10,841 research outputs found

    Engineering the unitary charge-conjugation operator of quantum field theory for particle-antiparticle using trapped ions and light fields in cavity QED

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    We present a method to engineer the unitary charge conjugation operator, as given by quantum field theory, in the highly controlled context of quantum optics, thus allowing one to simulate the creation of charged particles with well-defined momenta simultaneously with their respective antiparticles. Our method relies on trapped ions driven by a laser field and interacting with a single mode of a light field in a high Q cavity.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Superposition of coherent states prepared in one mode of a dissipative bimodal cavity

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    We solve the problem of the temporal evolution of one of two-modes embedded in a same dissipative environment and investigate the role of the losses after the preparation of a coherent state in only one of the two modes. Based on current cavity QED technology, we present a calculation of the fidelity of a superposition of coherent states engineered in a bimodal high-Q cavity. Our calculation demonstrates that the engineered superposition retains coherence for large times when the mean photon number of the prepared mode is on the order of unity.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to J. Phys.

    Unambiguous discrimination of nonorthogonal quantum states in cavity QED

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    We propose an oversimplified scheme to unambiguously discriminate nonorthogonal quantum field states inside high-Q cavities. Our scheme, which is based on positive operator-valued mea- sures (POVM) technique, uses a single three-level atom interacting resonantly with a single mode of a cavity-field and selective atomic state detectors. While the single three-level atom takes the role of the ancilla, the single cavity mode field represents the system we want to obtain information. The efficiency of our proposal is analyzed considering the nowadays achievements in the context of cavity QED.Comment: 7 page

    Cooling by heating in the quantum optics domain

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    A class of Hamiltonians that are experimentally feasible in several contexts within quantum optics and lead to so-called cooling by heating for fermionic as well as for bosonic systems has been analyzed numerically. We have found a large range of parameters for which cooling by heating can be observed either for the fermionic system alone or for the combined fermionic and bosonic systems. Analyzing the experimental requirements, we conclude that cooling by heating is achievable with present-day technology, especially in the context of trapped-ion and cavity QED, thus contributing to the understanding of this interesting and counterintuitive effect

    Negative response with optical cavity and traveling wave fields

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    We present a feasible protocol using traveling wave field to experimentally observe negative response, i.e., to obtain a decrease in the output field intensity when the input field intensity is increased. Our protocol uses one beam splitter and two mirrors to direct the traveling wave field into a lossy cavity in which there is a three-level atom in a lambda configuration. In our scheme, the input field impinges on a beam splitter and, while the transmitted part is used to drive the cavity mode, the reflected part is used as the control field to obtain negative response of the output field. We show that the greater cooperativity of the atom-cavity system, the more pronounced the negative response. The system we are proposing can be used to protect devices sensitive to intense fields, since the intensity of the output field, which should be directed to the device to be protected, is diminished when the intensity of the input field increases.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A proposal to implement a quantum delayed choice experiment assisted by a cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme feasible with current technology to implement a quantum delayed-choice experiment in the realm of cavity QED. Our scheme uses two-level atoms interacting on and off resonantly with a single mode of a high Q cavity. At the end of the protocol, the state of the cavity returns to its ground state, allowing new sequential operations. The particle and wave behavior, which are verified in a single experimental setup, are postselected after the atomic states are selectively detected.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.0802 by other author

    Splitting of quantum information in traveling wave fields using only linear optical elements

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    In this brief report we present a feasible scheme to split quantum information in the realm of traveling waves. An oversimplified scheme is also proposed for the generation of a class of W states useful for perfect teleportation and superdense coding. The scheme employs only linear optical elements as beam splitters and phase shifters, in addition to photon counters and one-photon sources. It is shown that splitting of quantum information with high fidelity is possible even including inefficiency of the detectors and photoabsorption of the beam splitters.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Stability and Hopf Bifurcation in a delayed viral infection model with mitosis transmission

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    In this paper we study a model of HCV with mitotic proliferation, a saturation infection rate and a discrete intracellular delay: the delay corresponds to the time between infection of a infected target hepatocytes and production of new HCV particles. We establish the global stability of the infection-free equilibrium and existence, uniqueness, local and global stabilities of the infected equilibrium, also we establish the occurrence of a Hopf bifurcation. We will determine conditions for the permanence of model, and the length of delay to preserve stability. The unique infected equilibrium is globally-asymptotically stable for a special case, where the hepatotropic virus is non-cytopathic We present a sensitivity analysis for the basic reproductive number. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the analytical results

    Reliable Teleportation of Ionic Motional States Through a Mapping Process

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    We show how to teleport reliably an arbitrary superposition of n=0 and n=1 vibrational number state between two distant ions. This is done by first mapping the vibrational state to be teleported into the internal degrees of freedom of a given ion. Then we handle with the internal superposition state following Bennett's original protocol and a recently proposed technique for teleportation of ionic internal states [quant-ph/9903029]. Finally, the teleportation of the vibrational state is achieved by reversing the mapping process in the receiver ion. We remark that as in the teleportation of cavity field and atomic states, the teleportation of vibrational states is 100% successful for an ideal process

    High-fidelity teleportation of entanglements of running-wave field states

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    We describe a scheme for the teleportation of entanglements of zero- and one-photon running-wave field states. In addition to linear optical elements, Kerr nonlinearity is also employed so as to achieve a 100% probability of success in the ideal case. A comprehensive phenomenological treatment of errors in the domain of running-wave physics, for linear and nonlinear optical elements, is also given, making it possible to calculate the fidelity of the teleportation process. A strategy for carrying out the Bell-type measurement which is able to probe the absorption of photons in the optical elements is adopted. Such strategy, combined with usually small damping constants characterizing the optical devices, results in a high fidelity for the teleportation process. The feasibility of the proposed scheme relies on the fact that the Kerr nonlinearity it demands can be achieved through the recently reported ultraslow light propagation in cold atomic media [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1419 (2000); Phys. Rev. A 65, 033833 (2002)].Comment: http://www.df.ufscar.br/~quantum/ -- Final version published by J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. -- new figure added, references added, and minor correction