103 research outputs found

    Analysis of State-Independent Importance-Sampling Measures for the Two-Node Tandem Queue

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    We investigate the simulation of overflow of the total population of a Markovian two-node tandem queue model during a busy cycle, using importance sampling with a state-independent change of measure. We show that the only such change of measure that may possibly result in asymptotically efficient simulation for large overflow levels is exchanging the arrival rate with the smallest service rate. For this change of measure, we classify the model's parameter space into regions of asymptotic efficiency, exponential growth of the relative error, and infinite variance, using both analytical and numerical techniques

    Analysis and efficient simulation of queueing models of telecommunications systems

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    In modern packet-switched telecommunication systems, information (such as email, sound, pictures) is transported in the form of small packets (or cells) of data through a network of links and routers. The Quality of Service provided by such a network can suffer from phenomena such as loss of packets (due to buffer overflow) and excessive delays. These aspects of the system are adequately described by queueing models, so the study of such models is of great relevance for designing systems such that they provide the required QoS. This thesis contributes methods for the efficient estimation of several loss probabilities in various queueing models of communications systems. The focus is on rare-event simulation using importance sampling, but some analytical, asymptotic and numerical results are also provided

    Some Observations on Importance Sampling and RESTART

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    Looking back on 10 RESIM workshops

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    This year sees the 10th RESIM workshop, which is a good moment to look back on this series of workshops. Partially, this will be a "trip down memory lane": remembering all the meetings and venues. Partially, it will be more serious. Can we see any trends in the topics discussed in the workshops? Are there problems that have been solved and closed, and/or new problems that have arisen? Are there sticky problems that are still open after all those years? And what about application areas; have they changed

    A new, analysis-based, change of measure for tandem queues

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    In this paper, we introduce a simple analytical approximation for the overflow probability of a two-node tandem queue. From this, we derive a change of measure, which turns out to have good performance in almost the entire parameter space. The form of our new change of measure sheds an interesting new light on earlier changes of measure for the same problem, because here the transition zone from one measure to another - that they all have - arises naturally.\u

    Alternative proof and interpretations for a recent state-dependent importance sampling scheme

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    Recently, a state-dependent change of measure for simulating overflows in the two-node tandem queue was proposed by Dupuis et al. (Ann. Appl. Probab. 17(4):1306–1346, 2007), together with a proof of its asymptotic optimality. In the present paper, we present an alternative, shorter and simpler proof. As a side result, we obtain interpretations for several of the quantities involved in the change of measure in terms of likelihood ratios

    Transient Behaviour in Highly Dependable Markovian Systems: New Regimes, Multiple Paths

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    In recent years, probabilistic analysis of highly dependable Markovian systems has received considerable attention. Such systems typically consist of several component types, subject to failures, with spare components for replacement while repair is taking place. System failure occurs when all (spare) components of one or several types have failed. In this work we try to estimate the probability of system failure before some fixed time bound τ\tau via stochastic simulation. Obviously, in a highly dependable system, system failure is a rare event, so we apply importance sampling (IS) techniques, based on knowledge of the behaviour of the system and the way the rare event occurs. In our talk we discern several interesting ways in which the rare event can occur, each of which has its own way of affecting the efficiency of an importance sampling technique

    Some advances in importance sampling of reliability models based on zero variance approximation

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    We are interested in estimating, through simulation, the probability of entering a rare failure state before a regeneration state. Since this probability is typically small, we apply importance sampling. The method that we use is based on finding the most likely paths to failure. We present an algorithm that is guaranteed to produce an estimator that meets the conditions presented in [10] [9] for vanishing relative error. We furthermore demonstrate how the procedure that is used to obtain the change of measure can be executed a second time to achieve even further variance reduction, using ideas from [5], and also apply this technique to the method of failure biasing, with which we compare our results

    Estimating the Probability of a Rare Event Over a Finite Time Horizon

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    We study an approximation for the zero-variance change of measure to estimate the probability of a rare event in a continuous-time Markov chain. The rare event occurs when the chain reaches a given set of states before some fixed time limit. The jump rates of the chain are expressed as functions of a rarity parameter in a way that the probability of the rare event goes to zero when the rarity parameter goes to zero, and the behavior of our estimators is studied in this asymptotic regime. After giving a general expression for the zero-variance change of measure in this situation, we develop an approximation of it via a power series and show that this approximation provides a bounded relative error when the rarity parameter goes to zero. We illustrate the performance of our approximation on small numerical examples of highly reliableMarkovian systems. We compare it to a previously proposed heuristic that combines forcing with balanced failure biaising. We also exhibit the exact zero-variance change of measure for these examples and compare it with these two approximations