10,516 research outputs found


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    Pembuatan Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk: 1) merancang tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) menerapkan tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum tokoh Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasi. 3) menampilkan tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan, yaitu: 1) merancang dengan cara mengetahui alur cerita dongeng Rapunzel dan mengkaji teori untuk mempelajari karakter tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert, mencari sumber ide dan merancang tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum. 2) menerapkan dengan melakukan tes rias wajah, penataaan rambut, gladi kotor yang meliputi pengaplikasian tata rias wajah, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting dan kostum dengan menampilkan tokoh diatas panggung serta penyesuaian tata cahaya dan musik. 3) menampilkan tokoh Eugene Fitzherbert pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy dengan menyusun kegiatan (latihan, gladi kotor, gladi bersih dan penyelenggaraan pergelaran). Hasil Proyek Akhir, yaitu: 1) terciptanya tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) terwujudnya tata rias wajah karakter, penataan rambut, body painting/ face painting, dan kostum tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 3) terselenggaranya pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy di Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta pada tanggal 17 Maret 2012, dengan menampilkan tokoh pangeran Eugene Fitzherbert dalam cerita Rapunzel

    Introduction to the Human Body With A Krama Inggil Language-Based Microcontroller ATmega 16

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    The introduction of human limbs with language-based Krama Inggil ATmega microcontroller 16 is a tool that serves to introduce the members of the human body in one language Krama Inggil based microcontroller ATmega 16. This tool is made for the purpose as a medium of learning for elementary school children. While the use of language Krama Inggil this tool works so that children can learn, know, and can use the language Krama Inggil well in their daily lives. Designing the introduction of human limbs with language-based Krama Inggil ATmega 16 microcontroller is composed of hardware and software. Hardware designed using Proteus7.7 ISIS software, this software is used as a debugger (simulator) and used for preliminary analysis before making the product. ISIS Proteus7.7 can combine with BASCOM AVR software so that it can be used also to analyze programs created using BASCOM AVR. ISIS Proteus7.7 also used as a circuit design to PCB design. The hardware used for the design to identify the members of the human body with languagebased Krama Inggil ATmega 16 microcontroller consists of (1) image and text viewer using the Graphics LCD (2) Minimum system ATmega 16 (3) Keypad matrix using a diode as a rectifier currents. While the form of software programs in C programming language is written using BASCOM AVR software, which consists of (1) main courses (2) hardware initialization program (3) The definition of the processor, using ATmega 16 (4) Definition LCD (5) Definition Port ( 6) Declare a variable and (7) the main function. Based on the test results can be known about the performance of the human body to identify the members Krama Inggil language. This tool is able to display pictures and writings of members of the human body according to the input provided through the keypad matrix. Keywords: Graphics LCD, ATmega 16, Keypad Matri

    The Gap of Supply and Demand on Accounting Education: A Picture of Readiness of Top 50 Universities in South East Asia toward Green Concern

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    This paper aims to take a picture on the university commitment toward sustainability development consideration. As a part of it, this paper also try to map the action taken by accounting education through its programs including curriculum development, research, campus activities programs showing green concern in creating sustainability development. As a descriptive study, this research took 50 universities on top South East Asia ranking web of world universities (Webometrics) in 2010. All data taken from information published on web in each universities as well as any information related with each universities provided in public sources. Using descriptive analysis it is found that mostly accounting education put their green-concern on hardcore facilities such as web-based learning as one of their delivery method supporting facilities. While findings shown that accounting education need to put more attention and effort on designing accounting curriculum, campus events, and research that carry ethics and socio-environment consideration to respond the ultimate demand from business sector. Eventually, this result expected to encourage accounting education especially in Indonesia to put more consideration and action in responding business requirement in creating sustainability development

    HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK DEMOGRAFI DAN UMUR SAAT MENOPAUSE DENGAN KELUHAN SAAT MENOPAUSE (Studi pada wanita anggota posyandu usia lanjut di Kelurahan Putussibau Kota Kecamatan Putussibau Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat tahun 2007) CORRELATION BETWEEN DEMOGRAPHY CHARACTERISTIC AND AGE IN MENOPAUSE WITH MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS (Studies to women at adult "Posyandu" on Putussibau Village,Putussibau Subdistrict, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan 2007)

