1,329 research outputs found

    Analysis of Built Environment Influence on Pedestrian route choice behavior in Dutch Design Week using GPS Data

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    Visitors not only have specific destinations targeting the Dutch Design Week (DDW) exhibitions distributed all over the city, but also visit the city in between exhibition activities. The mixed environment makes modeling behavior of DDW visitors more complex than shoppers and tourisms only. This research pays special attention to the influence of built environment on pedestrian route choice. The built environment includes building and transportation infrastructure. GPS tracking data and social demographic information were collected during the event. Multinomial logit model and path size logit model are used to analysis route choice behavior. The results show that some built environment factors have significant influence on route choice. Shops are more attractive for aged visitors. Females prefer shorter routes more. In big event, the alternative routes with more sharing links could increase the possibility to choose

    Beroepenmobiliteit: Bruikbaarheid longitudinale gegevens EnquĂŞte Beroepsbevolking

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    Deze studie is een verslag van een gezamenlijk onderzoek van het Centraal Bureau voorde Statistiek (CBS) en het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA).De studie is een onderdeel van zowel het CBS-speerpunt Sociale dynamiek enuitbreiding Arbeidsrekeningen, in het bijzonder het project Onderwijs enberoepsloopbaan, als het Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt van het ROA. Het ProjectOnderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt wordt gefinancierd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuuren Wetenschap (OCW), het Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV), hetUWV Werkbedrijf, het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV), desamenwerkende kenniscentra voor beroepsonderwijs en bedrijfsleven COLO, RandstadNederland en de Raad voor Werk en Inkomen (RWI).De hoofdstukken 2, 3 en 4 zijn door het CBS samengesteld, hoofdstuk 5 door het ROA.De overige hoofdstukken zijn een gezamenlijk product. Bijlage 4 is door het ROAsamengesteld, de overige bijlagen door het CBS.De auteurs bedanken Henk-Jan Dirven, Wendy Smits, Johan van der Valk en de ledenvan de begeleidingscommissie van het Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt voor hetcommentaar op een eerdere versie.De in dit rapport weergegeven opvattingen zijn die van de auteurs en komen nietnoodzakelijk overeen met het beleid van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.education, training and the labour market;

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Control by Synthetic Jet Actuation

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    Numerical simulations of active flow control have been carried out for the flow around the NACA0018 profile for Mach = 0.15, Re = 2Ă— 106, a = 15o using the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations. Two types of flow control, zero-net-mass jets (synthetic jets) and continuously blowing jets, have been considered to delay the onset of separation. The synthetic jets have been applied to the 2D situation, i.e. infinitely long slits in the spanwise, for which the angle between the jet and surface normal has been varied to study the effect on the separation. For the continuously blowing jets the effect of 3D mixing is taken into account and an optimization of several jet parameters has been carried out to obtain the best result possible

    Mind map our way into effective student questioning: A principle-based scenario

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    Student questioning is an important self-regulative strategy and has multiple benefits for teaching and learning science. Teachers, however, need support to align student questioning to curricular goals. This study tests a prototype of a principle-based scenario that supports teachers in guiding effective student questioning. In the scenario, mind mapping is used to provide both curricular structure as well as support for student questioning. The fidelity of structure and the process of implementation were verified by interviews, video data and a product collection. Results show that the scenario was relevant for teachers, practical in use and effective for guiding student questioning. Results also suggest that shared responsibility for classroom mind maps contributed to more intensive collective knowledge construction

    Modelling of annual sand transports at the Dutch lower shoreface

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    Dutch coastal policy aims for a safe, economically strong and attractive coast. This is achieved by maintaining the part of the coast that support these functions; the coastal foundation. The coastal foundation is maintained by means of sand nourishments. Up to now, it has been assumed that net transports across the coastal foundation's offshore boundary at the 20 m depth contour are negligibly small. In the framework of the Coastal Genesis 2.0 program we investigate sand transports across this boundary and across other depth contours at the lower shoreface. The purpose of this paper is to provide knowledge for a well-founded choice of the seaward boundary of the coastal foundation. The lower shoreface is the zone where the mixed action of shoreface currents (tide-, wind- and density gradient driven) and shoaling and refracting waves is predominant. Transport rates are relatively small and hence the bed levels in the lower shoreface undergo relatively slow changes

    Modulation of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Signaling by Medicinal Cannabinoids

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    Medical marijuana is increasingly prescribed as an analgesic for a growing number of indications, amongst which terminal cancer and multiple sclerosis. However, the mechanistic aspects and properties of cannabis remain remarkably poorly characterized. In this study we aimed to investigate the immune-cell modulatory properties of medical cannabis. Healthy volunteers were asked to ingest medical cannabis, and kinome profiling was used to generate comprehensive descriptions of the cannabis challenge on inflammatory signal transduction in the peripheral blood of these volunteers. Results were related to both short term and long term effects in patients experimentally treated with a medical marijuana preparation for suffering from abdominal pain as a result of chronic pancreatitis or other causes. The results reveal an immunosuppressive effect of cannabinoid preparations via deactivation of signaling through the pro-inflammatory p38 MAP kinase and mTOR pathways and a concomitant deactivation of the pro-mitogenic ERK pathway. However, long term cannabis exposure in two patients resulted in reversal of this effect. While these data provide a powerful mechanistic rationale for the clinical use of medical marijuana in inflammatory and oncological disease, caution may be advised with sustained use of such preparations
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