2 research outputs found

    MR/GR Signaling in the Brain during the Stress Response

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    This contribution is about mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) in their capacity as mediators of glucocorticoid action in the brain. This paradox has evolved because MRs are promiscuous and bind with high-affinity cortisol and corticosterone as well as aldosterone, deoxycorticosterone, and progesterone. The MRs “see,” however, predominantly glucocorticoids, because of their 100–1000-fold excess over aldosterone; bioavailability is further enhanced because of local regeneration of glucocorticoids by 11βOH-steroid dehydrogenase (HSD-1). In contrast to these glucocorticoid-preferring MR, the evolutionary later appearance of aldosterone-selective MR in epithelial cells depends on co-localization with the oxidase 11β-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD-2) in a few hundred neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), which innervate frontal brain regions to regulate cognitive, emotional, and motivational aspects of salt appetite. The glucocorticoid-MRs and classical glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) mediate in a complementary manner the glucocorticoid coordination of circadian events and mediate the regulation of stress coping and adaptation. If an individual is exposed to a threat, MRs are crucial for the selection of a particular coping style, which is via GR activation subsequently stored in the memory for future use. Our contribution is concluded with the notion that an imbalance in MR- and GR-mediated actions increases susceptibility to stress-related disorders

    Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research

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    Basic research in pattern formation is concerned with the generation of phenotypes and tissues. It can therefore lead to new tools for medical research. These include phenotypic screening assays, applications in tissue engineering, as well as general advances in biomedical knowledge. Our aim here is to discuss this emerging field with special reference to tools based on zebrafish developmental biology. We describe phenotypic screening assays being developed in our own and other labs. Our assays involve: (i) systemic or local administration of a test compound or drug to zebrafish in vivo, (ii) the subsequent detection or "readout" of a defined phenotypic change. A positive readout may result from binding of the test compound to a molecular target involved in a developmental pathway. We present preliminary data on assays for compounds that modulate skeletal patterning, bone turnover, immune responses, inflammation and early-life stress. The assays use live zebrafish embryos and larvae as well as adult fish undergoing caudal fin regeneration. We describe proof-of-concept studies on the localised targeting of compounds into regeneration blastemas using microcarriers. Zebrafish are cheaper to maintain than rodents, produce large numbers of transparent eggs, and some zebrafish assays could be scaled-up into medium and high throughput screens. However, advances in automation and imaging are required. Zebrafish cannot replace mammalian models in the drug development pipeline. Nevertheless, they can provide a cost-effective bridge between cell-based assays and mammalian whole-organism model