2,107 research outputs found

    A multi-frequency study of the SZE in giant radio galaxies

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    Radio-galaxy (RG) lobes contain relativistic electrons embedded in a tangled magnetic field that produce, in addition to low-frequency synchrotron radio emission, inverse-Compton scattering (ICS) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. This produces a relativistic, non-thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE). We study the spectral and spatial properties of the non-thermal SZE in a sample of radio galaxies and make predictions for their detectability in both the negative and the positive part of the SZE, with space experiments like Planck, OLIMPO, and Herschel-SPIRE. These cover a wide range of frequencies, from radio to sub-mm. We model the SZE in a general formalism that is equivalent to the relativistic covariant one and describe the electron population contained in the lobes of the radio galaxies with parameters derived from their radio observations, namely, flux, spectral index, and spatial extension. We further constrain the electron spectrum and the magnetic field of the RG lobes using X-ray, gamma-ray, and microwave archival observations. We determine the main spectral features of the SZE in RG lobes, namely, the minimum, the crossover, and the maximum of the SZE. We show that these typical spectral features fall in the frequency ranges probed by the available space experiments. We provide the most reliable predictions for the amplitude and spectral shape of the SZE in a sample of selected RGs with extended lobes. In three of these objects, we also derive an estimate of the magnetic field in the lobe at the muG level by combining radio (synchrotron) observations and X-ray (ICS) observations. These data, together with the WMAP upper limits, set constraints on the minimum momentum of the electrons residing in the RG lobes and allow realistic predictions for the visibility of their SZE to be derived with Planck, OLIMPO, and Herschel-SPIRE. [abridged]Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures; Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Large Radio Telescopes for Anomalous Microwave Emission Observations

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    We discuss in this paper the problem of the Anomalous Microwave Emission (AME) in the light of ongoing or future observations to be performed with the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world. High angular resolution observations of the AME will enable astronomers to drastically improve the knowledge of the AME mechanisms as well as the interplay between the different constituents of the interstellar medium in our galaxy. Extragalactic observations of the AME have started as well, and high resolution is even more important in this kind of observations. When cross-correlating with IR-dust emission, high angular resolution is also of fundamental importance in order to obtain unbiased results. The choice of the observational frequency is also of key importance in continuum observation. We calculate a merit function that accounts for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in AME observation given the current state-of-the-art knowledge and technology. We also include in our merit functions the frequency dependence in the case of multifrequency observations. We briefly mention and compare the performance of four of the largest radiotelescopes in the world and hope the observational programs in each of them will be as intense as possible.Comment: Review accepted for publication in Advances in Astronom

    Optimal strategy for polarization modulation in the LSPE-SWIPE experiment

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    Context. Cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode experiments are required to control systematic effects with an unprecedented level of accuracy. Polarization modulation by a half wave plate (HWP) is a powerful technique able to mitigate a large number of the instrumental systematics. Aims. Our goal is to optimize the polarization modulation strategy of the upcoming LSPE-SWIPE balloon-borne experiment, devoted to the accurate measurement of CMB polarization at large angular scales. Methods. We departed from the nominal LSPE-SWIPE modulation strategy (HWP stepped every 60 s with a telescope scanning at around 12 deg/s) and performed a thorough investigation of a wide range of possible HWP schemes (either in stepped or continuously spinning mode and at different azimuth telescope scan-speeds) in the frequency, map and angular power spectrum domain. In addition, we probed the effect of high-pass and band-pass filters of the data stream and explored the HWP response in the minimal case of one detector for one operation day (critical for the single-detector calibration process). We finally tested the modulation performance against typical HWP-induced systematics. Results. Our analysis shows that some stepped HWP schemes, either slowly rotating or combined with slow telescope modulations, represent poor choices. Moreover, our results point out that the nominal configuration may not be the most convenient choice. While a large class of spinning designs provides comparable results in terms of pixel angle coverage, map-making residuals and BB power spectrum standard deviations with respect to the nominal strategy, we find that some specific configurations (e.g., a rapidly spinning HWP with a slow gondola modulation) allow a more efficient polarization recovery in more general real-case situations. Conclusions. Although our simulations are specific to the LSPE-SWIPE mission, the general outcomes of our analysis can be easily generalized to other CMB polarization experiments

    The Measure of Cosmological Parameters

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    New, large, ground and space telescopes are contributing to an exciting and rapid period of growth in observational cosmology. The subject is now far from its earlier days of being data-starved and unconstrained, and new data are fueling a healthy interplay between observations and experiment and theory. I briefly review here the status of measurements of a number of quantities of interest in cosmology: the Hubble constant, the total mass-energy density, the matter density, the cosmological constant or dark energy component, and the total optical background light.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in "2001: A Spacetime Odyssey: Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics", Michael J. Duff & James T. Liu, eds., (World Scientific, Singapore), in pres

