a distributively held codeword from other servers\u27 blocks. This self-healing nature enables more robustness of a code distributed over different machines. Given that the two mechanisms have a built-in self-healing (leading to stabilizing) and that both can be based on Reed Solomon Codes, it is natural to formally investigate deeper relationships between them. We prove that a PSS scheme can be converted into an RC scheme, and that under some conditions RC can be utilized to instantiate a PSS scheme. This allows us, in turn, to leverage recent results enabling more efficient polynomial interpolation (due to Guruswami and Wooters) to improve the efficiency of a PSS scheme. We also show that if parameters are not carefully calibrated, such interpolation techniques (allowing partial word leakage) may be used to attack a PSS scheme over time. Secondly, the above relationships give rise to extended (de)coding notions. Our first example is mapping the generalized capabilities of adversaries (called generalized adversary structures) from the PSS realm into the RC one. Based on this we define a new variant of RC we call Generalized-decoding Regenerating Code (GRC) where not all network servers have a uniform sub-codeword (motivated by non-uniform probability of attacking different servers case). We finally highlight several interesting research directions due to our results, e.g., designing new improved GRC, and more adaptive RC re-coding techniques
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