41 research outputs found

    La sostenibilidad del equipo de voluntarios : Una evaluación objetiva mediante la aplicación del modelo AHP en asociaciones juveniles no lucrativas de ocio y tiempo libre : Caso gallego

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    [Resumen] Las asociaciones juveniles no lucrativas tienen como principal factor de producción el trabajo de sus voluntarios. La sostenibilidad y permanencia del equipo de voluntarios se ve favorecida por el apoyo social brindado por la asociación receptora. Sin embargo los recursos de que dispone la entidad son limitados, por lo que se hace necesario establecer un modelo que permita una clasificación de los voluntarios. Los criterios a tener en cuenta para esta evaluación responderán a la misión, visión y valores de la asociación. El AHP -Analytic Hierarchy Process- es un modelo útil, simple, comprensible y con el que es posible la jerarquización y descomposición del problema. El proceso de evaluación gana en objetividad y racionalidad gracias a la puntuación individual de cada elemento en comparación con cada uno del resto de elementos. La clasificación final facilita la toma de decisiones sobre la aplicación de recursos en materia de apoyo social. [REsume]Les associations de jeunesse à but non lucratif ont pour principal facteur de production le travail de leurs volontaires. La durabilité et la continuité de l’équipe de volontaires se voient favorisées par le soutien social apporté par l’association réceptrice. Cependant, les ressources dont dispose cet organisme étant limitées, il s’avère nécessaire d’établir un modèle permettant un classement des volontaires. Les critères à prendre en compte pour cette évaluation répondront à la mission, à la vision et aux valeurs de l’association. L’AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process - est un modèle utile, simple, compréhensible permettant de hiérarchiser et de décomposer le problème. Le processus d’évaluation gagne en objectivité et en rationalité grâce à la note individuelle de chaque élément par rapport à chacun des autres éléments. Le classement final facilite la prise de décision quant à l’application des ressources en matière de soutien social.[Abstract] The main productive factor of nonprofit youth associations is the work done by volunteers. The social support provided by the host association facilitates sustainability and continuance in the team of volunteers. However the resources companies have are limited, so it becomes necessary to set up a model which enables volunteers to be ranked. The criteria to be taken into consideration for this assessment will respond to the mission, vision and values of the association. AHP -Analytic Hierarchy Process- is a simple, understandable and useful model which makes it possible to break the problem down and establish a hierarchy. The assessment process gains in objectivity and rationality thanks to the individual scoring of each element compared to each of the other elements. The final ranking facilitates decision taking on the allocation of resources in relation to social support

    Da Facultade de Economía e Empresa (UDC) á práctica profesional: o TFG baseado en ABPy como ponte académica-formativa experiencial”

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    [Resumo] A proposta dun Traballo de Fin de Grao é unha responsabilidade para o docente que o oferta, por canto neste deben integrarse e desenvolverse os contidos formativos do Grao, xunto coas competencias e habilidades adquiridas. Sen embargo a responsabilidade é compartida, xa que é a/o estudante quen debe demostrar a súa capacitación en competencias propias do saber das disciplinas estudadas. Neste contexto os autores propoñen o emprego da metodoloxía da “Aprendizaxe Baseada en Proxectos (ABPy)” como a máis acaída para desenvolver o TFG titulado Análise de produtos bancarios dende unha perspectiva financeira e ofertado na Facultade de Economía e Empresa (UDC) para un grupo máximo de 4 estudantes no curso 2017-18. O problema dinamizador é propio do mundo real e da práctica profesional dun egresado do Grao en ADE/Economía: analizar o impacto que ten no custo para o cliente dunha entidade financeira os cambios nas variables que afectan ao mesmo dentro do contexto da transparencia das operacións e protección da clientela. Os resultados acadados son moi satisfactorios tanto para o alumnado como para os docentes. A metodoloxía é a acaída para este TFG, co que se ofrece unha entrada titorizada na práctica profesional financeira.[Abstract] The proposal of a Final Degree Project is a responsibility for the teacher, because in this Project offered the Degree's training content must be integrated and developed, together with the skills and abilities acquired. Nevertheless the responsibility is shared, since it is the student who must demonstrate their qualification in own competitions of the knowledge of subjects studied. In this context, the authors propose the use of the methodology of "Project Based Learning (ABPy)" as the most appropriate to develop the TFG entitled Analysis of banking products from a financial perspective and offered at the Faculty of Economics and Business (UDC) for a maximum of 4 students group during 2017-18 academic year. The dynamizing problem is based on one of the profesional current practice of a graduate of the Degree in ADE / Economics: analyzing the impact of different changes managed by a financial institution on the variables that affect the cost for the client within the context of transparency of operations and customer protection The results achieved are very satisfactory both for students and for teachers. The methodology is appropriate for this TFG, which offers a tutored entry in professional financial practice

