65 research outputs found

    The performance of modularity maximization in practical contexts

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    Although widely used in practice, the behavior and accuracy of the popular module identification technique called modularity maximization is not well understood in practical contexts. Here, we present a broad characterization of its performance in such situations. First, we revisit and clarify the resolution limit phenomenon for modularity maximization. Second, we show that the modularity function Q exhibits extreme degeneracies: it typically admits an exponential number of distinct high-scoring solutions and typically lacks a clear global maximum. Third, we derive the limiting behavior of the maximum modularity Q_max for one model of infinitely modular networks, showing that it depends strongly both on the size of the network and on the number of modules it contains. Finally, using three real-world metabolic networks as examples, we show that the degenerate solutions can fundamentally disagree on many, but not all, partition properties such as the composition of the largest modules and the distribution of module sizes. These results imply that the output of any modularity maximization procedure should be interpreted cautiously in scientific contexts. They also explain why many heuristics are often successful at finding high-scoring partitions in practice and why different heuristics can disagree on the modular structure of the same network. We conclude by discussing avenues for mitigating some of these behaviors, such as combining information from many degenerate solutions or using generative models.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, 6 appendices; code available at http://www.santafe.edu/~aaronc/modularity

    When the signal is in the noise: Exploiting Diffix's Sticky Noise

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    Anonymized data is highly valuable to both businesses and researchers. A large body of research has however shown the strong limits of the de-identification release-and-forget model, where data is anonymized and shared. This has led to the development of privacy-preserving query-based systems. Based on the idea of "sticky noise", Diffix has been recently proposed as a novel query-based mechanism satisfying alone the EU Article~29 Working Party's definition of anonymization. According to its authors, Diffix adds less noise to answers than solutions based on differential privacy while allowing for an unlimited number of queries. This paper presents a new class of noise-exploitation attacks, exploiting the noise added by the system to infer private information about individuals in the dataset. Our first differential attack uses samples extracted from Diffix in a likelihood ratio test to discriminate between two probability distributions. We show that using this attack against a synthetic best-case dataset allows us to infer private information with 89.4% accuracy using only 5 attributes. Our second cloning attack uses dummy conditions that conditionally strongly affect the output of the query depending on the value of the private attribute. Using this attack on four real-world datasets, we show that we can infer private attributes of at least 93% of the users in the dataset with accuracy between 93.3% and 97.1%, issuing a median of 304 queries per user. We show how to optimize this attack, targeting 55.4% of the users and achieving 91.7% accuracy, using a maximum of only 32 queries per user. Our attacks demonstrate that adding data-dependent noise, as done by Diffix, is not sufficient to prevent inference of private attributes. We furthermore argue that Diffix alone fails to satisfy Art. 29 WP's definition of anonymization. [...

    Did the Neurons Read your Book? Document-level Membership Inference for Large Language Models

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    With large language models (LLMs) poised to become embedded in our daily lives, questions are starting to be raised about the dataset(s) they learned from. These questions range from potential bias or misinformation LLMs could retain from their training data to questions of copyright and fair use of human-generated text. However, while these questions emerge, developers of the recent state-of-the-art LLMs become increasingly reluctant to disclose details on their training corpus. We here introduce the task of document-level membership inference for real-world LLMs, i.e. inferring whether the LLM has seen a given document during training or not. First, we propose a procedure for the development and evaluation of document-level membership inference for LLMs by leveraging commonly used data sources for training and the model release date. We then propose a practical, black-box method to predict document-level membership and instantiate it on OpenLLaMA-7B with both books and academic papers. We show our methodology to perform very well, reaching an impressive AUC of 0.856 for books and 0.678 for papers. We then show our approach to outperform the sentence-level membership inference attacks used in the privacy literature for the document-level membership task. We finally evaluate whether smaller models might be less sensitive to document-level inference and show OpenLLaMA-3B to be approximately as sensitive as OpenLLaMA-7B to our approach. Taken together, our results show that accurate document-level membership can be inferred for LLMs, increasing the transparency of technology poised to change our lives

    Re-aligning Shadow Models can Improve White-box Membership Inference Attacks

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    Machine learning models have been shown to leak sensitive information about their training datasets. As models are being increasingly used, on devices, to automate tasks and power new applications, there have been concerns that such white-box access to its parameters, as opposed to the black-box setting which only provides query access to the model, increases the attack surface. Directly extending the shadow modelling technique from the black-box to the white-box setting has been shown, in general, not to perform better than black-box only attacks. A key reason is misalignment, a known characteristic of deep neural networks. We here present the first systematic analysis of the causes of misalignment in shadow models and show the use of a different weight initialisation to be the main cause of shadow model misalignment. Second, we extend several re-alignment techniques, previously developed in the model fusion literature, to the shadow modelling context, where the goal is to re-align the layers of a shadow model to those of the target model.We show re-alignment techniques to significantly reduce the measured misalignment between the target and shadow models. Finally, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of white-box membership inference attacks (MIA). Our analysis reveals that (1) MIAs suffer from misalignment between shadow models, but that (2) re-aligning the shadow models improves, sometimes significantly, MIA performance. On the CIFAR10 dataset with a false positive rate of 1\%, white-box MIA using re-aligned shadow models improves the true positive rate by 4.5\%.Taken together, our results highlight that on-device deployment increase the attack surface and that the newly available information can be used by an attacker

