408 research outputs found

    Anatomía del sistema digestivo

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    De la presencia de población inmigrante extranjera en la escuela al diseño de políticas educativas de igualdad, el caso de Andalucía

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    Se presentan los datos de la evolución reciente de la población escolar inmigrante extranjera en un contexto geográfico determinado: Andalucía. Expondremos una serie de estadísticas que nos permitan "calcular" el fenómeno y desde ellas realizar los primeros análisis. Ante la necesidad de desarrollar políticas educativas de atención a la población extranjera en la escuela motivadas por "su diferencia", defendemos la necesidad de conocer con detalle las dinámicas de asentamiento de estas nuevas poblaciones y, a partir de ello y con un conocimiento más detallado de "la vida en las aulas" de esta nueva diversidad, diseñar tales políticas de actuación. Resulta muy difícil diseñar cualquier política educativa para atender a cualquier colectivo social o cultural diversos sin contar con datos más o menos precisos de cómo esta evolucionando el fenómeno al que tal política irá dirigida. Desde los datos y con una posición ideológica defensora de la igualdad, es desde donde tendremos que construir tales políticas educativas.Data about the recent evolution of the foreign immigrant school population in a certain geographic context; Andalusia are presented. We will show a series of statistics which will enable us to «calculate» the event and later we will make the first analysis. Knowing the necessity of developing educational policies to attend the foreign population regarding the fact of their «difference», we defend the necessity of detailing the setting dynamics of these new populations and designing such educational policies with a more detailed knowledge of the daily life at school. From our view it is very hard the design of any educational policy with the purpose of taking care of any social or cultural group without handling more or less accurate data about the evolution of the event for which the policy has been designed. From the data and an ideological position defending equality we will have to elaborate such educational policies

    La enseñanza de la reumatología en la universidad: la travesía desde el aprendizaje basado en el profesor al centrado en el alumno

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    [Abstract] In recent years, university education has undergone profound changes as a result of the creation of the European Space for Higher Education. It has gone from a teacher-centred model, based on the transmission of knowledge through lectures, to being student-centred, based on the acquisition of skills and attaching great importance to independent learning. This transformation involves the need to reorganise academic activity and employ new teaching tools, such as active learning methodologies, more in line with current requirements. In this article, the backbones of the European Space for Higher Education are presented, and diverse experiences of teaching innovation described under Reumacademia and from three Spanish universities.[Resumen] En los últimos años la enseñanza universitaria ha experimentado un profundo cambio como consecuencia de la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se ha pasado de un modelo centrado en el profesor, basado en la transmisión de conocimientos a través de las clases magistrales, a otro centrado en el alumno, basado en la adquisición de competencias y que otorga gran importancia al aprendizaje autónomo. Esta transformación comporta la necesidad de reorganizar la actividad académica y de emplear nuevas herramientas docentes, como las metodologías activas de aprendizaje, más acorde con las exigencias actuales. En este artículo se exponen los ejes vertebradores del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y se describen diversas experiencias de innovación docente en el marco de Reumacademia y de tres universidades españolas

    Diplomacia deportiva, una disciplina por desarrollar

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    Sport is the most important social phenomenon in recent years with unparalleled multinational scope. As such it can be used as an instrument of foreign policy by the countries and companies through the so-called sports diplomacy. This article addresses this subject from the point of view of the objectives that sport can contribute to reach and the means that can be used. The objectives are very varied, structured in objectives of identification, exchange and contribution. Regarding the means, these include sports agents, activities, infrastructures, knowledge and products and services. The proper definition and management of these objectives and means represents great potential in the effort to structure, develop and, above all, apply this new discipline called sports diplomacy.El deporte es el fenómeno social más importante de los últimos años con una proyección multinacional inigualable. Como tal puede ser utilizado como instrumento de la acción exterior por parte de los países y de las empresas a través de la denominada diplomacia deportiva. El presente artículo aborda esta disciplina desde el punto de vista de los objetivos a los que puede contribuir y de los medios de los que puede disponer. Los objetivos son muy variados, estructurándose en objetivos de identificación, intercambio y contribución. Por lo que respecta a los medios, estos incluyen agentes deportivos, actividades, infraestructuras, conocimiento y productos y servicios. La adecuada definición y gestión de dichos objetivos y medios supone un gran potencial en el empeño de estructurar, desarrollar y, sobre todo, aplicar esta nueva disciplina llamada diplomacia deportiva