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    Wanita usia 45 tahun keatas memasuki mas menopause dengan keluhan-keluhan yang diakibatkan defisiensi estrogen. Berkurangnya hormon estrogen akan mengalami beberapa kelainan, baik yang terjadi jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Keluhan yang dialami meliputi keluhan vasomotorik, keluhan traktus urogenital, keluhan konstitusional, keluhan psikiastenik dan neuretik. Keluhan yang dirasakan pada masa menopause erat kaitannya denagan karakteristik demografi dan umur saat menopause. Tujuan penelitian Mengetahui Hubungan karakteristik demografi dan umur saat menopause dengan keluhan masa menopause. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan Explanatory Research dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu-ibu anggota posyandu usia lanjut di Kelurahan Putussibau Kota Kecamatan Putussibau Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur dengan kuisioner. Analisa data dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden mengalami kondisi haid normal (80%), memiliki anak (91,1%), menggunakan alat kontrasepsi hormonal (68,9%), umur menopause normal (77,8%), mengalami keluhan (88,9%). Hasil uji statistik chi-square tidak ada hubungan kondisi haid dengan keluhan masa menopause (p value >0,05). Tidak ada hubungan jumlah anak dengan keluhan masa menopause (p value >0,05). Ada hubungan pemakaian alat kontrasepsi Hormonal dengan keluhan masa menopause (p value >0,05). Tidak ada hubungan umur saat menopause dengan keluhan masa menopause (p value >0,05). Disarankan bagi pelaksana posyandu usila untuk memberikan informasi tentang menopause saat melakukan pemeriksaan. Women in ages over 45 years are entering menopause with symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency. Lack of estrogen resulted in some aberration on short or long time. The aberration not only came in physical disorder, but also mentelly disorder. The simptoms was come such in vasomotor symptom, tractus urogenital symptom, contitutional symptom, physiastenic and neorotic symptom. Theses menopause symptoms have close relation with demography characteristic and age in menopause. The aim of this research is know correlation between demography and age in menopause with menopause symptoms. Using explanatory research with cross sectional type, this research was taken all women at adult "Posyandu" on Putussibau Village,Putussibau Subdistrict, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan as population. Sample was taken by purposive sampling technical using structured interview by quisioner. Thus, that data was analysis by chi square. Result of this study show that most respondent do normal menstruation (80%), with the biggest percentage was coming in respondent with children. Usage of hormonal contraception come in 68,9% respondent. Most ages was come in hormonal menopause time (77,8%) respondent get the symptoms in menopause. Bivariat analysis resulted that there no correlation between menstruation with menopause Symptoms (p value >0,05), correlation between quantitinof children with menopause symptom (p value >0,005 and correlation between menopause age with menopause symptom (p value >0,005). But there is have correlation between hormonal contraception usage with menopause symptom (p value < 0,005). Suggested to give information about menopause symptoms include some factors influence menopause. Kata Kunci: Usia Lanjut,Menopause The oldster,Menopaus

    Deskripsi Karya Seni Monumental Balinese Lamak

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    Abstrak ‘Balinese Lamak’ merupakan karya seni Prasi, dimana sumber ide berasal dari Lamak yang digunakan sebagai sarana upacara. Diletakkan ditengah – tengah pelinggih berfungsi sebagai altar. Kehadiran segenap simbol pada karya ‘Balinese Lamak’ merupakan penggambaran alam semesta dengan tiga tingkatan terdiri dari alam bawah (pertiwi), tengah dan atas (Bhur, Bwah dan Swahloka). Mengandung makna sebagai wujud syukur atas anugrah keindahan yang telah Tuhan ciptakan bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Wujud syukur tersebut hendaknya diwujudkan melalui tindakan positif dengan senantiasa menjaga alam agar roda kehidupan dapat berjalan seimbang dan harmonis. Kata Kunci : Balinese Lamak, Seni Pras


