18 research outputs found

    Dynamic Steerable Blocks in Deep Residual Networks

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    Filters in convolutional networks are typically parameterized in a pixel basis, that does not take prior knowledge about the visual world into account. We investigate the generalized notion of frames designed with image properties in mind, as alternatives to this parametrization. We show that frame-based ResNets and Densenets can improve performance on Cifar-10+ consistently, while having additional pleasant properties like steerability. By exploiting these transformation properties explicitly, we arrive at dynamic steerable blocks. They are an extension of residual blocks, that are able to seamlessly transform filters under pre-defined transformations, conditioned on the input at training and inference time. Dynamic steerable blocks learn the degree of invariance from data and locally adapt filters, allowing them to apply a different geometrical variant of the same filter to each location of the feature map. When evaluated on the Berkeley Segmentation contour detection dataset, our approach outperforms all competing approaches that do not utilize pre-training. Our results highlight the benefits of image-based regularization to deep networks

    Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach

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    Modern cars are incorporating an increasing number of driver assist features, among which automatic lane keeping. The latter allows the car to properly position itself within the road lanes, which is also crucial for any subsequent lane departure or trajectory planning decision in fully autonomous cars. Traditional lane detection methods rely on a combination of highly-specialized, hand-crafted features and heuristics, usually followed by post-processing techniques, that are computationally expensive and prone to scalability due to road scene variations. More recent approaches leverage deep learning models, trained for pixel-wise lane segmentation, even when no markings are present in the image due to their big receptive field. Despite their advantages, these methods are limited to detecting a pre-defined, fixed number of lanes, e.g. ego-lanes, and can not cope with lane changes. In this paper, we go beyond the aforementioned limitations and propose to cast the lane detection problem as an instance segmentation problem - in which each lane forms its own instance - that can be trained end-to-end. To parametrize the segmented lane instances before fitting the lane, we further propose to apply a learned perspective transformation, conditioned on the image, in contrast to a fixed "bird's-eye view" transformation. By doing so, we ensure a lane fitting which is robust against road plane changes, unlike existing approaches that rely on a fixed, pre-defined transformation. In summary, we propose a fast lane detection algorithm, running at 50 fps, which can handle a variable number of lanes and cope with lane changes. We verify our method on the tuSimple dataset and achieve competitive results

    End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fitting

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    Lane detection is typically tackled with a two-step pipeline in which a segmentation mask of the lane markings is predicted first, and a lane line model (like a parabola or spline) is fitted to the post-processed mask next. The problem with such a two-step approach is that the parameters of the network are not optimized for the true task of interest (estimating the lane curvature parameters) but for a proxy task (segmenting the lane markings), resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this work, we propose a method to train a lane detector in an end-to-end manner, directly regressing the lane parameters. The architecture consists of two components: a deep network that predicts a segmentation-like weight map for each lane line, and a differentiable least-squares fitting module that returns for each map the parameters of the best-fitting curve in the weighted least-squares sense. These parameters can subsequently be supervised with a loss function of choice. Our method relies on the observation that it is possible to backpropagate through a least-squares fitting procedure. This leads to an end-to-end method where the features are optimized for the true task of interest: the network implicitly learns to generate features that prevent instabilities during the model fitting step, as opposed to two-step pipelines that need to handle outliers with heuristics. Additionally, the system is not just a black box but offers a degree of interpretability because the intermediately generated segmentation-like weight maps can be inspected and visualized. Code and a video is available at github.com/wvangansbeke/LaneDetection_End2End.Comment: Accepted at ICCVW 2019 (CVRSUAD-Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving