987 research outputs found

    Book Review: Water delivery: Public or private?

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    Opportunistic behaviour by private irrigators within a capacity-sharing regime

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    The concept of capacity-sharing (as a specific type of demand-orientated water management strategy) is a relatively newcomer on the South African water management regime and much debate is currently under way regarding the viability of the concept for the South African context. One of the main features is that it decentralises and integrates water management to a much greater degree than state-dominated management regimes. However, as the concept of capacity-sharing allows a greater degree of decision-making autonomy to the private decision-maker, the question could be asked to what extent the management of a capacity-sharing regime would be exposed to opportunistic behaviour from private irrigators. If it is heavily exposed, there are considerable scope for opportunistic decision-making behaviour under private decision-makers and therefore problems of moral hazard / adverse selection and rent seeking could present itself. Therefore, the question arises what safety features do capacity sharing present to confine possible opportunistic decision-making practices. This article discusses two areas within a capacity-sharing regime that are likely to be exposed to opportunistic decision-making behaviour. Possible safety-features from capacity sharing to account for this type of behaviour are identified and discussed briefly. This article concludes with the notion that capacity sharing does feature some properties that could minimise opportunistic behaviour from private decision-makers.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Towards more inclusive long-term bulk water resource management

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    Fresh water resources provide a platform for complex and often emotional issues to develop, particularly in resource scarcity situations. Bulk water infrastructure contains elements of a public good and proved vulnerable to failures in market and government driven allocation strategies. Common to both are uncaptured costs and benefits due to shortcomings in cost quantification techniques. Natural ecosystems stands to lose the most since ecosystem services are often not quantifiable in monetary terms and therefore neglected in allocation decision-making. This paper took on the challenge of expanding current decision-support in order to promote more inclusive long-term water management. A case-study approach with the focus on a choice related problem regarding different long-term bulk water resource management options was applied in the Western Cape province. The paper incorporated components of economic valuation theory, a public survey and a modified Delphi expert panel technique. Both spatial and temporal dimensions of the decision-making context were expanded. Two surveys were completed to accommodate these expansions. The first focused on public preference in water allocation management and the relative merit of accommodating public preference in highly specialised decision-making such as long-term water allocation decision-making. The second survey utilized a modified Delphi technique in which an expert panel indicated the relative merit of two alternative long-term allocation strategies. A willingness to pay for 'greener' water was observed and may be used to motivate a paradigm shift from management's perspective to consider, without fear of harming their own political position, 'greener' water supply options more seriously even if these options imply higher direct costs to public.water management, decision-support, public participation, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Sea-level change and storm surges in the context of climate change

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    This paper reviews the latest research in New Zealand surrounding the issues of sea-level rise and extreme sea levels in the context of global warming and variability in the Pacific-wide El Nino– Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Past records of climate, sea level (excluding tides) and sea and air temperatures have shown that they are continuously fluctuating over various long-term timescales of years, decades and centuries. This has made it very difficult to determine whether the anthropogenic effects such as increased levels of “greenhouse” gases are having an accelerating effect on global sea levels or an increased incidence of extreme storms. Over the past century, global sea level has risen by 10–25 cm, and is in line with the rise in relative sea level at New Zealand’s main ports of +1.7 mm yr –1. What has become very clear is the need to better understand interannual (year-to-year) and decadal variability in sea-level, as these larger signals of the order of 5–15 cm in annual-mean sea level have a significant “flow-on” effect on the long-term trend in sea level. The paper describes sea level variability in northern New Zealand—both long- and short-term—involved in assessing the regional trends in sea level. The paper also discusses the relative contributions of tides, barometric pressure and wind set-up in causing extreme sea levels during storm surges. Some recent research also looked at a related question—Is there any sign of increased storminess, and hence storm surge, in northern New Zealand due to climate change? The paper concludes that, while no one can be completely sure how sea-level and the degree of storminess will respond in the near future, what is clear is that interannual and decadal variability in sea level is inextricably linked with Pacific-wide ENSO response and longer inter-decadal shifts in the Pacific climate regime, such as the latest shift in 1976