    Mudando o enfoque: da sesión maxistral aos grupos cooperativos en Matemáticas Financeiras

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    [Resumo] O nivel de control e supervisión do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe na materia de Análise das Operacións Financeiras na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC baséase na formulación puntual de probas. O período de avaliación continua segue un ritmo mensual. Os autores propoñen aplicar un cambio no método de aprendizaxe para cubrir a posible ausencia de “tempos” académicos (presenciais e non presenciais) nos que constatar o traballo dos conceptos da materia e a asimilación dos mesmos. A reflexión presenta tres grandes eixos: metodoloxía, planificación e organización da docencia. A proposta metodolóxica reside na aplicación de grupos cooperativos como facilitadora dun papel activo do estudante, de responsabilidade e esixibilidade persoal cara á aprendizaxe e cara ao grupo, que permite a interacción entre iguais para asimilar mellor os conceptos e que ten na autoanálise crítica da actuación dos membros do grupo unha das súas bases fundamentais. O traballo propón un primeiro achegamento a esta metodoloxía de aprendizaxe a través da aplicación práctica ao tema “Operacións Financeiras de Préstamo”. A percepción do cambio metodolóxico é positiva tanto en docentes como en alumnos consultados. A dinámica reflexiva é enriquecedora, e anima aos autores para seguir propoñendo novas actuacións no marco da docencia nesta materia.[Abstract] The level of control and supervision of the teaching-learning process in “Analysis of Financial Operations” in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UDC is based on exam-tests, with a monthly rhythm. The authors propose to apply a change in the learning method to cover the possible absence of academic "time" (on-site class and non in-person class) in order to observe the assimilation of theoretical and practical concepts. The reflection proposal presents three main axes: methodology, planning and teaching organization. The proposed methodology is based on the application of "cooperative learning groups": the student has an active role, and responsibility and personal demand towards learning and trough the group is developed, which allows the interaction between equals to better assimilate the concepts. The methodology also includes the self-analysis of the member performance´s as one of its foundations. Besides, a first approach to this learning methodology through practical application to the topic "Financial Loan Operations" is also proposed by the authors. The perception of methodological change is positive both in teachers and students. The proposal dynamic is enriching and encourages authors to continue exposing new activities within the framework of teaching in this subject

    Activación e dixitalización nas aulas de Matemáticas Financeiras: a revolución de construír o proceso de aprender

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    [Resumo] O nivel de atención e de asimilación dos conceptos da materia Análise das Operacións Financeiras impartida na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC non son satisfactorios. A proposta reside nun cambio metodolóxico a través da combinación da aula invertida, da aprendizaxe baseada en proxectos (ABPy) e o traballo cooperativo. Búscase unha maior asimilación da materia a través do desenvolvemento de habilidades metacognitivas derivadas das estratexias das metodoloxías activas propostas. O cuadrimestre dividirase en dúas partes: Nas primeiras catro semanas do curso o docente explica e propón exercicios sobre os conceptos básicos da materia (capital financeiro, tipos de xuro, leis de capitalización e desconto, concepto de renda e préstamo). Preténdese provocar a participación activa, motivada e crítica na aula a través do emprego de accións publicitarias (anuncios). Nas seguintes dez semanas procédese a crear cinco grupos cooperativos. Estes deben: (1) afondar nos conceptos teórico-prácticos da materia, (2) elaborar un mapa conceptual e exercicios dixitais, ademais de (3) crear un vídeo didáctico da materia. Cada grupo vai subindo os materias creados ao google classroom, o que permite o control de actividade. A avaliación establécese por competencias. ¿O cambio? Radical, apaixoante e motivador.[Abstract] The level of attention and assimilation of the concepts of the subject “Financial Operations Analysis” taught at Faculty of Economics and Business (UDC) are not satisfactory. The proposal is based on a methodological change through the combination of the inverted classroom, project-based learning (ABPy) and cooperative groups. A greater assimilation of the subject is sought through the development of metacognitive skills derived from the strategies of the proposed active methodologies. The semester will be divided in two parts: In the first four weeks of the course the teacher explains and proposes exercises on the basic concepts of the subject (financial capital, interest rates, laws of capitalization and discount, concept of income and loan). It is intended to provoke active motivated and critical participation in the classroom through the use of advertising actions (announcements). In the following ten weeks five cooperative groups are created. These should: (1) deepen in the theoretical and practical concepts of the subject, (2) elaborate a conceptual map and digital exercises, as well as (3) create a didactic video of the subject. Each group is raising the subjects created on google classroom, which allows the control of activity. The evaluation is established by competencies. The change? Radical, exciting and motivating..

