6,749 research outputs found
Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, a Catalunya i les Illes Balears
Es descriu , comenta i il·lustra un interessant t áxon de les CantharelI ácies: Cantharellus
Iilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recol·lectat per primer cop a Catalunya i Illes
Balears.An interesting taxon of Cantharellaceae: Cantharellus lilacinop ruinatu s Hennitte,
Eyssart. & Poumarat, previou sly unrecorded in Catalonia and the Balearic Island s, is described,
commented and illustrated.Se describe, comenta e ilustra un interesante taxón de las Cantareláceas: Cantharellus
lilacinopruinatus Hennitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recolectado por primera vez en Cataluña y Baleares
Quaternions : a mathematica package for quaternionic analysis
This paper describes new issues of the Mathematica standard package Quaternions for implementing Hamilton's Quaternion Algebra.
This work attempts to endow the original package with the ability to perform operations on symbolic expressions involving quaternion-valued functions.
A collection of new functions is introduced in order to provide basic mathematical tools necessary for dealing with regular functions in , for . The performance of the package is illustrated by presenting several examples and applications.Centro de Matemática da Universidade do MinhoFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Matemática e Aplicações da Universidade de Aveir
Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, a Catalunya i les Illes Balears
Es descriu, comenta i il·lustra un interessant tàxon de les Cantharel·Iàcies: Cantharellus Iilacinopruinatus Hermitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recol·lectat per primer cop a Catalunya i Illes Balears.Se describe, comenta e ilustra un interesante taxón de las Cantareláceas: Cantharellus
lilacinopruinatus Hennitte, Eyssart. & Poumarat, recolectado por primera vez en Cataluña y Baleares.An interesting taxon of Cantharellaceae: Cantharellus lilacinopruinatus Hennitte,
Eyssart. & Poumarat, previously unrecorded in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, is described,
commented and illustrated
Reputació i confiança modelades
Tots sabem que la reputació i la confiança són elements essencials per a què la nostra societat funcioni. A més, també ho són per a què les noves societats virtuals puguin funcionar. Investigadors de la UAB han desenvolupat un model computacional de reputació cognitiva que permet utilitzar unitats anomenades agents amb creences, desitjos i intencions per a prendre decisions basades en la reputació i confiança en altres agents. Així, reputació i confiança poden ser analitzades en profunditat.Todos sabemos que la reputación y la confianza son elementos esenciales para que nuestra sociedad funcione. Además, también lo son para que las nuevas sociedades virtuales puedan funcionar. Investigadores de la UAB han desarrollado un modelo computacional de reputación cognitiva que permite utilizar unidades llamadas agentes con creencias, deseos e intenciones para tomar decisiones basadas en la reputación y confianza en otros agentes. Así, reputación y confianza pueden ser analizadas en profundidad.We all know the reputation and trust are essential elements for which our society works. Also, are crucial in the new virtual societies. UAB researchers have developed a computational model of cognitive reputation that uses units called agents with beliefs, desires and intentions to make decisions based on reputation and trust in other agents. Thus, reputation and trust can be analyzed in depth
Local agri-food systems as a cultural heritage strategy to recover the sustainability of local communities. Insights from the spanish case
One of the factors threatening the sustainability of rural territories is the hegemonic agro-industrial model, whose environmental and social impacts strongly limit rural life. Here, we want to call attention to the opportunities provided by alternative agri-food systems, based on agroecology and food sovereignty, as a cultural heritage to support sustainable local development. We have carried out exploratory research to draft the main agroecological initiatives in Spain, particularly those having explicit support or encouragement from public administrations. An on-line questionnaire (n = 40) was delivered, and in-depth interviews (n = 15) were carried out among a sample of people working in the Spanish agroecology sector (public and private). The results demonstrate how the recovery and promotion of traditional ecological knowledge can help to increase the capacity of the social-ecological systems to cope with shocks and disturbances and maintain long-term resilience. In addition, agroecological practices allow collective identities to emerge around the characteristics of the territory strengthening local life, placing the society-ecosystem coevolution at the center of local identity. In conclusion, although still a minority, we have showed how several types of policies conceiving agroecological practices as an intangible collective heritage, with significant transformative potential towards local sustainability, have already been implemented
Mecanismes socials de difusió de productes marcats ideològicament : el cas dels "fatxalecos"
El marcatge ideològic d'un producte de moda dona les condicions d'un tipus particular de difusió. Aquests treball tracta de fer una aproximació a la triple relació entre difusió, ideologia i moda des del cas de l'armilla encoixinada, anomenada "fatxaleco" de forma popular al territori espanyol. S'han realitzat entrevistes semiestructurades i s'han trobat possibles relacions causals entre el model ideològic dels individus i les formes de la difusió del producte marcat.El marcado ideológico de un producto de moda proporciona las condiciones para un tipo particular de difusión. Este trabajo trata de hacer una aproximación a la triple relación entre difusión, ideología y moda a través del caso del chaleco acolchado, popularmente llamado "fachaleco" en España. Se han realizado entrevistas semiestructuradas y se han encontrado posibles relaciones causales entre el modelo ideológico de los individuos y las formas de difusión del producto marcado.The ideological marking of a fashion product provides the conditions for a particular type of diffusion. This work aims to approach the triple relationship between diffusion, ideology and fashion from the case of the puffer vest, popularly known as "fachaleco" in the Spanish territory. Semistructured interviews have been con-ducted, and possible causal relationships have been found between the ideological model of individuals and the forms of diffusion of the marked product
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