    Role Player Assitant : entorn web per jocs de rol

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    Cada cop més trobem que la societat ha anat evolucionant fent ús de les noves tecnologies i aplicant-les a les situacions quotidianes. En un àmbit com és els del jocs de rol de taula, on cada cop podem observar a més persones utilitzant dispositius tecnològics per intentar incrementar l'experiència dels jugadors durant la partida, sempre limitant-se a eines que estiguin al seu abast. En el present projecte buscarem la manera d'aprofitar els nous dispositius mòbils que gran part de la població te al seu abast, per facilitar les interaccions que es porten a terme durant el transcurs d'una partida i alliberant als jugadors de certes limitacions que es presenten sense aquest dispositius. Per altre banda, continuant amb la línia del projecte i com a creixement personal, realitzarem una immersió en una nova tecnologia de desenvolupament, enfocada precisament a desenvolupar plataformes compatibles amb qualsevol tipus de dispositiu.Often we find that society has been evolving using new technologies and applying them to everyday situations. In an area such as role playing games, where frequently we can see more people using technological devices trying to increase the experience of the players while they are playing, always limited to tools that they know how to use. In this project we will seek new ways to benefit from mobile devices which much of the population has to its disposal, to facilitate the interactions that take place during the course of a game and releasing players from some limitations that exist without these devices. On the other hand, continuing with the line of the project and as personal growth, we will learn a new development technology, focused specifically on developing platforms compatible with any device.Cada vez más vemos que la sociedad ha ido evolucionando haciendo uso de las nuevas tecnologías y aplicándolas a las situaciones cotidianas. En un ámbito como es el de los juegos de rol de mesa, donde cada vez más podemos observar a más personas utilizando dispositivos tecnológicos para intentar incrementar la experiencia de los jugadores durante la partida, siempre limitándose a herramientas que estén a su alcance. En el presente proyecto buscaremos la manera de aprovechar los nuevos dispositivos móviles que gran parte de la población tiene a su alcance, para facilitar las interacciones que se llevan a cabo durante el transcurso de una partida y liberando a los jugadores de ciertas limitaciones que se presentan sin estos dispositivos. Por otro lado, siguiendo con la línea del proyecto y como crecimiento personal, realizaremos una inmersión en una nueva tecnología de desarrollo, enfocada precisamente a desarrollar plataformas compatibles con cualquier tipo de dispositivo

    Riparian or phreatophile woodland and shrubland vegetation in the Central Chilean biogeographic region: phytosociological study

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    The Mediterranean territory in Chile is an extensive area whose natural vegetation has suffered the impact of man-made activities far more severely than anywhere else in the country. Its northernmost section (the Atacama and Coquimbo regions) is characterised by ombroclimates that range from ultra-hyperarid to arid, and by highly irregular river courses with limited spaces for phreatophilic vegetation that have been exploited by humans as fertile farmlands. However, in the river valleys of the Central Chilean biogeographic province, where the ombroclimate is at least semiarid, there may be permanent watercourses that drain from the Andean mountain range towards the Pacific Ocean that contain representations of riparian or phreatophilic vegetation linked to riverbanks or alluvial terraces, in spite of the inevitable human influence. We studied the most conspicuous plant communities with the most highly developed biomass in these riparian environments, namely willow stands dominated by Salix humboldtiana and accompanied by some autochthonous woody species, in order to clarify their floristic composition and their correct ordination within the syntaxonomy of Chilean vegetation. The data collected suggest the existence of a phytosociological association: Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae ass. nova, as the majority association in the Central Chilean province. Another possible association which replaces this (Baccharido salicifoliae-Myrceugenietum lanceolatae prov.) is also proposed in the transition to a humid ombroclimate and Temperate macrobioclimate.The floristic contents of these Chilean communities are compared with other associations dominated by Salix humboldtiana described for other territories bordering Chile: Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. However, given that they are all located in a Tropical macrobioclimate and their companion flora is therefore clearly different from the flora present in the Chilean communities, we propose the creation of a new phytosociological class to include these syntaxonomically: Mayteno boariae-Salicetea humboldtianae class. nova. This work also ascribes the association Tessario absinthioidis-Baccharidetum marginalis (representing a prior dynamic stage to Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae) to the class Tessario integrifoliae-Baccharideteasalicifoliae.S