    um modelo para a seleçao de carteiras eficientes de ativos energéticos no âmbito da Uniao Europeia

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    [Resumen] Uno de los retos de mayor importancia a los que se enfrenta un Estado es el de resolver su problema energético. El diseño de la cartera de tecnologías de generación de electricidad cobra especial trascendencia dentro de la planificación energética y medioambiental. Está en juego el coste de producción, la seguridad energética del territorio y el impacto medioambiental y social que el uso de las tecnologías pueda causar. Se propone interpretar la planificación energética como un problema de selección de inversiones a largo plazo. La propuesta metodológica se basa en la aplicación de la teoría de carteras de Markowitz a activos reales de generación de electricidad. Lo novedoso, y principal aportación metodológica, reside en la inclusión de la dimensión medioambiental de la cartera, que se consigue mediante la consideración de los costes de externalidad y el establecimiento de objetivos de reducción de emisiones de partículas y gases contaminantes (CO2, SO2 y NOx), ambos derivados de la generación de electricidad. El análisis de eficiencia adoptaría así una triple perspectiva: económica, social y medioambiental. Se busca el menor coste asumible, la maximización del bienestar social a través de la exposición al menor riesgo y la reducción de emisiones. El objetivo se centra en el análisis de la eficiencia de las carteras propuestas por la Agencia Internacional de la Energía para la Unión Europea para 2020 y 2030. El resultado confirma que Europa no estaría articulando su política energética en términos de triple eficiencia. En todo caso, apostar por una cartera de generación de electricidad eficiente con bajas emisiones conduce a un horizonte más respetuoso con el medio ambiente y con la sociedad.[Resumo] Un dos retos de maior importancia aos que se enfronta un Estado é o de resolver o seu problema enerxético. O deseño da carteira de tecnoloxías de xeración de electricidade cobra especial transcendencia dentro da planificación enerxética e ambiental. Está en xogo o custo de produción, a seguridade enerxética do territorio e o impacto ambiental e social que o uso das tecnoloxías poida causar. Proponse interpretar a planificación enerxética como un problema de selección de investimentos a longo prazo. A proposta metodolóxica baséase na aplicación da teoría de carteiras de Markowitz a activos reais de xeración de electricidade. A novidade, e principal achega metodolóxica, reside na inclusión da dimensión ambiental da carteira, que se consegue mediante a consideración dos custos de externalidade e o establecemento de obxectivos de redución de emisións de partículas e gases contaminantes (CO2, SO2 e NOx), ambos os dous derivados da xeración de electricidade. A análise de eficiencia adoptaría así unha tripla perspectiva: económica, social e ambiental. Búscase o menor custo asumible, a maximización do benestar social a través da exposición ao menor risco e a redución de emisións. O obxectivo céntrase na análise da eficiencia das carteiras propostas pola Axencia Internacional da Enerxía para a Unión Europea para 2020 e 2030. O resultado confirma que Europa non estaría a artellar a súa política enerxética en termos de tripla eficiencia. En todo caso, apostar por unha carteira de xeración de electricidade eficiente con baixas emisións conduce a un horizonte máis respectuoso co medio e coa sociedade.[Abstract] One of the most important challenges a State faces is resolving its energy problem. The design of the electricity generation portfolio takes on special importance in the context of energy and environmental planning. In play are the production costs, the energy security of the territory and the social and environmental impact that the use of the available technologies might entail. This proposal frames the analysis of energy planning as a problem of selection for long-term investment. The methodological approach is based on the application of Markowitz's portfolio theory to real electricity generation assets. The novel aspect and the main methodological contribution are the inclusion of the environmental portfolio dimension, which is achieved by considering externality costs and setting reduction targets for particulates and pollutant gas emissions (CO2, SO2 and NOx). The analysis of efficiency presents a triple perspective: economic, social and environmental. A lower portfolio cost, the maximization of the social wellbeing derived from exposure to lower portfolio risk and the reduction of pollutant emissions are each sought. The aim of this work is to analyze the efficiency of the technology portfolios with the technologies proposed by the International Energy Agency for the European Union for the 2020 and 2030 horizons. The results confirm that Europe is not articulating its energy policy in terms of triple efficiency. The choice of a low carbon emission efficient power generation portfolio must lead to a greater social and environmental commitment

