65 research outputs found

    Cyber physical systems implementation for asset management improvement: A framework for the transition

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    Libro en Open AccessThe transformation of the industry due to recent technologies introduction is an evolving process whose engines are competitiveness and sustainability, understood in its broadest sense (environmental, economic and social). This process is facing, due to the current state of scientific and technological development, a new challenge yet even more important: the transition from discrete technological solutions that respond to isolated problems, to a global conception where the assets, plant, processes and engineering systems are conceived, designed and operated as an integrated complex unit. This vision is evolving besides a set of concepts that are, in some way, to guide this development: Smart Factories, Cyber-Physical Systems, Factory of the Future or Industry 4.0, are examples. The full integration of the operation and maintenance (O&M) processes in the production systems is a key topic within this new paradigm. Not only that, this evolution necessarily results in the emergence of new processes and needs of O&M, i.e. also, the O&M will undergo a profound transformation. The transition from actual isolated production assets to such Industry 4.0 with CPS is far from easy. This document presents a proposal to develop such transition adapting one iteration of the Model of Maintenance Management (MMM) integrated into ISO 55000 to the complexity of incorporating “System of Systems” CPSs maintenance. It involves several stages: identification, prioritization, risk management, planning, scheduling, execution, control, and improvement supported by system engineering techniques and agile/concurrent project managemen

    Raw data from the study: character expression, reproductive barriers and origin of the rare fern hybrid Asplenium × aran-tohanum (Aspleniaceae)

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    In this work, we provide the raw data supporting the results of the study about character expression, reproductive barriers and origin of the rare fern hybrid Asplenium ×arantohanum (Aspleniaceae). The data contributed refers to the variables used in the statistical analyses. Basic methodology is also given

    Prevalence and severity of renal dysfunction among 1062 heart transplant patients according to criteria based on serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate: results from the CAPRI study

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    [Abstract] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is staged on the basis of glomerular filtration rate; generally, the MDRD study estimate, eGFR, is used. Renal dysfunction (RD) in heart transplant (HT) patients is often evaluated solely in terms of serum creatinine (SCr). In a cross-sectional, 14-center study of 1062 stable adult HT patients aged 59.1 ± 12.5 yr (82.3% men), RD was graded as absent-or-mild (AoM), moderate, or severe (this last including dialysis and kidney graft) by two classifications: SCr-RD (SCr cutoffs 1.6 and 2.5 mg/dL) and eGFR-RD (eGFR cutoffs 60 and 30 mL/min/1.73 m2). SCr-RD was AoM in 68.5% of patients, moderate in 24.9%, and severe in 6.7%; eGFR-RD, AoM in 38.6%, moderate in 52.2%, severe in 9.2%. Among patients evaluated 9.5 yr post-HT (the periods defined by time-since-transplant quartiles), AoM/moderate/severe RD prevalences were 9.5, SCr-RD 58/32/10%, eGFR-RD 32/52/16%. The prevalence of severe RD increases with time since transplant. If the usual CKD stages are appropriate for HT patients, the need for less nephrotoxic immunosuppressants and other renoprotective measures is greater than is suggested by direct SCr-based grading, which should be abandoned as excessively insensitive

    Incidence and risk factors for nonmelanoma skin cancer after heart transplantation

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    [Abstract] Introduction. The incidence of skin cancer in heart transplant (HT) patients is higher than in the general population, reversing the proportion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) with a predominance of the former. The etiologic role of new immunosuppressants is not well known. We sought to ascertain the incidence of SCC and BCC in HT patients and the risk factors for its occurrence. Patients and Methods. We report the incidence of all types of post-HT skin cancer, SCC, and BCC among adult HT patients in Spain (4089 subjects) as well as the influence of gender, age at heart transplant, immunosuppression, and sunlight exposure. Results. The incidence rates of SCC and BCC, per 1000 persons/year, were 8.5 and 5.2, respectively. Males had a higher risk of SCC but not BCC. Induction therapy increased the risk of SCC and BCC. The relative risk of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was 0.3 (0.2–0.6; P < .0005) and azathioprine (AZA) 1.8 (1.2–2.7; P < .0032) for SCC, whereas tacrolimus and cyclosporine showed no difference. The relative risk of BCC was not affected by any immunosuppressant. Conclusion. Age at transplantation >45 years, induction therapy use, and high sunshine zone were risk factors for both SCC and BCC. Different immunosuppressive agents have different risks of nonmelanoma skin cancer, as AZA increases the risk of SCC and MMF is a protective factor. The relative risk of BCC was not affected by any immunosuppressor