    A cryogenic waveplate rotator for polarimetry at mm and sub-mm wavelengths

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    Mm and sub-mm waves polarimetry is the new frontier of research in Cosmic Microwave Background and Interstellar Dust studies. Polarimeters working in the IR to MM range need to be operated at cryogenic temperatures, to limit the systematic effects related to the emission of the polarization analyzer. In this paper we study the effect of the temperature of the different components of a waveplate polarimeter, and describe a system able to rotate, in a completely automated way, a birefringent crystal at 4K. We simulate the main systematic effects related to the temperature and non-ideality of the optical components in a Stokes polarimeter. To limit these effects, a cryogenic implementation of the polarimeter is mandatory. In our system, the rotation produced by a step motor, running at room temperature, is transmitted down to cryogenic temperatures by means of a long shaft and gears running on custom cryogenic bearings. Our system is able to rotate, in a completely automated way, a birefringent crystal at 4K, dissipating only a few mW in the cold environment. A readout system based on optical fibers allows to control the rotation of the crystal to better than 0.1{\deg}. This device fulfills the stringent requirements for operation in cryogenic space experiments, like the forthcoming PILOT, BOOMERanG and LSPE.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics. v1: 10 pages, 8 figures. v2: corrected labels for the bibliographic references (no changes in the bibliography). v3: revised version. 9 pages, 7 figures. Added a new figure. Updated with a more realistic simulation for the interstellar dust and with the latest cryogenic test

    Early Tracking Behavior in Small-field Quintessence Models

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    We study several quintessence models which are singular at Q=0, and use a simple initial constraint Qi≥Hinflation/2πQ_i\ge H_{inflation}/2\pi to see when they enter tracking regime, disregarding the details of inflation. We find it can give strong constraints for the inverse power-law potential V=V0Q−αV=V_0Q^{-\alpha}, which has to enter tracking regime for lnz∼10{\rm ln}z \sim 10. While for the supergravity model V=V0Q−αexp(kQ2/2)V=V_0Q^{-\alpha}{\rm exp}(kQ^2/2), the constraint is much weakened. For another kind inverse power-law potential V=V0exp(λ/Q)V=V_0{\rm exp}(\lambda/Q), it exhibits no constraints.Comment: 11 pages,5 figures. Improved versio

    ARGO CMB Anisotropy Measurement Constraints on Open and Flat-Lambda CDM Cosmogonies

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    We use data from the ARGO cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiment to constrain cosmogonies. We account for the ARGO beamwidth and calibration uncertainties, and marginalize over the offset removed from the data. Our derived amplitudes of the CMB anisotropy detected by the ARGO experiment are smaller than those derived previously. We consider open and spatially-flat-Lambda cold dark matter cosmogonies, with clustered-mass density parameter Omega_0 in the range 0.1-1, baryonic-mass density parameter Omega_B in the range (0.005-0.029)h^{-2}, and age of the universe t_0 in the range (10--20) Gyr. Marginalizing over all parameters but Omega_0, the ARGO data favors an open (spatially-flat-Lambda) model with Omega_0= 0.23 (0.1). However, these numerical values are model dependent. At the 2 sigma confidence level model normalizations deduced from the ARGO data are consistent with those drawn from the UCSB South Pole 1994, MAX 4+5, White Dish, and SuZIE data sets. The ARGO open model normalizations are also consistent with those deduced from the DMR data. However, for most spatially-flat-Lambda models the DMR normalizations are more than 2 sigma above the ARGO ones.Comment: 21 pages of latex. Uses aaspp4.sty. 8 figures included. ApJ in pres

    Visualizing probabilistic models: Intensive Principal Component Analysis

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    Unsupervised learning makes manifest the underlying structure of data without curated training and specific problem definitions. However, the inference of relationships between data points is frustrated by the `curse of dimensionality' in high-dimensions. Inspired by replica theory from statistical mechanics, we consider replicas of the system to tune the dimensionality and take the limit as the number of replicas goes to zero. The result is the intensive embedding, which is not only isometric (preserving local distances) but allows global structure to be more transparently visualized. We develop the Intensive Principal Component Analysis (InPCA) and demonstrate clear improvements in visualizations of the Ising model of magnetic spins, a neural network, and the dark energy cold dark matter ({\Lambda}CDM) model as applied to the Cosmic Microwave Background.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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