544 research outputs found

    Diplodus levantinus (Teleostei: Sparidae), una nueva especie de sargo del Mediterráneo sudeste frente a Israel, con una lista de especies y una clave de clasificación de las especies del grupo Diplodus sargus

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    The sea bream Diplodus levantinus n. sp. is described from off the coasts of Israel in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, where it replaces Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758). The new species is characterized by 11-12 spines and 10-16 soft rays in the dorsal fin, 3 spines and 11-13 soft rays in the anal fin, 15-17 pectoral fin rays, 6-9 + 8-12 gill rakers on the first gill arch, upper and lower jaws with a single row of 4 incisors on each side, followed by a total of 16-19 molariform teeth in the upper jaw and 12-14 molariform teeth in the lower jaw, with the molariforms of the upper jaw separated from the incisors by a wide, toothless gap, and the sides of the body in adults with 8 vertical bars of equal width which are present even in large adults, followed by a broad bar on the caudal peduncle which usually nearly reaches the ventral margin of the caudal peduncle. An updated checklist of the species of the genus Diplodus, and a key to species of the Diplodus sargus species group from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, are presented.El sargo levantino Diplodus levantinus n. sp. se describe a partir de ejemplares de las costas de Israel, en el Mediterráneo oriental, donde reemplaza a Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758). La nueva especie se caracteriza por: 11-12 espinas y 10-16 radios blandos en la aleta dorsal, 3 espinas y 11-13 radios blandos en la aleta anal, 15-17 radios en las pectorales, 6-9 + 8-12 branquispinas en el primer arco branquial; las mandíbulas superior e inferior con una sola fila de 4 incisivos en cada lado, seguidos por un total de 16-19 molares en la mandíbula superior y 12-14 molares en la mandíbula inferior, con los molares de la mandíbula superior separados de los incisivos por una gran distancia sin dientes; los lados del cuerpo, en los adultos, con 8 bandas verticales de igual anchura, presentes incluso en adultos de gran tamaño, seguidas de una amplia banda en el pedúnculo caudal que, por lo general, casi alcanza el margen ventral del pedúnculo caudal. Se diferencia principalmente de D. sargus por el menor número de dientes molares en las mandíbulas superior e inferior, y por la amplia separación, sin dientes, entre molares e incisivos de la mandíbula superior. Se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies del género Diplodus y una clave para las especies del grupo de especies Diplodus sargus del Atlántico este y el Mediterráneo

    Pour une analyse du discours en géographie : les paradigmes du foncier agricole dans deux agglomérations du Nord de la France

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    Dans un contexte d’attention croissante à la relocalisation alimentaire qui sollicite la fonction de production des espaces agricoles et leur multifonctionnalité projetée par les citoyens, le foncier agricole apparaît comme un sujet investi sous différents angles, notamment par les politiques publiques locales. Cet article a pour objectif de contribuer aux recherches autour de ce foncier en proposant une analyse des discours portés par les acteurs institutionnels de la Métropole Européenne de Lille et de Douaisis Agglo (département du Nord) dans la continuité de travaux portant sur les 4 paradigmes le concernant. Le travail mené s’articule surtout autour d’un objectif méthodologique : proposer une grille d’analyse des discours en géographie et aménagement du territoire et leur représentation graphique. L’article souligne à la fois l’intérêt d’une approche qualitative et l’apport de l’utilisation d’outils d’analyse et de visualisation de données qualitatives pour mieux appuyer une relative imbrication entre les 4 paradigmes, le post-matérialiste ne se démarquant pas complètement des 3 autres.In a context of increasing attention to the demand for relocation, which calls on the production function of agricultural areas and their multifunctionality projected by citizens, farmland appears to be a subject invested from different angles, particularly by local public policies. This article aims to contribute to research on farmland by providing an analysis of the speech of institutional actors: Métropole Européenne de Lille and the conurbation of Douaisis (Nord). The work is also structured around a methodological objective: to propose a grid for analysing discourse in geography and urban planning. The article underlines both the interest of a qualitative approach and the contribution for geography to use of tools for the analysis and visualization of qualitative data

    Gyrokinetic electron acceleration in the force-free corona with anomalous resistivity