    An evaluation of the energy and environmental policy efficiency of the EU member states in a 25-year period from a Modern Portfolio Theory perspective

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    [Abstract]: The European Union has been developing its energy and environmental policy for the last 30 years. Recent communications issued by the European Commission confirm the leadership of the European Union on reducing pollutant gas emissions and technological change towards a climate neutral economy. This work assesses the efficiency of European energy policy under a Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) approach. This proposal analyses the disaggregated European power portfolio: to make a more exhaustive analysis, focusing individually on each European country along the period 1990-2015. The efficiency of the energy and environmental policy of each Member State is measured by their distance to the power generation efficient frontier. The quadratic optimization model used by MPT is complemented by a cluster analysis in order to identify different groups of EU member states according to their behaviour patterns regarding the application of their energy and environmental policies without overlooking the efficiency of that implementation. Results stand out that France, Slovakia and Sweden belong to the “leader” efficient cluster for the analysed period. In turn, Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy show a high consistency in the application of their energy and environmental policies as they improved their positions for the considered years

    Application of modern portfolio theory to the European electricity mix: an assessment of environmentally optimal scenarios

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    [Abstract]: The proposed study analyzes the efciency of the European energy mix of electricity generation technologies from two perspectives: environmental and economic. The context is that of European energy dependence and a technology mix conditioned by the import of fossil fuels. The impact is centered, among other elements, on the leakage of national income and the emission of polluting gases. The aim is to determine the participation that each type of power plant in each country should present in order to minimize the total environmental impact. In order to solve this problem, a double optimization is proposed through the use of two methodologies: one based on a multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM) model with which to evaluate the environmental performance of each power plant, and a second optimization based on a quadratic model of portfolios modern portfolio theory (MPT), with which to evaluate the efciency of the portfolio of technologies from the cost/risk binomial. The results confrm that an environmentally efcient portfolio leads to higher levels of economic risk-taking, with a slight increase in the level of assumed cost. Nevertheless, from the results obtained, it is possible to say that hydro (with a share between 11 and 13%) and wind (37–44% mix participation) technologies resulted to be preferred options both environmentally and in terms of minimum risk efciency. Nuclear power generation stands out as one of the main baseload technologies with shares between 25 and 35% in environmental and cost/risk efciency. As main fndings, Hydro, supercritical lignite, solar PV and wind are identifed as preferential technologies to be present in both minimum risk and minimum cost efcient portfolios. In case European Union pursues for minimizing the cost of electricity production, the shares of supercritical lignite, nuclear, solar PV and wind energy go up to the maximum allowed limits. The novelty lies in the application of both methodologies with which to complement the analysis and design efcient portfolios of energy technologies from environmental and economic points of view. One possible future approach would be to assess (with the MPT model) new environmentally optimal portfolios obtained through the application of other MCDM techniques

    Empty Coruña? Un dispositivo académico transdisciplinar sobre a problemática urbana. Como explicar os fallos de mercado e a intervención pública no sector da vivenda?