    High-Throughput Screen Detects Calcium Signaling Dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

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    [Abstract] Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a deadly childhood disorder, which is considered a very rare disease. It is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation on the LMNA gene, and it is characterized by accelerated aging. Human cell lines from HGPS patients and healthy parental controls were studied in parallel using next-generation sequencing (NGS) to unravel new non-previously altered molecular pathways. Nine hundred and eleven transcripts were differentially expressed when comparing healthy versus HGPS cell lines from a total of 21,872 transcripts; ITPR1, ITPR3, CACNA2D1, and CAMK2N1 stood out among them due to their links with calcium signaling, and these were validated by Western blot analysis. It was observed that the basal concentration of intracellular Ca2+ was statistically higher in HGPS cell lines compared to healthy ones. The relationship between genes involved in Ca2+ signaling and mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM) was demonstrated through cytosolic calcium handling by means of an automated fluorescent plate reading system (FlexStation 3, Molecular Devices), and apoptosis and mitochondrial ROS production were examined by means of flow cytometry analysis. Altogether, our data suggest that the Ca2+ signaling pathway is altered in HGPS at least in part due to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our results unravel a new therapeutic window for the treatment of this rare disease and open new strategies to study pathologies involving both accelerated and healthy aging.Xunta de Galicia; ED481D-2021-020This work was funded by the Spanish National Health Institute Carlos III (PI20/00497) awarded to M.C.A. Furthermore, J.A.F.-L. is funded by the Xunta de Galicia Fellowship (ED481D-2021-020

    Prevalence of osteoporosis, estimation of probability of fracture and bone metabolism study in patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer in the health area of Lugo

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    Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente presentado como póster con defensa en el 34.o Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (semFYC).[Resumen] Objetivo. Estudiar la prevalencia de osteoporosis y probabilidad de fractura en pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer de próstata. Diseño. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Emplazamiento. Estudio realizado desde atención primaria del área sanitaria de Lugo en colaboración con los servicios de Reumatología y Urología de nuestro hospital de referencia. Participantes. Pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer de próstata sin enfermedad metastásica ósea, desde enero a diciembre del año 2012. Mediciones principales. Se recogieron variables epidemiológicas, clínicas, analíticas y densitométricas implicadas en la osteoporosis. Se estimó la probabilidad de fractura mediante la herramienta FRAX®. Resultados. Ochenta y tres pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Ninguno fue excluido. La edad media fue de 67 años. El índice de masa corporal fue de 28,28. Veinticinco pacientes (30,1%) presentaban fracturas osteoporóticas previas. Otros factores de riesgo prevalentes fueron el alcohol (26,5%) y el tabaco (22,9%). Ochenta y dos sujetos presentaban valores de vitamina D por debajo de lo normal (98,80%). La densitometría de cuello femoral mostró que el 8,9% presentaron osteoporosis y el 54% osteopenia. La media del riesgo de fractura en esta población, estimado con la herramienta FRAX®, fue del 2,63% para fractura de cuello femoral y del 5,28% para fractura principal. Utilizando los puntos de corte para el riesgo de fractura propuestos por Azagra et al., 24 pacientes (28,92%) tuvieron un valor de FRAX® para fractura principal sin DXA de más del 5%, y 8 sujetos (9,64%), ≥ 7,5%. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de osteoporosis en esta población fue muy elevada. Los factores de riesgo asociados a osteoporosis más frecuentes fueron: fractura osteoporótica previa, consumo de alcohol, hábito tabáquico y antecedente familiar de fractura previa. La probabilidad de fractura mediante la herramienta FRAX® de cuello femoral fue baja. La hipovitaminosis D fue muy frecuente (98,8%).[Abstract] Objective. To study the prevalence of osteoporosis and fracture probability in patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Design. Observational descriptive transversal study. Site. Study performed from Primary Care of Lugo in collaboration with Rheumatology and Urology Services of our referral hospital. Participants. Patients diagnosed with prostate cancer without bone metastatic disease from January to December 2012. Main measurements. Epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory and densitometric variables involved in osteoporosis were collected. The likelihood of fracture was estimated by FRAX® Tool. Results. Eighty-three patients met the inclusion criteria. None was excluded. The average age was 67 years. The Body Mass Index was 28.28. Twenty-five patients (30.1%) had previous osteoporotic fractures. Other prevalent risk factors were alcohol (26.5%) and smoking (22.9%). Eighty-two subjects had vitamin D below normal level (98.80%). Femoral Neck densitometry showed that 8.9% had osteoporosis and 54% osteopenia. The average fracture risk in this population, estimated by FRAX®, was 2.63% for hip fracture and 5.28% for major fracture. Cut level for FRAX® major fracture value without DXA > 5% and ≥ 7.5% proposed by Azagra et al. showed 24 patients (28.92%) and 8 patients (9.64%) respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence of osteoporosis in this population was very high. The more frequent risk factors associated with osteoporosis were: previous osteoporotic fracture, alcohol consumption, smoking and family history of previous fracture. The probability of fracture using femoral neck FRAX® tool was low. Vitamin D deficiency was very common (98.8%)