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    We numerically explore electron acceleration and coronal heating by dissipative electric fields. Electrons are traced in linear force-free magnetic fields extrapolated from SOHO/MDI magnetograms, endowed with anomalous resistivity (η\eta) in localized dissipation regions where the magnetic twist \nabla \times \bhat exceeds a given threshold. Associated with η>0\eta > 0 is a parallel electric field E=ηj{\bf E} = \eta {\bf j} which can accelerate runaway electrons. In order to gain observational predictions we inject electrons inside the dissipation regions and follow them for several seconds in real time. Precipitating electrons which leave the simulation system at height zz = 0 are associated with hard X rays, and electrons which escape at height zz ∼\sim 3⋅104\cdot 10^4 km are associated with normal-drifting type IIIs at the local plasma frequency. A third, trapped, population is related to gyrosynchrotron emission. Time profiles and spectra of all three emissions are calculated, and their dependence on the geometric model parameters and on η\eta is explored. It is found that precipitation generally preceeds escape by fractions of a second, and that the electrons perform many visits to the dissipation regions before leaving the simulation system. The electrons impacting zz = 0 reach higher energies than the escaping ones, and non-Maxwellian tails are observed at energies above the largest potential drop across a single dissipation region. Impact maps at zz = 0 show a tendency of the electrons to arrive at the borders of sunspots of one polarity. Although the magnetograms used here belong to non-flaring times, so that the simulations refer to nanoflares and `quiescent' coronal heating, it is conjectured that the same process, on a larger scale, is responsible for solar flares

    Creating Resilient Public Spaces – a Global Perspective on the Conditions for Integrated Urban Development

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    Urban public spaces play a central role in the regeneration of cities: their inclusive and sustainable design is crucial for creating equitable and climate-resilient urban environments. This paper presents the results of an applied research project that involved case studies in three cities on three continents - Dhaka, Maputo, and Santo Domingo – where the team of superwien, in partnership with local academic partners, developed designs for public spaces using an integrated approach. The participatory design process was implemented during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and 2022 through academic urban living labs in our partner cities. Urban strategies and design solutions for the regeneration of public space were co-created with local communities through a moderated, innovative planning and design process. Additionally, accompanying research was conducted to explore the need for integrated planning approaches in urban regeneration that address multi-sectoral challenges. This approach aimed to ensure that the resulting proposals were holistic and responsive to the specific needs and aspirations of the local communities and urban environments in which they were implemented. The case studies encompassed a range of sites reflecting diverse urban contexts: the urban lake of Shahjahanpur Jheel in Dhaka that had deteriorated into a dump site, central public spaces in informal neighbourhoods surrounding the historic centre of Maputo, and a central expressway in Santo Domingo. In intensive dialogue with the local populations, their needs and aspirations for these places were identified. Co- creation opportunities and place-making events empowered residents and local entrepreneurs to take an active role in the transformation of their neighbourhoods. Established participation tools were adapted to each local context and new techniques were developed for specific user groups. Additionally, young professionals were included in the design process through cooperation with local universities. Academic partnerships and the cooperation with local city administrations also supported capacity building and knowledge exchange. The results of the process included integrated urban strategies, urban designs, and architectural solutions, completed by cost estimates for implementation. During the transnational work process, we identified seven overarching challenges that need to be addressed to transform public spaces with an integrated approach: inclusive mobility, housing, climate change adaptation, local economy, governance, as well as gender-sensitive and participatory planning. Considering these aspects in their specific local contexts supports the creation of lively public spaces for the development of inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities. This paper presents how the challenges were identified and addressed through the applied research approach for the design of public spaces in Dhaka, Maputo and Santo Domingo

    Uma oficina de novidades : a implantação de núcleos urbanos na capitania de São Paulo, 1765-1775

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    Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados da tese de doutorado Método e Arte: criação urbana e organização territorial na capitania de São Paulo, 1765-1811, desenvolvida na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, com apoio de bolsa da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.Este artigo acompanha algumas dinâmicas de implantação de núcleos urbanos na capitania de São Paulo durante a administração do governador e capitão-general Morgado de Mateus (1765-1775). Destacam-se momentos significativos do processo de formação de paisagens urbanas, desde o recrutamento de povoadores e a busca de sítios até a definição dos traçados. A intenção é mostrar que a Coroa portuguesa foi tentando organizar determinados modos de conduzir a expansão urbana, ao passo que experiências e circunstâncias locais constantemente exigiram arranjos novos e específicos. A análise fundamenta-se numa seleção da documentação oficial já publicada e também em correspondência, em boa parte inédita, proveniente de agentes locais encarregados de tarefas ligadas ao povoamento. Procura-se tratar da política urbanizadora daquele período como um processo desenvolvido num contexto de conflitos mais do que como produto de um projeto pré-delineado por autoridades metropolitanas ou alheio a realidades do lugar. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article investigates some of the dynamics associated with the establishment of urban nuclei in the captaincy of São Paulo during the administration of the Morgado de Mateus, governor and captain-general of the captaincy from 1765 to 1775. Several significant aspects about the formation process of urban landscapes stand out, from the recruitment of settlers and the search for suitable sites to the definition of urban layouts. The intention of this study is to show that the Portuguese crown made efforts to organize certain processes for conducting urban expansion, whilst local experience and circumstances continually demanded new and specific arrangements. The analysis is based on a selection of previously-published official documents, as well as mostly unpublished correspondence from local agents in charge of settlement-related tasks. The urbanization policy of the period is dealt with as a process that was executed in the context of conflicts, rather than as the product of a project pre-planned by metropolitan authorities or detached from the realities of the place at that time
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