    Adecuación en España a las recomendaciones terapéuticas de la guía de la ESC sobre insuficiencia cardiaca: ESC Heart Failure Long-term Registry

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. To estimate the percentage of heart failure patients in Spain that received the European Society of Cardiology recommended treatments, and in those that did not, to determine the reasons why. Methods. The study included 2834 consecutive ambulatory patients with heart failure from 27 Spanish hospitals. We recorded general information, the treatment indicated, and the reasons why it was not prescribed in some cases. In patients who met the criteria to receive a certain drug, true undertreatment was defined as the percentage of patients who, without justification, did not receive the drug. Results. In total, 92.6% of ambulatory patients with low ejection fraction received angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, 93.3% beta-blockers, and 74.5% mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. The true undertreatment rates were 3.4%, 1.8%, and 19.0%, respectively. Target doses were reached in 16.2% of patients receiving angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, 23.3% of those with angiotensin receptor blockers, 13.2% of those prescribed beta-blockers, and 23.5% of those with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. Among patients who could benefit from ivabradine, 29.1% received this drug. In total, 36% of patients met the criteria for defibrillator implantation and 90% of them had received the device or were scheduled for implantation, whereas 19.6% fulfilled the criteria for resynchronization therapy and 88.0% already had or would soon have the device. In patients who met the criteria, but did not undergo device implantation, the reasons were not cost-related. Conclusions. When justified reasons for not administering heart failure drugs were taken into account, adherence to the guideline recommendations was excellent. Exclusive use of the percentage of treated patients is a poor indicator of the quality of healthcare in heart failure. Measures should be taken to improve the attainment of optimal dosing in each patient.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Estimar la proporción de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca atendidos en España que reciben los tratamientos recomendados por la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología y razones de que no los reciban, en su caso. Métodos. Se incluyó a 2.834 pacientes ambulatorios consecutivos con insuficiencia cardiaca de 27 hospitales españoles. Se recogió información general, tratamiento indicado y causas de que no lo recibiera, en su caso. De los pacientes que cumplen criterios para recibir tratamiento, infratratamiento real es la proporción que, sin justificación, no lo recibe. Resultados. El 92,6% de los pacientes ambulatorios con fracción de eyección reducida recibieron inhibidores de la enzima de conversión de la angiotensina o antagonistas del receptor de la angiotensina II; el 93,3%, bloqueadores beta y el 74,5%, antagonistas del receptor mineralocorticoideo. El infratratamiento real es del 3,4, el 1,8 y el 19,0% respectivamente. Alcanzan dosis objetivo de inhibidores de la enzima de conversión de la angiotensina el 16,2% de los pacientes; de antagonistas de los receptores de la angiotensina II, el 23,3%; de bloqueadores beta, el 13,2% y de antagonistas del receptor mineralocorticoideo, el 23,5%. El 29,1% de los pacientes que podrían beneficiarse de ivabradina la reciben; el 36% cumple criterios para implantar desfibrilador; de ellos, el 90% lo tienen ya implantado o programado; las cifras correspondientes en resincronización son el 19,6 y el 88,0%; el porcentaje restante no se debe a causas económicas. Conclusiones. Considerando razones justificadas para no administrar fármacos a estos pacientes, el cumplimiento de las guías es excelente. Utilizar solo la proporción de pacientes tratados es un mal indicador de calidad de la asistencia en insuficiencia cardiaca. Es necesario introducir medidas que mejoren el logro de la dosis óptima para cada paciente

    The prognosis of noncutaneous, nonlymphomatous malignancy after heart transplantation: data from the spanish post-heart transplant tumour registry