    Multimedia Smart Process (MSP)

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    Traditional development processes do not include dynamic and creative aspects that exist in multimedia development environments. In these domains, creativity, design and animation are non-functional requirements that have great relevance in the final product and are often not considered in the implementation of traditional software. In this article, we make a comparison of the main traditional development processes and their suitability to the domains of multimedia software, proposing as an alternative Multimedia Smart Process (MSP)

    Chondrogenic Potential of Subpopulations of Cells Expressing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Markers Derived from Human Synovial Membranes

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    [Abstract] In this study we analyzed the chondrogenic potential of subpopulations of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from human synovial membranes enriched for CD73, CD106, and CD271 markers. Subpopulations of human synovial membrane MSCs enriched for CD73, CD106, and CD271 markers were isolated using a cytometry sorter and characterized by flow cytometry for MSC markers. The expression of Sox9, Nanog, and Runx2 genes by these cells was measured by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The chondrogenesis of each subpopulation was assessed by culturing the cells in a defined medium to produce spontaneous spheroid formation and differentiation towards chondrocyte-like cells. The examination of the spheroids by histological and immunohistochemical analyses for collagen type II (COL2), aggrecan, collagen type I (COL1), metalloprotease 13 (MMP13), and collagen type X (COLX) levels were performed to assess their chondrogenesis capacity. The adipogenesis and osteogenesis potential of each subpopulation was determined using commercial media; the resulting cells were stained with oil red O or red alizarin to test the degree of differentiation. The subpopulations had different profiles of cells positive for the MSC markers CD44, CD69, CD73, CD90, and CD105 and showed different expression levels of the genes Sox9, Nanog, and Runx2 involved in chondrogenesis, undifferentiation, and osteoblastogenesis, respectively. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that COL1, COL2, COLX, MMP13, and aggrecan were expressed in the spheroids as soon as 14 days of culture. The CD271+ subpopulation expressed the highest levels of COL2 staining compared to the other subpopulations. CD105 and Runx2 were shown by immunohistochemistry and genetic analysis to have significantly higher expression CD271+ subpopulation than the other subpopulations. Spheroids formed from CD271-enriched and CD73-enriched MSCs from normal human synovial membranes mimic the native cartilage extracellular matrix more closely than CD106+ MSCs and are possible candidates for use in cartilage tissue engineering. Both cell types have potential for promoting the differentiation of MSCs into chondrocytes, presenting new possibilities for achieving intrinsic cartilage repair.Servizo Galego de Saúde; PS07/86Instituto de Salud Carlos III; CIBER BBN CB06-01-0040Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI-08/202