    Achilles' Heels: Vulnerable Record Identification in Synthetic Data Publishing

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    Synthetic data is seen as the most promising solution to share individual-level data while preserving privacy. Shadow modeling-based membership inference attacks (MIAs) have become the standard approach to evaluate the privacy risk of synthetic data. While very effective, they require a large number of datasets to be created and models trained to evaluate the risk posed by a single record. The privacy risk of a dataset is thus currently evaluated by running MIAs on a handful of records selected using ad-hoc methods. We here propose what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first principled vulnerable record identification technique for synthetic data publishing, leveraging the distance to a record's closest neighbors. We show our method to strongly outperform previous ad-hoc methods across datasets and generators. We also show evidence of our method to be robust to the choice of MIA and to specific choice of parameters. Finally, we show it to accurately identify vulnerable records when synthetic data generators are made differentially private. The choice of vulnerable records is as important as more accurate MIAs when evaluating the privacy of synthetic data releases, including from a legal perspective. We here propose a simple yet highly effective method to do so. We hope our method will enable practitioners to better estimate the risk posed by synthetic data publishing and researchers to fairly compare ever improving MIAs on synthetic data

    Synthetic is all you need: removing the auxiliary data assumption for membership inference attacks against synthetic data

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    Synthetic data is emerging as the most promising solution to share individual-level data while safeguarding privacy. Membership inference attacks (MIAs), based on shadow modeling, have become the standard to evaluate the privacy of synthetic data. These attacks, however, currently assume the attacker to have access to an auxiliary dataset sampled from a similar distribution as the training dataset. This often is a very strong assumption that would make an attack unlikely to happen in practice. We here show how this assumption can be removed and how MIAs can be performed using only the synthetic data. More specifically, in three different attack scenarios using only synthetic data, our results demonstrate that MIAs are still successful, across two real-world datasets and two synthetic data generators. These results show how the strong hypothesis made when auditing synthetic data releases - access to an auxiliary dataset - can be relaxed to perform an actual attack

    Quantifying Surveillance in the Networked Age: Node-based Intrusions and Group Privacy

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    From the "right to be left alone" to the "right to selective disclosure", privacy has long been thought as the control individuals have over the information they share and reveal about themselves. However, in a world that is more connected than ever, the choices of the people we interact with increasingly affect our privacy. This forces us to rethink our definition of privacy. We here formalize and study, as local and global node- and edge-observability, Bloustein's concept of group privacy. We prove edge-observability to be independent of the graph structure, while node-observability depends only on the degree distribution of the graph. We show on synthetic datasets that, for attacks spanning several hops such as those implemented by social networks and current US laws, the presence of hubs increases node-observability while a high clustering coefficient decreases it, at fixed density. We then study the edge-observability of a large real-world mobile phone dataset over a month and show that, even under the restricted two-hops rule, compromising as little as 1% of the nodes leads to observing up to 46% of all communications in the network. More worrisome, we also show that on average 36\% of each person's communications would be locally edge-observable under the same rule. Finally, we use real sensing data to show how people living in cities are vulnerable to distributed node-observability attacks. Using a smartphone app to compromise 1\% of the population, an attacker could monitor the location of more than half of London's population. Taken together, our results show that the current individual-centric approach to privacy and data protection does not encompass the realities of modern life. This makes us---as a society---vulnerable to large-scale surveillance attacks which we need to develop protections against

    Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata

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    Large-scale data sets of human behavior have the potential to fundamentally transform the way we fight diseases, design cities, or perform research. Metadata, however, contain sensitive information. Understanding the privacy of these data sets is key to their broad use and, ultimately, their impact. We study 3 months of credit card records for 1.1 million people and show that four spatiotemporal points are enough to uniquely reidentify 90% of individuals. We show that knowing the price of a transaction increases the risk of reidentification by 22%, on average. Finally, we show that even data sets that provide coarse information at any or all of the dimensions provide little anonymity and that women are more reidentifiable than men in credit card metadata.European Commission. Framework Programme 7 (Marie Curie Action. Grant 264994)U.S. Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement W911NF-09-2-0053)Belgian American Educational Foundation, inc.Wallonie-Bruxelles Internationa
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