328 research outputs found

    Modelling management strategies to mitigate the effects of alterations of temperature and of CO2 concentration on maize.

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    Ongoing climate change may affect rainfed maize yield in Brazil, which can be attenuated by some crop management strategies. This work aimed to evaluate, by using computational modeling, management practices with potential to mitigate the effects of changes in temperature and CO2 concentration on maize yield. The CSM-CERES-Maize model was applied to simulate the mitigating potential of using maize cultivars with 0.3 m, 0.5 m and 0.7 m deep root system, associated with 0 t ha-1, 2 t ha-1 and 4 t ha-1 of crop residue left on the soil surface. A set of 33 years of daily weather data, along with soil profile data, were used to evaluate the approach in 10 regions of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For most of the regions, the use of mulching and of a maize cultivar with deeper root system was not capable of attenuating the temperature rise. In contrast, any factor limiting root growth of maize to a depth of 0.30 m, causes significant yield drop, even for a scenario of reducing temperature by 3 oC or rising CO2 concentration. In warmer and drier regions, the positive response of maize to the increase in CO2 concentration was more pronounced

    Otimização dos processos de fermentação e secagem de sementes de cupuaçu.

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    O melhor aproveitamento de sementes do cupuaçu para a produção de cupulate depende das alterações ocorridas durante seu processamento. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar os processos de fermentação e secagem dessas sementes. Seis lotes de 100 kg de sementes foram transferidos para ?cochos? de madeira¸ contendo cinco caixas de fermentação (0,60 m x 1,00 m x 1,00 m) e adicionado xarope de açúcar. Após 48 horas, com dois revolvimentos/dia, as sementes eram transferida para a caixa seguinte, por um período de 7 dias. A secagem se deu em secador tipo terreiro, com revolvimento diário por sete dias. Amostras das amêndoas foram analisadas quanto a pH, acidez, umidade, atividade de água e cor instrumental ao final dos períodos. Os dados obtidos indicam que o dimensionamento proposto para os cochos de fermentação e o processo de secagem em terreiro não afetaram os fatores estudados

    Fermentação e secagem de amêndoas de cupuaçu para agroindústrias familiares.

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    As sementes do cupuaçu (Theobroma grandifl orum Schum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K. Schum.) possuem características botânicas e propriedades químicas similares às sementes do cacau (Theobroma cacao L.), e o seu processamento agrega valor à produção agroflorestal. Após os processos de fermentação e secagem das sementes recém-despolpadas pode-se produzir entre outros produtos o liquor, que é um análogo do chocolate e pode ser empregado na formulação de bolos, biscoitos e sorvetes, além da possibilidade de uso da gordura para fi ns alimentícios e cosméticos.bitstream/item/186638/1/26619.pd

    Differential allelic expression and co-expression revealed oxidative stress-dependent proteolysis as a key regulator of nelore beef tenderness.

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    These findings suggest the impact of cis-regulatory variants on both the gene expression and phenotypic variation of Nelore muscle. These results can guide the investigation of regulatory variants affecting the expression of candidate genes for animal breeding, focusing on the genomic regions that affect the phenotypes of interest.e-book. Na publicação: Adhemar Zerlotini

    Differential allele-specific expression revealed functional variants and candidate genes related to meat quality traits in B. indicus muscle.

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    Abstract: Traditional transcriptomics approaches have been used to identify candidate genes affecting economically important livestock traits. Regulatory variants affecting these traits, however, remain under covered. Genomic regions showing allele-specific expression (ASE) are under the effect of cis-regulatory variants, being useful for improving the accuracy of genomic selection models. Taking advantage of the better of these two methods, we investigated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in regions showing differential ASE (DASE SNPs) between contrasting groups for beef quality traits. For these analyses, we used RNA sequencing data, imputed genotypes and genomic estimated breeding values of muscle-related traits from 190 Nelore (Bos indicus) steers. We selected 40 contrasting unrelated samples for the analysis (N = 20 animals per contrasting group) and used a beta-binomial model to identify ASE SNPs in only one group (i.e., DASE SNPs). We found 1479 DASE SNPs (FDR 0.05) associated with 55 beef-quality traits. Most DASE genes were involved with tenderness and muscle homeostasis, presenting a co-expression module enriched for the protein ubiquitination process. The results overlapped with epigenetics and phenotype-associated data, suggesting that DASE SNPs are potentially linked to cis-regulatory variants affecting simultaneously the transcription and phenotype through chromatin state modulation