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    [Resumo] O curso de verán Empty Coruña contou con diferentes tipos de actividades nas que se aplicaron diversas metodoloxías. Isto foi posible grazas á labor desenvolvida por un equipo de traballo formado por docentes de Arquitectura, Arquitectura Técnica, Socioloxía, Dereito, Economía e Empresa da UDC. Un tipo de actividade foi impartir unha clase na rúa a través da utilización dun póster contando con profesores, empresarios, membros de movementos sociais e estudantes. Expoñer contidos sobre os fallos do mercado existentes no mercado da vivenda e a teoría da intervención pública ao alumnado serviu, por un lado, para repensar os esquemas tradicionais docentes. Desta forma, a universidade acercouse á cidade como axente analizador do proceso actual que sofre e os espazos urbanos ao aire libre transformáronse en actores pasivos do curso, ao cambiar o contexto da aula. E, por outro lado, a exposición de coñecementos serviu de base para o traballo práctico e participativo que posteriormente elaborou o alumnado. Esta metodoloxía permite xerar unha retroalimentación máis efectiva que coas exposicións orais tradicionais e supón unha maior implicación do alumnado no proceso de ensinanzaaprendizaxe a partir da cesión da responsabilidade da aprendizaxe ao propio alumnado. O resultado pedagóxico foi positivo, xa que o póster facilitou a explicación dos conceptos nun breve espazo de tempo a un público sen coñecementos previos de Economía e dun xeito visual e ameno[Abstract] The summer course ‘Empty Coruña’ had different types of activities in which different methodologies have been applied. This has been possible due to the work developed by a team of professors from Architecture, Technical Architecture, Sociology, Law, Economics and Business of the UDC. One type of activity was to teach a class on the street using a poster with the participation of professors, business people, members of social movements and students. Exposing content on the existing market failures in the housing market and the theory of public intervention for students served, on the one hand, to rethink the traditional teaching schemes. In this sense, the university approached the city as an analyser agent of the current process that suffers. Outdoor urban spaces have transformed into passive actors of the course, changing the context of the classroom. On the other hand, the presentation of knowledge served as a basis for the practical and participatory work done later by the students. This methodology allows creating a more effective feedback than traditional oral presentations and involves a greater implication of the students in the teaching-learning process, transferring the responsibility to the students. The pedagogical result was positive, as the poster facilitated the explanation of the concepts in a short space of time, to a public without previous knowledge of Economy and in a visual and entertaining way

    Empty Coruña? Un dispositivo académico transdisciplinar sobre la problemática urbana: reflexiones desde los estudios de Economía y Administración de Empresas

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    [Resumen] El curso de verano Empty Coruña nace como resultado de la labor desarrollada por el equipo de trabajo con el mismo nombre formado por un grupo de docentes de distintas facultades de la Universidade da Coruña. A través de esta propuesta se trató de construir un corpus teórico inédito, a la vez que una hoja de ruta para trabajo futuro. La universidad se acercó a la ciudad para tratar de entender y cuestionar el modelo económico que ha llevado a una situación de “gente sin casas, y casas sin gente”. Conceptualmente, la mayor innovación del curso ha sido su carácter transdisciplinar, para analizar una problemática local con perspectiva global. Metodológicamente, destaca que el aula se trasladó a espacios urbanos al aire libre, como actores pasivos del análisis, así como el enfoque activo y participativo de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta experiencia proporciona herramientas para repensar la docencia tradicional en el ámbito de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa.[Abstract] The summer course Empty Coruña appears as the results from the work of a team with the same name formed by professors from several faculties at the Universidade da Coruña. The project tried to build an unprecedented analytical corpus and a roadmap for future work. The University gets closer to the city to try to understand and challenge the economic model that led to a situation of “houses without people and people without houses”. Conceptually, the main innovation of the course was its transdisciplinary approach, to analyse a local problem with global perspective. Methodologically, it is noteworthy that the classroom travelled to urban spaces outdoors, considered as passive actors of the analysis, as well as the active and participatory teaching-learning approach. This experience provides tools to rethink the traditional way of teaching within the Faculty of Economics and Business

    Pollutant versus non‑pollutant generation technologies: a CML‑analogous analysis

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    [Abstract]: In this work, we apply the Modern Portfolio Theory and the Capital Assets Pricing Model financial tools to a portfolio of CO2-emitting generation technologies under diverse scenarios. We will calculate the efficient—in the sense of having the minimum risk for a given level of emissions—portfolios frontier. The Capital Market Line (CML) is the place where all the possible combinations of a specific efficient portfolio and a pollutionfree portfolio—made up with nuclear and renewable generation technologies—lie. In Finance, that specific efficient portfolio is called the market portfolio but we will see that in our case it lacks an evident meaning. Therefore, we will explain which should be the reference portfolio for power generation planning analysis. Anyway, the fact is that those combinations are less pollutant than the portfolios in the efficient frontier. Thus, a policymaker can analyse which is their effect on emissions reduction. We will start analysing the efficient pollutant generation portfolios. Then, we will introduce the CML-analogous lines (CML-A) to allow the possibility of reducing emissions by combining an efficient portfolio with a non-pollutant portfolio—this non-pollutant portfolio is free of both emissions and risk. Results support the necessity of considering the carbon capture and storage technol- ogy to achieve a less risky generation mix, with less emissions and allowing a higher diver- sification due to the presence of cleaner fossil fuel technologies. All of that leads to better levels of energy security