    Leveling the playing field: Exploiting technology to enhance tertiary learning

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    This paper reports on an on-going case study project to explore ICT/ eLearning across several disciplines and with students from diverse backgrounds at tertiary level in New Zealand. The project has been designed to address issues of tertiary-level pedagogy, epedagogy, and research with the goal of building eLearning capacity, leveraging pedagogical change, and closing participatory gaps for students and lecturers. Initial design decisions, the pedagogy that has informed the case studies, and the challenges and benefits of working across subjects and levels in a multi-disciplinary team are described. We also discuss research knowledge mobilization within our own instructional context and more broadly elsewhere

    The hydrodynamics of the southern basin of Tauranga Harbour

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    The circulation of the southern basin of Tauranga Harbour was simulated using a 3-D hydrodynamic model ELCOM. A 9-day field campaign in 1999 provided data on current velocity, temperature and salinity profiles at three stations within the main basin. The tidal wave changed most in amplitude and speed in the constricted entrances to channels, for example the M2 tide attenuated by 10% over 500 m at the main entrance, and only an additional 17% over the 15 km to the top of the southern basin. The modelled temperature was sensitive to wind mixing, particularly in tidal flat regions. Residence times ranged from 3 to 8 days, with higher residence times occurring in sub-estuaries with constricted mouths. The typical annual storm events were predicted to reduce the residence times by 24%–39% depending on season. Model scenarios of storm discharge events in the Wairoa River varying from 41.69 m3/s to 175.9 m3/s show that these events can cause salinity gradients across the harbour of up to 4 PSU

    Volcanic Generation of Tsunamis: Two New Zealand Palaeo-Events

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    Rapid emplacement of a mass via pyroclastic flows, or edifice failure, generates volcanic tsunamis. Physical modelling demonstrates that the efficiency of tsuna-mi generation is influenced by the angle the mass enters the ocean. Efficiency de-creases with increasing slope angle from 20° to 60°, before increasing to a maxi-mum at 90°, which corresponds to a mass falling directly into the ocean without interacting with the slope (impact tsunami). Further, in the case of surging pyro-clastic flows or regressive failures, successive closely spaced events may generate larger tsunami waves than a single event of comparable volume. It is difficult to assess if physical model results are meaningful for real world tsu-nami events due to limited observational data. This paper compares numerical models developed from physical simulations with palaeotsunami deposits from two New Zealand palaeo-events – pyroclastic flows from Mt Tarawera and edi-fice failure at Whakaari (White Island) – which constrains numerical simulations of the source mechanisms. The Mt Tarawera event involved multiple pyroclastic flows entering a lake during the AD 1314±12 Kaharoa Eruption. The interaction of multiple closely spaced pyroclastic flows is necessary to generate the 6-7 m maximum wave height inferred from near source tsunami deposits. Tsunami de-posits in the Bay of Plenty, dated to 2962±52 BP, are consistent with edifice fail-ure at Whakaari. In this case a single event with a volume of 0.23 km3 is suffi-cient to account for the tsunami deposits. Hence, if the failure was regressive, the successive stages were sufficiently close together to be indistinguishable from a large single event

    Adoption of innovative e-learning support for teaching: A multiple case study at the University of Waikato

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    In response to recent social, economic, and pedagogical challenges to tertiary-level teaching and learning, universities are increasingly investigating and adopting elearning as a way to engage and motivate students. This paper reports on the first year of a two-year (2009-2010) qualitative multiple case study research project in New Zealand. Using perspectives from activity theory and the scholarship of teaching, the research has the overall goal of documenting, developing, and disseminating effective and innovative practice in which e-learning plays an important role in tertiary teaching. A “snapshot” of each of the four 2009 cases and focused findings within and across cases are provided. This is followed by an overall discussion of the context, “within” and “across” case themes, and implications of the research