3 research outputs found

    Modeling Host Genetic Regulation of Influenza Pathogenesis in the Collaborative Cross

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    Genetic variation contributes to host responses and outcomes following infection by influenza A virus or other viral infections. Yet narrow windows of disease symptoms and confounding environmental factors have made it difficult to identify polymorphic genes that contribute to differential disease outcomes in human populations. Therefore, to control for these confounding environmental variables in a system that models the levels of genetic diversity found in outbred populations such as humans, we used incipient lines of the highly genetically diverse Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred (RI) panel (the pre-CC population) to study how genetic variation impacts influenza associated disease across a genetically diverse population. A wide range of variation in influenza disease related phenotypes including virus replication, virus-induced inflammation, and weight loss was observed. Many of the disease associated phenotypes were correlated, with viral replication and virus-induced inflammation being predictors of virus-induced weight loss. Despite these correlations, pre-CC mice with unique and novel disease phenotype combinations were observed. We also identified sets of transcripts (modules) that were correlated with aspects of disease. In order to identify how host genetic polymorphisms contribute to the observed variation in disease, we conducted quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. We identified several QTL contributing to specific aspects of the host response including virus-induced weight loss, titer, pulmonary edema, neutrophil recruitment to the airways, and transcriptional expression. Existing whole-genome sequence data was applied to identify high priority candidate genes within QTL regions. A key host response QTL was located at the site of the known anti-influenza Mx1 gene. We sequenced the coding regions of Mx1 in the eight CC founder strains, and identified a novel Mx1 allele that showed reduced ability to inhibit viral replication, while maintaining protection from weight loss

    Assessment of transmission distortion on chromosome 6p in healthy individuals using tagSNPs

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    The best-documented example for transmission distortion (TD) to normal offspring are the t haplotypes on mouse chromosome 17. In healthy humans, TD has been described for whole chromosomes and for particular loci, but multiple comparisons have presented a statistical obstacle in wide-ranging analyses. Here we provide six high-resolution TD maps of the short arm of human chromosome 6 (Hsa6p), based on single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from 60 trio families belonging to two ethnicities that are available through the International HapMap Project. We tested all approximately 70 000 previously genotyped SNPs within Hsa6p by the transmission disequilibrium test. TagSNP selection followed by permutation testing was performed to adjust for multiple testing. A statistically significant evidence for TD was observed among male parents of European ancestry, due to strong and wide-ranging skewed segregation in a 730 kb long region containing the transcription factor-encoding genes SUPT3H and RUNX2, as well as the microRNA locus MIRN586. We also observed that this chromosomal segment coincides with pronounced linkage disequilibrium (LD), suggesting a relationship between TD and LD. The fact that TD may be taking place in samples not selected for a genetic disease implies that linkage studies must be assessed with particular caution in chromosomal segments with evidence of TD