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of promotion and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Palmanco Inti Sawit. The formulation of the problem in the study was " The effect of promotion and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Palmanco Inti Sawit ". This research was conducted using descriptive analysis methods and statistical methods. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study based on the partial t-test showed that promotion had an effect on purchasing decisions and product quality had an effect on purchasing decisions. By comparing the F count of 3.372 with the value of F table = 3.14, it means that the effectiveness of promotion and product has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The coefficient of determination (adjusted R²) is 0.067. explained promotion and product quality, while the rest, namely 33 %%, purchasing decisions are explained by other variables such as price, location, etc

    Sosio Kultural Masyarakat Daerah Tepian Sungai Kapuas Tanjung Hilir terkait Stunting

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    The occurrence of stunting in toddlers is often unnoticed, and after two years, it is seen that the toddler is short. Chronic nutritional problems in toddlers are caused by poor nutritional intake for a long time due to parents/families do not know or are not aware to provide food that suits their child's nutritional needs. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the sociocultural community that forms the understanding of toddler mothers about stunting, consumption patterns, personal and hygienic parenting patterns, and the environment of the Kapuas riverbank area of Tanjung Hilir Pontianak City. The research method is Qualitative Research using a Descriptive research design. The sample in this study was 40 toddlers aged 24-59 months. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling method, Data analysis is done descriptively. The study results obtained fostering patterns in toddlers' normal nutritional status, and stunting nutritional status has the same parenting pattern. Feeding children in a day less than three times a day in toddlers stunting nutritional status. Environmental sanitation or hygiene assessment in the Kapuas Tanjung Hilir River Bank area showing an unhealthy environment. Conclusion There are differences in usage that form the mother's understanding of stunting, consumption patterns, parenting patterns, and personal and environmental hygiene in the Kapuas Tanjung Hilir River Bank area


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of promotion and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Palmanco Inti Sawit. The formulation of the problem in the study was " The effect of promotion and product quality on purchasing decisions at PT. Palmanco Inti Sawit ". This research was conducted using descriptive analysis methods and statistical methods. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study based on the partial t-test showed that promotion had an effect on purchasing decisions and product quality had an effect on purchasing decisions. By comparing the F count of 3.372 with the value of F table = 3.14, it means that the effectiveness of promotion and product has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The coefficient of determination (adjusted R²) is 0.067. explained promotion and product quality, while the rest, namely 33 %%, purchasing decisions are explained by other variables such as price, location, etc


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    Program PPL merupakan mata kuliah intrakulikuler yang wajib ditempuh bagi setiap mahasiswa S1 yang mengambil program studi kependidikan. Dengan diadakannya kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan secara terpadu ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran. Praktik PPL akan memberikan life skill bagi mahasiswa, yaitu pengalaman belajar yang kaya, dapat memperluas wawasan, melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam bidangnya, meningkatkan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah, sehingga keberadaan program PPL ini sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa sebagai tenaga kependidiakan dalam mendukung profesinya. Kegiatan PPL di SMA Negeri 3 Klaten dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 01 Juli 2013 dan berakhir pada tanggal 17 September 2014. SMA Negeri 3 Klaten terletak diantara 2 kota yaitu Yogyakarta dan Surakarta tepatnya di Jl Solo Km 2, Kecamatan Klaten Utara, Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. SMA Negeri 3 Klaten merupakan salah satu SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Klaten yang dikenal luas di masyarakat Klaten karena nuansa akademis dan non akademis yang terus ditumbuhkembangkan. Dalam kegiatan PPL, kegiatan yang dilakukan praktikan meliputi penyusunan, pembuatan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) 1 Semester, konsultasi dengan guru pembimbing, dan pembuatan soal Ulangan Harian Terpadu. Kegiatan utama praktikan dalam PPL adalah praktik mengajar kelas X SOS 1, 2, 3. Sesuai dengan persyaratan bahwa praktikan harus mengajar minimal 8 kali dan hasil dari kegiatan PPL didapatkan bahwa praktikan mengajar sebanyak 12 kali (@ kelas 4 kali pertemuan). Selama melaksanakan PPL mahasiswa sering menemui hambatan-hambatan dan hambatan tersebut ada yang bisa diatasi denga
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