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    [Abstract] Introduction. Malignancy is a major complication in the management of solid organ transplant patients. Skin cancers show a better prognosis than other neoplasms, but not all others are equal: Ideally, patient management must take into account the natural history of each type of cancer in relation to the transplanted organs. We sought to determine the prognosis of various groups of noncutaneous nonlymphomatous (NCNL) cancers after heart transplantation (HT). Methods. We retrospectively analyzed the records of the Spanish Post-Heart-Transplant Tumour Registry, which collects data on posttransplant tumors in all patients who have undergone HT in Spain since 1984. Data were included in the study up to December 2008. We considered only the first NCNL post-HT tumors. Results. Of 4359 patients, 375 developed an NCNL cancer. The most frequent were cancers of the lung (n = 97; 25.9%); gastrointestinal tract (n = 52; 13.9%); prostate gland (n = 47; 12.5%; 14.0% of men), bladder (n = 32; 8.5%), liver (n = 14; 3.7%), and pharynx (n = 14; 3.7%), as well as Kaposi's sarcoma (n = 11; 2.9%). The corresponding Kaplan-Meier survival curves differed significantly (P < .0001; log-rank test), with respective survival rates of 47%, 72%, 91%, 73%, 36%, 64%, and 73% at 1 year versus 26%, 62%, 89%, 56%, 21%, 64%, and 73% at 2 years; and 15%, 51%, 77%, 42%, 21%, 64%, and 52% at 5 years post-diagnosis, respectively. Conclusion. Mortality among HT patients with post-HT NCNL solid organ cancers was highest for cancers of the liver or lung (79%–85% at 5 years), and lowest for prostate cancer (23%)

    Health‐related quality of life, social support, and caregiver burden between six and 120 months after heart transplantation: a Spanish multicenter cross‐sectional study

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    [Abstract] A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the current heart transplant (HTx) outcomes in Spain. Clinical and functional status, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), social support, and caregiver burden were analyzed in 303 adult transplant recipients (77.9% males) living with one functioning graft. Mean age at time of HTx (SD) was 56.4 (11.4) years, and the reason for transplantation in all patients was congestive heart failure. All patients had received a first heart transplant 6 (± 1), 12 (± 2), 36 (± 6), 60 (± 10), or 120 (± 20) months previously. Participants completed the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ), the EQ-5D, the Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire, and the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale. Reasonable HRQoL, social support, and caregiver burden levels were found at all time points, although a slight decrease in HRQoL was recorded at 120 months (p ≤ 0.033). Multivariate regression analyses showed that complications, comorbidities, and hospitalizations were associated with HRQoL (EQ-5D: 48.4% of explained variance, F4,164 = 38.46, p < 0.001; KCCQ overall summary score: 45.0%, F3,198 = 54.073, p < 0.001). Patient functional capabilities and complications affected caregiver burden (p < 0.05). In conclusion, HTx patients reported reasonable levels of HRQoL with low caregiver burden. Clinical variables related to these outcomes included functional status, complications, and number of admissions

    Lung cancer after heart transplantation: results from a large multicenter registry

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    [Abstract] In this study we analyzed Spanish Post-Heart-Transplant Tumour Registry data for adult heart transplantation (HT) patients since 1984. Median post-HT follow-up of 4357 patients was 6.7 years. Lung cancer (mainly squamous cell or adenocarcinoma) was diagnosed in 102 (14.0% of patients developing cancers) a mean 6.4 years post-HT. Incidence increased with age at HT from 149 per 100 000 person-years among under-45s to 542 among over-64s; was 4.6 times greater among men than women; and was four times greater among pre-HT smokers (2169 patients) than nonsmokers (2188). The incidence rates in age-at-diagnosis groups with more than one case were significantly greater than GLOBOCAN 2002 estimates for the general Spanish population, and comparison with published data on smoking and lung cancer in the general population suggests that this increase was not due to a greater prevalence of smokers or former smokers among HT patients. Curative surgery, performed in 21 of the 28 operable cases, increased Kaplan–Meier 2−year survival to 70% versus 16% among inoperable patients

    The Falling Incidence of Hematologic Cancer After Heart Transplantation

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    [Abstract] Background. A number of changes in the management of heart transplantation (HT) patients have each tended to reduce the risk of post-HT hematologic cancer, but little information is available concerning the overall effect on incidence in the HT population. Methods. Comparison of data from the Spanish Post-Heart-Transplantation Tumour Registry for the periods 1991–2000 and 2001–2010. Results. The incidence among patients who underwent HT in the latter period was about half that observed in the former, with a particularly marked improvement in regard to incidence more than five yr post-HT. Conclusions. Changes in HT patient management have jointly reduced the risk of hematologic cancer in the Spanish HT population. Long-term risk appears to have benefited more than short-term risk