7 research outputs found

    Aspectos morfológicos, ultra-estruturais e distribuição dos túbulos de Malpighi do diplópodo Urostreptus atrobrunneus Pierozzi & Fontanetti, 2006

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    Milípedes, popularmente conhecidos no Brasil como piolho-de-cobra, emboá ou gongolô, apresentam distribuição cosmopolita e constituem uma das classes de Myriapoda. Podem se tornar importantes pragas agrícolas e causar prejuízos caso haja uma diminuição na quantidade de alimento habitual. Infestações e surtos populacionais de milípedes têm ocorrido em várias partes do mundo, sendo responsáveis por danos em plantações e transtornos em áreas urbanas. A espécie Urostreptus atrobrunneus vem apresentando surtos populacionais nos últimos anos no estado de São Paulo, com potencial de se tornar uma praga agrícola e urbana. O controle da mesma torna-se difícil diante da falta de informação sobre o grupo e do escasso número de estudos referentes à biologia e morfologia dos mesmos. Neste aspecto, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com informações sobre a morfologia, ultra-estrutura e distribuição dos túbulos de Malpighi do diplópodo U. atrobrunneus, colaborando com subsídios para o entendimento de sua biologia e, assim, contribuir para a elaboração de ações eficazes para seu controle quando em expansão populacional. Os estudos referentes a este órgão dentro do grupo são escassos e antigos, os quais se focam, sobretudo, na fisiologia e função. Para tanto, espécimens adultos foram dissecados em solução fisiológica e os túbulos de Malpighi retirados e fixados de acordo com a técnica a ser utilizada. Segundo os resultados aqui encontrados, a espécie possui um longo par de túbulo de Malpighi, conforme o padrão observado no grupo. Sua inserção ocorre no piloro, de onde parte e percorre praticamente todo o corpo do animal, desde a região do íleo (intestino posterior) até a região anterior, onde encontra-se intimamente associado ao intestino anterior a às glândulas salivares. Ao longo de sua extensão é possível encontrar diferentes tipos de célulasMillipedes, popularly known in Brazil as millipede, emboá or gongolô, have a cosmopolitan distribution and represent a class of Myriapoda. They may become an important agricultural pest and cause damage if a decrease in the amount of usual food occurs. Millipedes’ infestations and outbreaks have occurred in various parts of the world and may damage crops and disorders in urban areas. The species Urostreptus atrobrunneus has been showing population outbreaks in recent years in São Paulo state, with the potential to become an agricultural and urban pest. Its control is difficult due to the lack of information about the group and the small number of studies concerning its biology and morphology. In this aspect, the present work aims to contribute with information about morphology, ultrastructure and distribution of the U. atrobrunneus Malpighian tubule and collaborate to the understanding of its biology. Malpighian tubules studies in this group are scarce and old, which focus mainly on the physiology and function. For this purpose, adult specimens were dissected in saline solution and the Malpighian tubules were removed and fixed in accordance with the technique being used. According to the results found here, this species has a long pair of Malpighian tubule, as the pattern observed in the group. Its insertion occurs at the pylorus; the Malpighian tubules leaves this region and covers practically the whole animal body, since the region of the ileum (hindgut) up to the anterior region, which is closely associated with the foregut and the salivary glands. Throughout its length it is possible to find different types of cellsConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Alterations in the fat body cells of rhinocricus padbergi (Diplopoda) resulting from exposure to substrate containing sewage sludge

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    Abstract The final disposal of residues generated at sewage treatment plants (STPs) has become a major problem for cities, due to the increase in the amount of treated sewage. One of the alternatives for the residue, labeled sewage sludge, is its reuse in agriculture and in degraded soil. However, not all pathogens and metals present in it are eliminated during treatment. Diplopods have been used as bioindicators in ecotoxicological tests as they are constantly in close contact with the soil. Owing to this fact, the purpose of this study was to expose specimens of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi to substrate containing sewage sludge collected at STPs to analyze morphological alterations in their parietal and perivisceral fat body, where substances are stored. The exposures were held for 7, 15, or 90 days at different concentrations of sewage sludge (control, 1%, 10%, and 50%). The parietal fat body showed no alterations in any of the three exposure periods or concentrations. Alterations in the perivisceral fat body were observed for all exposure periods. According to the results, we suggest that the sludge used has toxic agents responsible for changing the animal's perivisceral fat body. © 2012 Microscopy Society of America