87 research outputs found

    Les effets d’un réseau sociotechnique européen d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie en Belgique francophone

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    Depuis 2014, on observe une forte augmentation des certificats inter-universitaires en Belgique francophone. Il s’agit d’une modalité particulière de certification de programmes de formation continue dans l’enseignement supérieur. Cet article soutient que les certificats sont un effet produit par un réseau sociotechnique européen d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie dont ils contribuent à étendre les ramifications. Il analyse ensuite les logiques véhiculées par les certificats dans la profession académique et montre en particulier deux nouvelles logiques dans la mission d’enseignement : marchande et de notoriété.Since 2014, there has been a strong increase of (inter-)university certificates in French-speaking Belgium. The certificates are a specific way of certifying continuing education programs in higher education. This article argues that the certificates are an effect produced by a European socio-technical network of lifelong learning and, at the same time, contribute to extend that network. It then analyzes the logic conveyed by certificates in the academic profession and shows in particular two new logics in the teaching mission : market and fame.Seit 2014 ist im französischsprachigen Belgien ein starker Anstieg hochschulübergreifender Abschlüsse in Form von Zertifikaten (Certificats interuniversitaires) zu verzeichnen. Dabei handelt es sich um eine besondere Form der Zertifizierung von Weiterbildungsprogrammen im Hochschulbereich. Dieser Artikel argumentiert, dass diese Zertifikate auf ein europäisches soziotechnisches Netzwerk für lebenslanges Lernen zurückzuführen sind, wobei sie zu einer weiteren Verzweigung des Netzwerkes beitragen. Daraufhin untersucht der Artikel die Logiken, die durch Zertifikate im akademischen Beruf vermittelt werden, und zeigt insbesondere zwei neue Logiken im Lehrauftrag auf: Markt- und Bekanntheitslogik.Desde 2014, se observa un fuerte aumento de los certificados interuniversitarios en la Bélgica francófona. Se trata de una modalidad particular de certificación de programas de formación continua en la enseñanza superior. Este artículo sostiene que los certificados son un efecto producido por una red sociotécnica europea de educación y formación permanente, cuyas ramificaciones contribuyen a extender. A continuación, analiza las lógicas vehiculadas por los certificados en la profesión académica y muestra, en particular, dos nuevas lógicas en la misión docente: la comercial y la de notoriedad

    Les motifs d’entrée en formation des adultes en reprise d’études universitaires

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    Un nombre croissant d’adultes retourne à l’université pour des motifs pluriels et souvent méconnus. La présente recherche vise à valider une adaptation de l’échelle descriptive des motifs d’engagement en formation développée par Carré (2001), qui concernait des formations professionnelles mais pas universitaires. Pour ce faire, 300 adultes en reprise d’études à l’université se sont exprimés par questionnaire quant à leurs motifs d’entrée en formation. Une analyse factorielle exploratoire a révélé certains motifs de la taxonomie de Carré. Dans l’ordre d’importance, il s’agit des motifs épistémiques, identitaires, vocationnels et opératoires professionnels. Cette structure est confirmée par un modèle en équations structurales.More and more adults undertake a university program for different reasons that are often unknown. The goal of this paper is to validate the adaptation of the descriptive scale measuring adults’ motives developed by Carré (2001), which referred to vocational training but not university programs. We asked 300 adults undertaking a university program to answer a questionnaire about their entry motives. A factor analysis yielded some motives of Carré’s taxonomy. In order of importance, these motives were epistemic, self-promotion, vocational and professional operatory. This structure is confirmed by a structural equation model

    Zusammenarbeit ĂĽber die Grenzen hinweg

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    Netzwerk für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung der Universitäten in Österreich: AUCEN (Elke Gornik/Monika Kil/Katharina Mallich-Pötz/Anna Steiger/Christine Stöckler-Penz) In diesem Beitrag werden die Entstehung von AUCEN, die Rahmenbedingungen der Universitätsgesetzgebung für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung, Projektaktivitäten und aktuelle Herausforderungen ausgeführt. Wirkungsvolle Interessenvertretung der universitären Weiterbildung in der Schweiz: Swissuni (Andreas Fischer). Working together to promote University Lifelong learning in Europe: eucen (Françoise de Viron). This chapter presents eucen, a specific European university lifelong learning network. Using an organisational framework, based on the concepts of collaborative inter-organisational network and community of practice, it describes the characteristics, the functions and benefits of this network and highlights some prerequisites for its development. It concludes by a short test application of the framework to other networks dedicated to LLL at national level and highlights some examples in the case of Germany and the DGWF network

    Bridges between Research and Practice in University Lifelong Learning: Policy Report and Recommendations

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    Adult Education and more specifically Lifelong Learning is usually recognised as a field where research and practice should be closely connected. While the importance of encouraging research which informs policy and practice in Lifelong Learning is widely acknowledged by many, the ways in which knowledge could be more effectively exchanged and used to improve practices is not yet fully understood. A key aim of the DIALOGUE project has been to facilitate opportunities for dialogue between researchers, practitioners and policy makers which encourages knowledge exchange and promotes new ways of working together. A key issue is how scientific knowledge could be integrated into everyday life for the benefit of the individuals, society and the economy. This report analyses 43 cases studies from 14 European countries and highlights the drivers facilitating dialogue and bridging research and practice

    Proximité entre parties prenantes et alignement stratégique, le cas de Triodos Belgique

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    La banque Triodos, fondée en 1980 dans le but explicite de mettre la finance au service du développement durable, rencontre un succès s’expliquant par trois facteurs: des valeurs clairement explicitées et intégrées dans son activité, des parties prenantes internes et externes partageant ces valeurs et impliquées dans l’élaboration de la stratégie de la banque et sa mise en oeuvre. Cette implication s’appuie sur des relations de proximité recherchées et organisées qui s’enrichissent mutuellement.The Triodos Belgium case study The Triodos Bank was created in 1980. The objective of the Bank is to have finance serve sustainable development. Three main factors can explain the growing success of this bank : the values on which the bank is founded are clearly stated and integrated in its activities, the stakeholders share these values, and are involved in strategic process of the bank. This commitment depends on finding and organizing relationships of proximity with the aim of mutual enrichmen

    Conference Mainz: the University Lifelong Learning and the labour market in Europe

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    University Lifelong Learning and the labour market in Europe – the contribution of continuing education and vocational education to the challenges of changing work and qualification requirement

    Working together to promote University Lifelong learning in Europe: the impact of European and national networks

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    Nowadays, collective knowledge, continuous learning and collaborating and learning in network are the most appropriate answer to complexity. Our environments at European, national or regional levels are rapidly changing and continuously evolving. Changes are coming from diverse perspectives: political, social, cultural, economic, and technological. It appears that Universities have to adapt in order to offer provisions and services to their audience -people, communities, organisations- in order to increase their learning capacity and develop their abilities to face the changes. This chapter analyses the ways how networks of universities are developing using the concepts of collaborative inter-organisational network and community of practice. A case study approach is adopted: the collaboration between eucen, the European Universities Continuing Education Network and DGWF, the German Association for University Continuing and Distance Education
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